Sigh. So, for a change, I started to do some math, and voila! Turns out I can’t do even one sum! When did math turn THIS tough? :|
So, I left it and went on to economics. There you go, I wasn’t able to do that too. Then I turned to ENGLISH and I couldn’t even do the given homework! I mean, SIGH!
Then I started listening to some songs. Apparently, I don’t feel like doing ANYTHING today.. just because it’s a Monday, maybe? Monday blues, yeah.
I ALSO found that EVERYONE, I mean, EVERYONE (including the invisible ones) at school has a boyfriend. It’s not like I WANT one, but shit! I’m the only one who can’t seem to have one. Sigh.
Well, the thing is, the depressing stuff started out early. I got up in the morning and this is how frizzy my hair was before going to school:

Frizziness Unleashed, seriously.
Everybody at school asked me if I’d gotten my hair curled. I was REALLY surprised. And the other half told me that my hair had suffered some disease (VERY tragic) or something on those lines. It was terrible. My hair, I mean.
BTW, is hair singular or plural? That’s one thing that has always, ALWAYS confused me.
I’m still confused.
Oh, and I spoke at the morning assembly today. It was a disaster, frankly. See. Assemblies on shitty days suck ass. Totally. My voice came out all deep, like a foghorn. Ugh.
That’s it for today. See the frizzy hair, and Happy Tuesday, people! =)
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