So, one fine day, I ran outta rubber bands and I HAD to wear the frog-rubber band. So, I just made a normal pony tail and went to my friend’s house. And my friend immediately notices my rubber band and this is the conversation that takes place.. =D
Her: Whats that alien-like thing yer wearing?
Me: I ran outta rubberbands. I HAD to wear this one.
Her: But.. what IS it?
Me: It’s a frog, apparently. There were 5 different colours, though!
Her: Nahi. It looks like an alien to me.. with those EYES. :o
Me: Nahi NA! It’s a frog, believe you me, I have around a zillion rubber bands of the same type at home.
Her: No way. It IS an alien.
And we were arguing whether it was an alien or a frog... :\
So, YOU tell me. Is this an alien or a frog? =D

3 Random Retorts:
lmao :))
well tis is a frog with alien like features or something :|
maybe its an alien with frog like features? you never know!
its cutey tho :/
its a alien :P
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