September 30, 2008

How Mr. Sadigh’s speech ‘inspired’ me :)

4 Random Retorts
So, I guess this is like, contd. =D

So, well, later, the same day (friday, d’uh!), we had our literacy club discussion. So, over there, we decided that we’d try and teach a poor kid in our locality, like, once or twice every week. I REALLY liked the idea, plus, I waqs enthusiastic as hell cos I knew Ic ouldnt volunteer for TEACHFORAMERICA.. cos they take only college (top) graduates. :[

So, I started wondering as to where I’d find a poor kid. No, wait, correction: A lesser privileged kid.
So, I didn’t find one, I found TWO of them! :]

Umm, you see, whenever I wait for my bus in the mornings, I see these two kids on the cycle with their dad, in their school uniforms and all. So I found out where they live and approached their parents. They agreed. I mean, I asked them if I could teach their kids angrezi and all and I talked a bit about how I just wanted to help, etc etc.

Well, so the kids came to my house on Sunday. At 9 in the morning. And, well, I taught them English.
And that’s when I realized something too..
Teaching is friggin’ hard!
Jeez. They came on Monday too, but I think the class on Monday was WAY better than that of Sunday.. I mean, I had to explain every line in hindi.. which is a pretty tough task..
Nevertheless, I enjoyed it. And they’re coming again on the 3rd.. which is Friday, or Saturday, I think.


Well, this is ONE post I really want comments on.. I mean, just normal feedback. =)

Thank you.

P.S.: I spoke in the morning assembly today about Ramadan. Isnt that just great? I wish my mum and dad were present in the assembly. I think they’d have gotten their basic lessons on respecting and tolerating other religions, etc. :]

September 29, 2008

That one guy called Keyvan Sadigh.. heh.

6 Random Retorts
So, like, on Friday, September 26, this one guy called Keyvan Sadigh came to my school to speak on “Volunteerism”.
But hey, I really liked the guy and the PURPOSE of his visit, so I’m going to be really respectful and call him Mr. Sadigh. =)

Well, before we proceed.. I’d like to say a word or two (or maybe a lot more) about Mr. Sadigh’s physical features (and some other attributes too)…
He was tall. AND he had a goatee (or was it a French beard?), and he was wearing this white t-shirt. His bag was probably the only thing I’ve wanted my entire life, but anyways, I’ll go backpack-shopping soon enough, no worries. Yeah, his bag was REALLY nice. Or is it called a backpack? And heh, I think he was wearing black jeans with it.. or maybe black pants or something. Navy blue.. some dark kind, THAT I know. Well, he was REALLY friendly, and he has a Really nice smile. Heh. INFACT, he looks like a relative of this one classmate (she’s got a REALLY fair face and red, no, pink cheeks too).

Hmm, so basically, the purpose of his visit was to, well, enlighten us? About volunteerism, and about this new programme called TEACHFORINDIA. About how our country needs great teachers who can make a difference in these children’s lives and all. I mean, to tell the truth, I don’t think I actually GOT what he was trying to convey. But well, atleast I was motivated. I’ll get back to, erm, you (the reader, yes?) later about that.
And he had a strong American accent AND hes a GREAT orator. He works at Google (I MUST say.. WOW!). And hey, Mister Google (is there even one?), I mean mister CEO guy or whoever (no, I don’t read newspapers).. yer employee compared Google to an Amusement Park. Isn’t that just AMAZINGLY sweet? I mean, I haven’t seen anyone SO much happy and satisfied with their work. Hats off to you, Mr. Sadigh, and Google probably ROCKS so, well, I’m sad that I didn’t take up science (TILL now xD)
So okay, his speech was about this one programme he’d worked for before joining google…
Umm, u see.. the TOP students from some of the BEST universities.. like Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Radcliffe, etc.. were called upon to be a part of a programme called TEACHFORAMERICA (Teach For America), for 2 years. Now, these students, (graduates, actually) were supposed to spend two years teaching full time at some of the schools (public) in the poorest districts of the state. I mean, whichever state. I think he said Philadelphia, but I have no idea, to tell the truth. OR California, maybe? Jeez. Whats the difference? Which ones a city and which ones a state? :\
So anyways, the kids there were basically African-American, Caucasian, Mexican (erm, whats the term?), etc. And these college-students, they were supposed to stick around and NOT walk out just cos the kids swore at the teacher or maybe threw, like, rotten tomatoes at him/her.
Well, he gave a speech on whatever I mentioned above.. and he compared his privileged lifestyle to that of the poor kids, who have More on their minds than getting good grades, etc.
But okay, lets face his.. his speech was REALLY good. But the response was not as good. I myself was unable to ask any questions, but then I don’t really interact in a large gathering, I guess.
Uhmm.. well, his speech definitely motivated me, as I’d mentioned sometime ago. Can I tell u guys ago it later? Like, I gotta go now. Its bed-time. =D :]

~Nighty night. I’m sleepy as hell. *yawn yawn*

Stuff, and movies AND friends and projects.. get the point - I just give lame titles

0 Random Retorts
I stepped on a gooey-amoeba-like thing today. Which is like the eew-est thing ever. Ew.

I was like, walking (sigh) towards the fridge, and it was like, totally dark and I stepped on something and I jumped up (so high that I'd have prolly touched the ceiling had I been a LOT more tall), and then I scrambled over to one side and quickly switched on the lights. WHOA! And there it was.. an alien-ish creature. It was like stepping on a banana peel, no, really. And yes, I HAVE stepped on a banana peel, just so you know that I don’t compare two things just like that.
And well, I took out a bottle of water as I had originally intended to, and ran back as soon as I could, which was totally not expected.

Which reminds me, we have something called the ACE Day tomorrow. ACE stands for Accountancy-Commerce-Economics. I’ll tell you what we’re doing tomorrow. Heres, like, a synopsis (is that even a WORD?):
Right after break-time (around 11 45 am): We have a poster making competition on CONSUMER AWARENESS (ugh)
After an hour (around 12 45 pm): We go for this Symposium. Our topic is something related to credit cards, about how people misuse them SO easily.
[Whenever the symposium gets over]: We go back to class exhausted thinking about how SO worse it COULDN’T have been.

Btw, I made the ppt (Power Point Presentation, dimwit! :|)
And oh, the ppt makes me think about HOW much fun I had today!! I’d gone over to a friends house today to, like, show her the presentation and change anything. Turns out ki the WHOLE thing was wrong, cos I didn’t even know what the hell the topic ACTUALLY was.

Nevertheless, everyone was pretty okay with it. And then we played Blind-Man (aankh mei choli, yes), or whatever its called in English and we had SUCH a great time. There were 5 of us, and the guy who was playing the blind guy, I mean, my friend, he almost tripped. It KILLED all of us. We were laughing like hyenas, literally. Yeah, figuratively, whatever. And then, later, this other person n me were stuck in a position where one of us WOULD be caught no matter what. So HE was pushing me and I was pushing him but he got caught in the end cos I kept punching him in the stomach .. heh. everyone was throwing pillows on one another and all and it was so damned funny! AND before I knew it, it was time for me to go. And this other friend too. So we said our bbyes and stuff and left. HE then caught me an auto and we sed our bbyes too and went home. I didn’t go home, though.. I went to ANOTHER friends house (my best friend).. and it was like, 8 30 pm. And my friend had been like, if you’ve come to HER house, u can come to mine TOO, its just 10 mins away, and I couldn’t even say no :[)
So I stayed there for hardly 15 minutes, cos I realized how totally weird it was to go to a friends house jlt without any reason at 8 30 in the night! So I said my bbye there TOO and I left for home. Except that I couldn’t find a stupid Auto. I searched and searched and searched and I finally found one (at 9 05-ish) and FINALLY reached home at around 9 30 or maybe 9 35 :\
And hey, mum wasn’t pissed! Woohoo! =D

So I had my dinner and then went to work on the ppt. Except that I didn’t add the custom animation thingy; I was too busy watching Bachna Hasino (HEY! That’s what was written; I double-checked, which is a PRETTY cute movie. Yeah. I loved it. Infact, I liked it so much that I gave up watching BigBoss for it. Altho, yes, I didn’t know what the movie would be like (I started wtahcing it at 10)

~ Well, I could write a LOT more, but uh oh, Ive got school tomorrow, I need to pack my bag and polish my shoes. I know that its gonna be a hectic day tomorrow. Ciao

September 23, 2008

Me and mum. Fight number 55,105. (and still counting)

3 Random Retorts
Wait, just before u begin reading, this thing is about 2 or maybe 3 weeks old. Maybe even a month old. I just forgot to POST it. I mean, I hadnt even saved it as a draft, it was saved in MS Word. :]

Okay, so LOL, check out this conversation between me and mum.

Scene: I’d just switched on the computer and co-incidentally, mum came in to gimme my tea then. So yeah.

Mum: Why is the internet on?
Me: Cos I have some work.
Mum: *rolls eyes* yeah, orkut work.
Me: NO! Its school work. The project thing. I have to submit it tomorrow.
Mum: Uh-huh. I don’t want to see you working on the internet, give me the ADSL wire right now.
(The ADSL wire is this wire without which the internet won’t function, and I have stu[pid MTNL connection so I get a model WITH the ADSL wire instead of just one permanent wire, like in Sify)
Me: No way! I need to do the work .

(I think mum was in a REALLY violent mood, cos, guess what?)
She pushed my chair away (it’s got wheels.. u know, w/e, damn that thing!). AND she grabbed the ADSL wire (superfast, I must say) and rushed outta the room.

So, I started yellin about how I badly needed the internet and all. =D
But then, my mum being my mum, she decided not to give the stupid wire to me.

The only thing that comforted me was the fact that the internet hadn’t been working, so there was a teeny weeny possibility of the internet not working at that time too.

So I got all mad and left the house, NO, I didn’t leave the house, I just said I had some work. IT was 8 pm.
8: 15 pm: I call up Sheru and Ashima to find out who the hell isn’t busy. Ashima isn’t, so shes okay with me coming over, like, at that time. SO I went to her house, scrapped a bit, and then we realized ow we never evn meet just cos we’re in different classes now, and all. And then we forgot all about it and It was 9 30 when I actually looked up at the ghadi and I Was like OMG they’re gonna KILL me and well, I left. Immediately.

It was sunsaan, a bit scary. NO big deal, nobodys looking. :]

So, I reached home and this was what happened

Granny: What’ll you have for dinner? :]
Me: Nothing.
(My brother suddenly started laughing.. like a maniac)
Bro: OMG mum said that you’d say the EXACT same lines and well, she was right! HA!
Me: w/e.

So whatever,
My internet bandwidth is 1.5 gb again. YAY! =D
Thats great, but I hope I just have enough time to actually use the internet, again. =D =D

Youtube, and SOUTHPARK, here I come! XD

September 22, 2008

Dee-duck. Happy Bday. :)

2 Random Retorts
I’m writing this JUST cos Deepak asked me to give him a blog post as a present. Ofcourse, an actual present would have been stupid.

So I’m going to make this post short because I suddenly have a feeling that writing posts about epals isn’t exactly what I’d like to read, myself. It’s pretty boring. Still, a promise is a promise so yeah.

Deepak is a guy. Pretty obvious. AND he isn’t gay. Yeah. And he has quite a few THICK friends (LOL). And apparently, mallu people have this thing for saying chumma (me, to me: Shame on you, [insert my name here]! You DO know what ‘chumma’ means in tamil. Same in malayalam).. and they keep saying that frequently to him. Which makews us think that hes gay, but no, hes just likes to horse around and stuff.

And he lives in tvm and is one of the corniest (and horniest, err) bastards I’ve met – ever. Hes got a face like a cucumber with a face arse, although I shouldn’t be making fun of it (fun? Huh? Who?) cos I think I have one meself. That sucks. Yeah. Still, I think hes pretty cute (and tall). Heh.

Oh and hes just 19. JUST. OMIGAWD the age thingy is JUST like hero’s. Aww. :]

Well he CAN be quite irritating at times. He likes corny weird adult jokes AND he can cook. Yeah. He even knows French. Aw. And hes ICSE educated, so I’m, like, REALLY jealous of him.

And he likes hindi songs. He googles the names and gets the lyrics. (get the point? Since he doesn’t know hindi, like ACTUALLY, so he has to read the lyrics first. HAH.) So after he gets the lyrics, he likes typing them out and scrapping it to people or posting it in communities. Its pretty nice. :]

And hes got an awesome sis who’ll pay his phone bill. Isnt that just AWESOME?!

Well, that’s all I can recall about him, right now. So anyway, Happy B’day, Deepak!
Oh this Unholy day, I’d like to vow that I’ll never again even think of writing blog posts about e-pals. Promise. And a promise is a promise. Okay? Okay.

Great. Have a nice nice day. =)

psst. GAH! I had to edit this! I cant believe I mentioned my name in the first one! ARGH. :\
I dont like clicking on 'edit'. Sucks. :|

September 21, 2008

Memory games and getting bored AND Ashutosh (<3 <3)

1 Random Retorts
Psst.. those two hearts were strictly for Ashutosh. <3 <3

So yeah, I was getting bored at school, on Friday. There were only two of us, the third one was giving an exam (sigh, call it a re-exam or whatever) and the fourth one was absent. The fifth, sixth and seventh ones were absent too, oh. :|
So, anyway, it was just the two of us and we were tryna not get bored by playing a memory game. BORING. Except that we were playing a memory game in which we could name all TV celebrities. Nice. We were progressing pretty normally, and then, I suddenly remembered Ashutosh (From Big Boss, and Roadies!!), and I was like, ooh, ashutosh!
So this was the convo that followed.

Me: ….., kusum (ugh), kumud.. and.. my turn, right? Okay, Diana. NO! Ooooh. Ashutosh! :] :]
Her: UGH! I hate him.
I wonder why she hates him! :o
So anyway.
Me: WHAT? C’monn! Whyy?
Her: he used to work in a dhaba. EEEEWWW.
Me: OMIGAWD don’t say THAT! Hes, like, THE best! Sense of humour and all. :]
Her: Still. Hes a dhabewaala.
Me: who rose to fame by working hard (kinda)
Her: I don’t like his way of talking.. :|
Me: LOL and he makes me laugh like hell. I think hes pretty courageous too!
Her: UGH. I don’t like him.
Me: I love him *starry eyed* XD

Heh. So anyway, what wrong with ashu being a dhabewaala? I think that’s pretty awesome. B-)
And I LUUURVE dhaabe ka khaana. Mmm. <3 <3 But, okay. Who DOESNT?

So I was searching for a present for my friend and I was completely stumped cos I wanst able to find one and I was like, hell NOW what do I Do? :|

Eee. Help, anybody! :\
Oh, but that reminds me. I went to watch Rock On yesterday. Had breakfast and lunch at McD. =D
Life savers they are! =D
Heh. SO well, the movie was AWESOME. :]
And then my great mood and joy went downhill in the evening. But then I went to get a 1 gb card for my phone. Yay. :]
And then I watched Big Boss, it was kinda broing. Hey, I’d like it if Diana and Ashutosh became great great friends. Yay.

So anyway, I wanna go eat my pasta now. HA! Chomp chomp. No, just slurp slurp. I dunno. :\

Ciao. Au revoir. Namaste. Wagera wagera. :\

September 20, 2008

Nail Paint.

0 Random Retorts
So, I dunno why the hell, but I have this sudden thing for nail paint. And its not like I spend a lot on nail paint. I just have like, 3 colours, that’s it. I have Red, Rose Wine, this other shade of red, the transparent one, then this one glittery one, then this one other glittery one. Okay, I don’t know math. No arguing on that
So anyway, I just finished applying this coat of the rose wine thigy. It’s basically a shiny type of pink colour. I really like it but it doesn’t go with my skin colour. That’s sad, but its okay nevertheless.

Now basically, my room isn’t soundproof and it isn’t like I live alone AND my mum sleeps right in the room outside. I mean, the rooms are interconnected, yes? Yes. So anyway, whenever mum hears me typing and all, she goes all crazy and she gets really tensed and suddenly, she’ll be like, “[insert my name], are u working on the internet? Are you chatting?” and I’ll be like, “NO mom, I’m NOT on the internet, I’m NOT orkutting, facebooking or chatting. I’m just tying some stuff. “
You know, my mum gets this fixation thingy cos of reading newspapers in which journalists who have no lives of their own bitch about how bad the internet is and about how HONESTLY bad social networking sites are and about how that poor Arushi kid was influenced by Orkut and by SMSing and all. Bullshit.

Well, I’m not the kind of person that;d go on swearing bouts, but I HAVE to confess, I DO swear at people in my mind. Nowadays. I think its cos of all the influence. You cant listen to someone saying fuck or chootiya or chod again and again and not get used to the word so much that you want to use it in certain situations. I mean, yeah.

So, this really great friend is going out with another really great friend. Lifes gone a bit haywire cos of that. This is cos, well.. since both of them are MY great friends, they’re confused, whether or not they should temme stuff they don’t like about the other person cos they believe that I’ma tell the other person, which is basically not true, but who gets the point?
So anyways, I’m not really bothered. I mean, I cant make a person want to tell me something he/she doesn’t want to. Haina?

Theres this one guy at school. I think hes the biggest male whore and was the worst thing that happened to earth since chin-clefts. Honest. Chin-clefts SUCK! Incase you don’t know what I’m taking about, try picturing this: a face-ass/face-butt. Makes sense, yes? Well. That weird butt like thing you have on yer chin. No, not YOU. Certain people. Like Diana Hayden or Preity Zinta or Aishwarya Rai or people like that. Yeah, basically, those things suck. But going back to the topic, hes the biggest male whore, I firmly believe so. End of the topic. Good night. Shabba Khair. Whatever that means. :/

September 16, 2008


7 Random Retorts

Note: Hero asked me to write a blog post on him, so I’m being nice. Plus, an exam the next day REALLY improves the situation. Honest.

So, Hero is this guy that was born Indian, in some southern state, I think Andhra Pradesh. I mean, hes a Hyderabadi. And he moved to Houston for higher studies, I think. I remember cos I remember having told him how much flights exhaust me. Just two and a half hours, from Chennai to Delhi and there you go. I wanna go to sleep for the next two days. Plus, its REALLY boring. And he was like, from Hyderabad to Houston.. The flight is for 23 hours and I was OMIGAWD a whole DAY!? And he was like yeah, it was a very memorable experience for me and stuff, which doesn’t really interest me. I mean, I like train rides a LOT more.. you get to have SO much more fun! OfCOURSE planes save a lot of time and I do travel by planes, like, whenever I do, but then in trains, you get to eat so many different things and theres this chai wala that’ll knock on the door of the, erm, berth? Yeah, and, well, stuff. I like those Chair Class Compartment thingies, too. The windows, the long ones like those in Rajdhani Express, have this yellow tinge to them. IT’s really cute. But then the AC Vent is right overhead. And OH! They serve Tea in Dora the Explorer cups, which is REALLY adorable. I’ll put up a picture of a Dora the Explorer cup that I got when I went to Madurai by the Chairclass thingy.

So, going back to the topic. Hero. Hey, just in case you get confused, he’s Hero, not A Hero. =D
Hmm, so this Hero guy knows a LOT about sports. And hes pretty brainy too, but he Can act like a total pervert if he wants to. AND he likes taking pictures of chicks in bikinis. (SO uncool, d’uh!).. and if I tell him THAT, he’ll be like, u r jealous.
Which kills me, btw. ROFL! =D

He also called me a Busy Bug and NOT a Busy Bee.
Are there female bugs too? I never knew. Hey, a bee’s hubby is a drone or a drake or a what? I remember having written THAT wrong in some exam in 6th grade and I STILL don’t remember what the hell a bee’s hubby is called. :|
And you guys must be familiar with Y! Pool? It’s one of those online games. I’ve never played Pool in real life so I have NO idea as to how it is played. Umm, I used to lose pretty bad to Hero. He used to beat me EVERYTIME, PLUS he used to work on a LAPTOP (HEY! I cant use a laptop without hurting MY thumb/finger!) A\and and AND, he used to talk on the phone. Aparently, the phones free after 9 pm or something. Haha. I wish it were like that here too. Hmm.
So during my PreBoards, I joined this one community (by mistake) called This Is a Community. But then, I became an active member and all, even though I Wasn’t able to come online a LOT cos my mum wouldn’t let me (My boards were nearing. ERGH.) And hey, that’s where I met Hero. :]
And a lot more people, but I’m not writing about them cos they didn’t ask me to. =D

Hey, I jus reread my post and the Chair Class thingy reminds me of this FRENCH couple that was travelling with us. They were like, talking RAPIDEMENT in French and my mum was like, go, go talk to them and all and I was like no way, why should I be a chape (it’s a hindi word and I CANT think of The perfect meaning for it)

Hmm, so well. HERO (aw hell I keep deviating from the topic, don’t I? =D)..
So Hero likes to check out the profiles of people who’re cute and all. I remember, he used to hit on this one bandi and she used to completely pwn him and he would still keep hitting on her. Haha. AND heros a terrific programmer AND everyone used to think that he was 23 or something until I asked him what his age was and he was like [censored]. I was like, OMIGAAAWD yer just [censored] years elder to me?!?!? :O

Stuff. Haha. I still cant believe that Hero is JUST [censored] years old. LOL. If you talk to him, you’d prolly think he;s some jerk whos done it a bit too much or something. Yes, I’m kidding. And no, I’m not telling the truth. Sigh.
And he gets bored pretty easily. I think he was learning Portuguese. AND he hates his boss. Aw. Go to Yeah. =D
Well, no matter what, hero rocks. LOL, and I made this -- HeRo(cks)! =D
YAYYY! =D Its COMPLETELY perfect, isn’t it??! :]

~ And I’m a tamil ponnu. Don’t call me something weird in telgu.
Like you always do. XD

psst..this is the THIRD time I'm editing this post for putting in proper line breaks! ARGH!

September 12, 2008

Jhand. Wo bhi hindi mein. XD

49 Random Retorts
NOTE: this post is almost entirely in hindi. :P

Yaar, meri jhand hoti rehti hai. Buri waali. Ab, I'm not gonna give examples, but.. well, mai bass khud pe hass rahi thi.. yeh sochke, ki jhand KITNI hoti hai meri.
mereko toh yeh bhi nahi pata ki jhand ko kya kehte hain english main. Ab samjh aaya yeh post hindi mei kyun hai?

Also, I'd like to talk about gaaliyan. It was one of my resolutions, to start swearing. I'm failing miserably.
Gaaliyan to door ki baat hai.. mai to 'saala' bhi theek se nahi bol paati. Hmm. Patani ladke kahan se gaaliyan dedete hain, mazze mein. Sigh.

Heh. Jhand ke baat se yeh ek conversation yaad aaya, dost ke saath:

Me: Yaar, mera blog padh! MAST hai! Atleast aise do teen log toh kehte hain. B-)
Her: *after 5 minutes* itna mast hai to kisine COMMENT hi kyun nahi kiya?
Me: :| I dunno, kuch comment karne ko milta hi nahi hoga. :|
Her: Hatt. MAtlab tera blog boring hai. Mai ni padd rahi. BOO!
Me: ERRRR. Okay. XD

SEE! SeeSeeSee!!? Sigh.

Phir, at this vodafone outlet, I was tryna find out why my memory card was.. err, not opening.

The guy: (to someone else) kitne ka recharge?
Me: (assuming that he was talking to me): Nahi, recharge nahi, memory card mei koi problem hai.
The guy: (looks at me as if I'm stupid): Aapse nahi bola
Me: OH. :s
*in the most UN-audible-est voice EVERR* sorry.


Ab mereko gussa aa ra hai, apne aap pe. Sigh.

~ LOL. Yaar, zindagi hi jhand hai.

September 11, 2008

You know, we cant study when we have stuff to gossip (read: Talk) about

3 Random Retorts
ROFL So, like, I went to this friends house today. She had a few doubts in permutations, and its pretty hard when we study alone and all so I went over to help her. AND study for my English Exam the next day.
So yeah.
1:00 pm – I arrive at her house. All tired and huffing and puffing and stuff. :P
1: 10 pm –
Me: lets take a break till 1: 30
Her: No, 1: 35.
Me: LOL okay! :]
And then we watched the MTV Top ten songs n all. My friend LOVED this one song by Jay Sean (ugh) called Ride It. Like, at one point, in the song, he says “Ride it… I wanna fell u” types something. I repeated that and me and my friend were rolling on the bed, laughing out LOUD. Real Loud. XD
And, my friend has this little sister, shes in the fourth grade and the kid really didn’t get anything, but she laughed with us. XD
And then we watched the video of Rock star, by Nickleback. I didn’t get the video, it wasn’t especially interesting, but I LoveLoveLOVE the song! :)
I wanna be a ROCKSTARRR


Anyway, it was 1 35. THEN, my phone rang and my friend was like, “chee, kitna ganda ringtonme laga rakha hai!” and I’m like.. yeah my memory cards corrupt so I gotta adjust with the ones tat’re already there in the phone. SO then, my friend got this BRIGHT idea, ki we record stuff and then we put it as the ringtone. We sang that one song from that Really fmous movie.
We sang this, in our EXTREMELY phatti hui aawazein:
“Rote hue.. aate hain sab.. hasta hua jo.. jayega.. wo muqqadar (HA!), ka sikandar (HA!).. WO muqqadar (HA!), ka sikandar(HA!).. Jaanemann.. kehelayega!”

ROFL we were laughing real bad when we heard the thingy. And, then, suddenly:
My friend: OYE! Its 2 30! DUFFER! We haven’t even STARTED studying! :|
Me: Uh oh. =D

Well.. we didn’t study. We went to the study and, then, I stared telling her about how much I wanted o go for this movie with a friend but I couldn’t JUS cos my parents don’t want me to and all.. :|

Anyway.. yeah, surprisingly, it was 4 30 by the time we evenm STARTED studying. My friend was like, “Bass, I’m gonna FLUNK tomorrow mann, I mean, humne KUCH ni padha!”
Me: Haan yaar. Chhod yaar, be optimistic. :]
Her: Heh. XD

So then, it was time for tuition and all.. we went to tuition and I couldn’t evben CONCENTRATE cos I was SO Sleepy and tired. I was yawning continuously. Sigh.

Then, well, kya hua? Bas, my friend (the one that had a crush on this new guy at school) was like, gimme his number! Now, shes my best friend, so I declined, like IMMEDIATELY. I mean, wtf! She was (is) SO badly in love with him (ARGH!) that she even stooped as low as wanting to emotionally blackmail me to get his number. I just hope I don’t succumb to her blackmailing. Meanwhile, my friend, whos been listening to our conversation n all the whole time is like:
Her: Why is she such a despo
Me: Aise mat bol yaar. Its just that hes her first crush and stuff.
Her: SO? I wouldn’t ask for his number just cos I wanted to stare at it. And she has such filmy, stupid reasons
Me: Enough! Mai kuch nahi sunne waali uske khilaaf. I mean, yer right, but YAAR! I cant help it ! shes my friend. Well. Samjhaana toh mera kaam hi hai.
Her: Yeah.. yer right.

And then we said g’bye and went our ways. I mean, wegotta go in two different directions while going home, so yeah. Hmm. =D :]

~ I have an English exam tomorrow. HELP! Somebody! ANYBODY!

Anybody there? *echoes*


Hmm. :\

1 Random Retorts
Hah. SO this incident happened, at tuition today, which made me, err, ponder about people and their tastes and all.

Enter: this one guy, 2nd year college. The only thing which made me look at him was his ear-piercing thingy, which was kinda cute.
Seated: (near my friend who is his neighbour)
So, these people talk and I was, like, sitting there like an idiot. Who also talked, btw.

Sigh, so by the time class ends, my friend tells me that this guy, lets call him K, has a HUGE crush on this one bandi, lets call her M. So, she was like yaar will u tell M? I’m, like, scared.
Me: Yeah sure.
Ak: Phew! Thanks yaar!
Me: Hmm.. this is so stupid, though. You mean, he just LOOKED at her, and he was like okay I like her?
Ak: Yeah.
Me: *rolls eyes* that’s.. daft. :/

So, just so you know, M is this bandi who is pretty according to the modern sense, but according to me, she just has cheekbones that are too high and eyebrows that are way too, high? Yeah.. I mean, pointed :)).. I mean, the first impression she gives is that of being, er, fake. But she’s pseudo-nice+sweet. :]

So I told M and she was like, usne poocha to hoga na? Mere bare mein? KUCH toh? (He must have asked about me? Something? Anything?)
So I was like, nope, he just liked you and wanted you to know.

M: *snorts* lalla (I have NO idea what that means and I don’t like using that word; its not a swear word, btw]
M: (to me and this other banidi, S) yaar tum log batao.. maine haan kehna chahiye ya na?
Me: Merese mat pooch, maine use aaj hi pehli baar dekha hai plus mereko aaj tak kisi jaane hue bande [i]Like[/i] hi nahi kiya, random people.. HA! Door ki baat. XD
S: *shakes her head*
M: Pakka?
S: achha nahi hai.
Ak: Hmm. Sahi keh rahi hai
Me: Maze karna hai to haan kehde. Kya jaa raha hai? Tut oh use like bhi nahi karti, ya know.
M: haan…. :\

So, isn’t it stupid? I mean, this guy likes her Jus cos she’s pretty? Well, guys being guys, they WILL do that. But HEY! Isnt that the cheapest thing ever? I think it is. If you don’t think so, then you may go to hell (choose the other path, as in Wordsworth’s poem and you’ll reach yer destination: hell). Bleh.

~ Gee. To mehself. HooHaa. India? :|

September 07, 2008

The Bottle. =D

0 Random Retorts
So, I carry this bottle thing to school. No, not the Milton Tuff Puff ones that kids hand around their necks and. I have this greenish-blue bottle (NO! Not the green-blue algae. They had another name, starting with a ‘c’. I think. You figure. :\) that’s like, real nice. Its got a metal cap. Its like those normal bottles that big kids carry to school. I like it a lot. I picked it up somewhere in Chennai and I was SO in love with the colour that I immediately put it in the cart. :]
Hmm. Loadsa people like it. And me being me, I’m nice enough to give water to anybody thirst. Heh. I love my bottle.

Sigh. Can you BELIEVE it? I’m almost 16 and I’m talking about BOTTLEs, of all the things. Yes, YES. I have the mental age of a 9 year old. => my IQ is 90. :|

P.S.: The heading of the post reminds me of this thing we have in English. Its called Factual Description and I HateHateHATE it. Cos.. its based on boring facts. Like, no qualitative aspect, ya know.
Infact, heres an eg. of what would have been correct, according to my teacher:
My bottle is greenish-blue in colour. It has a metal cap that prevents the water from getting, er, polluted. It can hold up to nine glasses of water. I carry it to school everyday.

Ugh. Reminds me of third grade. And, guess what?! Factual Description isn’t that easy after all. You struggle to write a few meaningful sentences, u know, that contain Actual facts. Not stuff like, my bottle is really pretty and people drink water from it everyday. Maybe I CAN, but I’m like, clueless. Sigh.

~ Chalo. Time to go sleep. Nighty night. I got nice nice SMS- forwards today. I’m happy.

September 04, 2008

September the FOURTH. Does that ring a bell? No? Okay.

1 Random Retorts
So, its teacher’s day tomorrow. I specifically went to Archies to get a few cards and roses for my teachers, but my friends were like.. its so clichéd!

Me: Yaar I gotta buy some roses and all for my subject teachers. I mean, kay, I’m broke. So yeah.
A: Hatt yaar! Don’t buy roses, they’re just SO kiddish AND old-fashioned!
M: haan yaar. That’s right.
Me: but.. yaar, its so weird. Every other kid gets roses to school and presents them to ma’am.
A: Toh? Pagal. Don’t get ROSES, yaar.
Me: sigh. Fine. I’ll just find a present for [insert my friends name]
A: Okay. Give her a mug.
Me: Nu-uh. That’s what I gifted friends ALL Through 8th grade.
M: chhod oye, tune jo bhi lena hai lele.
… and so on.

U know, this convo suddenly reminds me of this one phone call with this one random person. Okay, so I was like..
Me: Oh HELL! I gotta get presents for my friend, its her bday tomorrow. And I JUST came back from tuition! I don’t feel like going out again. :[
Him: Oh. You can get it… er.
Me: Yeah. Oh, remind me, I need to give this rubberband to [insert a senior’s name]. I just remember, I was telling her ki I’d bring one cos she usually forgets to get one and -
Him: *talking in between* *surprised* you give yer friends RUBBER BANDS as gifts? :O
ME: *even more surprised* WHAT? NO! *indignance*
Him: Oh.
Me: *laughing* ofCOURSE I don’t.
Him: dude, I got it.
Me: Uh.
.. LOL I don’t even talk to this person now. XD

LOL so yeah. School. SIGH!
We played truth and dare the whole day and I was asked stupid questions like, who was yer first crush, and would you say yes if I proposed right now types. I’m too chicken to pick up a dare. XD
So yeah. Man, all my answers were, like, 100% true but then, SIGH! :[.. the dare-giver never believed me. HE said my answers were too.. well, simple. :/

Well, I wanna make this blog post short (uh huh?) so I can go sleep. The fevers taking ON.

Also, do read those two blogs on the sidebar. You know, the Blogs that RAWK. They actually do. :]

~ Happy Teachers Day in advance, even though you aren’t a teacher. =D

P.S.: I deleted the same post, just one or two small edits. Well, apparently, whatevers enclosed in these brackets ‘<>’ never gets posted, I guess! Heh. =D

Amreeka. And American accents.

0 Random Retorts
Gulp. Why am I so sleepy right now?

Oh forget it. Being unwell just addles my brain. Wait, is that word right?
Hmm. That reminds me. Some people are SUCH despos. Honestly.. sigh. There’s this bandi at tuition who’ll go like.. “heyyyy babyyyyy” everytime u say hey hey to her, I mean like, DUH! She talks with SUCH a fake American accent. It makes me wanna laugh. I mean, HEY! It takes hell loads of control to NOT laugh. Believe you me, you’ll probably want to record her .. err, sentences and upload it on the internet - I wanted to. But, er, well. Don’t ask.
LOL.. she thinks she’s the owner of the universe. Now, I’m not really concerned, cos I know she isn’t, anyways.

Psst.. u know what? A few years back, I’d have been like.. “owner’ESS’ of the universe”
Yes people I was never good at languages. :]

You know, if you ever saw that one episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, where Monica and Phoebe have some weirdo friend who went away to England and now she has this HUGE British accent and that’s why they don’t like talking to her.
Well, the only difference here is, that the bandi may not have WATCHED English movies, let alone have lived in Amreeka. XD

You know, Amreeka reminds me of Australia and.. that reminds me of 8th grade. We had this guy called Sameer. He was a NRI.. and he’d been born and brought up in Aus. Aussie, he was! Didn’t know a WORD in Hindi, whoa! He spoke with SUCH an accent. But the guy had THE bestest handwriting ever. I mean, he wrote like one of those professional artists, u know, all curly curly, like in those Cursive Handwriting books? =D
Well, the kids made fun of him. A lot. But not TOO much, ya know, where the kid gets scared and doesn’t come to school at all. They minded him pretty well. Ab, Australia (read: amreeka) se hoga to mind karenge hi na?
So this guy had a nose like a HAWK. Yeah, totally. I used to wonder why MY nose was like a potato. I mean, anything except a potato! Well, I’m HUMAN! I’ll OBVIOIUSLY be envious of things, people, and, er, noses. :/

So.. hmm. I was suddenly reminded of him. The guy wrote his own 2-page autobiography. (Heh, 2 page).. I wrote an autobiography of a dog. NO! Not mine. I sed a dog. As in, the animal. Well, either ways, we never talked to each other. I was just a shy little fat kid. And he was.. err, goonga, I think. I don’t think I heard his voice, except when he had to speak in the morning assembly. Yeah.
Well, that’s it. I told you right in the beginning, didn’t I? These fevers addle my brain.

~ Need to go polish my shoes now. Help, anyone? :]

September 02, 2008

No school.. U_U

5 Random Retorts
Damn this viral infection! I was too tired to get up and go to school! :|

Actually, I was shivering like crazy. Wow. I was Almost compelled to go search for socks. Oh, that reminds me.. I had a dream in which the socks were hanging from the closet handle or something and I grabbed them and put them on. And then, later on, I woke up to realize that I was sweating like hell – I hadn’t switched on the fans or the AC (remember, I was shivering?).

So anyways. I waited for a full five minutes because I just COULDN’T get up. So.. yeah. I finally got up, switched on everything except the lights.. and then went back to sleep.. I *literally* fell down on the bed. And then I slept. To be woken up by mom.. who gave me some pill. And then I went back to sleep. And then I woke up AGAIN. Wow. Sleep DID come in snatches, ya know. *yawn* and I’m sleepy now TOO. :|

Well, this post is.. er, content less, but uhh.. whatever, cos I’m too tired to click on cancel instead of publish post. :]

~ Me, to Me: Get well soon! :]