So, I got up feeling all sleepy cos I’d gone to sleep at around 3 30 the previous day (TUITION work, sigh).. but then in the morning, I had my daily bowl of cereal, and there you go. Poof, and I was fresh all over again.
The bus came, heh.
So, hmm. I went to school. My bag was SO honestly light. Feather weight, don’t they say? Yeah, THAT. Usually, I’m like the only one in the bus with the heaviest bag. That’s the result of carrying HEAVY books. Accountancy, for example. =D
So anyways, turns out that [insert her name] didi.. lets call her A for the time being, had brought her mobile phone. Which, btw, was gifted to her on Daughter’s Day. Isnt that just honestly great!? =D.. Well, so yeah. We were taking pics and all and S was tryna duck cos she didn’t wanna have her pic taken but then we asked her not to be a spoilsport and she obliged. =D
And then we reached school. We were given ADORABLE badge-type things. By our class teachers. Sniff, it was just so sweet! =).. Last year, we’d been given bookmarks with very sweet quotes. This time, the whole school got something like a badge, except that there were names on most of them and really cute quotes too! =D
I found out that there was some special assembly planned by the teachers. And I knew it was gonna be great! B-).. so we went to the field by 8: 30 and the aseembly started.
This time, a math teacher sang a GREAT sufi song. It was so good. I wish I had my cam/phone so that I could have recorded it. Believe me, it was sung SO nicely. There was a GREAT round of applause. And then this one play by the teachers followed. It was hilarious. And I’m not even gonna try explaining it. It was just too funny to be put down in words. =)) =D
S, meanwhile, talked about Champu. Champu is her crush. And she was asking me to go sit with her at the back, where he was. And I was refusing. You should sit at the back ONLY in movie theatres. ^_^
So, yes. PG came (she’s the chemistry teacher and Thankfully, doesn’t teach me. Phew. xD)… she sang Kaagaz ki Kashti. Which is a saaad song, and I don’t like it and all. But she sang it in a really nice way. With all the nostalgia and stuff. =)
My teachers SO are the BEST. <3 =D =)
It was one of the BEST assemblies EVERR. By the teachers, for the students. ;-]
And then we sang the school song followed by the national anthem. <3
AND then we were supposed to be in the field. I played a bit of basketball but I hurt the ring finer of my left hand and it’s swollen like a cashew, now. I don’t know how I’m gonna play the guitar now. Sigh.
So, yes. It hurt a lot and I also found out that I;m not that bad at basketball. If I know the rules and if I have a bit more stamina, maybe I can even make it to the school team! =D
LOL, so. Yes, during break time, they gave us cake. Yum! It was delicious. And S had brought cake too (OMG! There’re too many people in the world who’s name starts with an ‘s’!).. and it was souble yum! Mmm. <3
After the break, we had an Origami workshop. The instructor was a Jap lady who was REALLY nice. AND, she knew only Japanese. We have a person who’s half-jap in my class, so she translated for us. Wonder how many classes were as lucky as ours. =D
So, I learned a few things in origami that I really don’t remember, to tell the truth. Like how to make the box. I never get those folds right! Bleh! :|
But, oh well, we went to the Candle-making worshop right after that. The kids were really interactive and we had SO much fun. !!
Totally. Now I know how to make candles too. HA! I’m gonna gift S candles, u know. She lurves them. =)
So, well, that’s how the day ended. Whilst making candles. My hands were full of glitter and all that. It was eww-ish and weird but I didn’t even notice that 2 hours just FLEW PAST and I’d made a lot of candles and I showed it to teachers. The “oh-so-popular” group in my class was discussing something else. Aw. They missed something. =)
Well, I got into the bus and A took pics of me and B. I think she’ll mail them to me; I need to ask her first. Hmm. YAY! The pics were weird, to tell the truth. One or two were kinda okay, but I looked too fat in most of them. NOW I know why one of my friends deletes her pics ALWAYS, even when we say that its nice. Cos she herself cant believe she looks like that! xD
The same happened to me, except that I dint delete anything. =D
Went home, had food. I kinda forgot that I had glitter on my hands so I washed my hands only once. I forgot to wash ‘em twice. So, while I was eating lunch, hehe, you DUNNO! I spat out whatever I was eating on a napkin (sigh) and I washed my hands right away. I’m so-not-nice. =D
Well, then LATER, I remembered that its one of my e-apls bday. I mean, not today, tomorrow. But hes in Australia, so, HEH, just for the record - Happy Birthday, Pulkit! =) =D
Also, I was thinking of writing a blog post and I told the owner of the community that I’m a mod of (nudge nudge. REMEMBER?).. and this is what he said (click on the link):
I was feeling pretty nice, you know. =D
YAY! =)
Well, that's what happened at school today. I slept in the afternoon, like, kinda. And then I went to tuition, came back and have been online ever since.
Fridays... <3
Seriously. I lurve fridays. Cos the next day is a saturday and I can sleep as long as I want to! =)
And, you know, I gotta mail a few people. It's imperative, to tell the truth. but me being me, I decided to be the lazy bum I am. I still have the mail in the 'drafts' folder. Not only that, I havent posted for so long. Sigh. No wonder the hit list stopped incresing so quickly. STILL. A 1000 hits is a nice thing! SAY YAY! =) =')
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