Lets start from 12:00 AM! The day I turned SIXXTEEN! Woohoo! Can you BELIEVE it?! I’m 16 now! That’s like, one-six, sixteen! =D
So, I got calls from people. A few, I’d say. It was TOO good. AND, my mum gave me this card, in which she’d written some REALLY touvhing stuff. I started crying and my mum was like, shush. Co incidentally, this one friend called me then and I was like,s obbing and saying, “thank you”.. =D
Hmm, so I went to sleep at around 1 AM =D..
And got up the next day at 6: 50 AM! =D :P.. I got gifts and stuff! The White Tiger (the BOOK, okay? NOT some random stuffed toy).. money (the treat, sigh) and lots of other stuff I cant really think of now! I need to tell you about SCHOOL!
School was ENTIRELY awesome. They sang the Bday song for me in class. YAYYY! =D
But, apparently, everyong laughed pretty hard when they sang it for me cos I was, like, almost dancing (I was standing right in front)
Well, and then I had LOTS of fun! I’d done my homework and all and stuff, so yeah, I was pretty much happy.
THEN comes the BAD part. Well, in my school canteen, we get Dosas (the Sagar Ratna ones =/).. and this one kid dropped sambar all over my shir t and skirt (SNIFF! The ONE day I want my shirt and skirt to stay white as hell! My (un)LUCK!)
Okay, I gotta tell ya, I DON’T get my shirt dirty, like, ever. But on THAT particular day, I dunno why, My shirt and skirt were just completely ORANGE-ish. Sigh.
Well, I washed off as much as I could, and in the end, a few weird orange stains were there on my shirt. The skirt was pretty much okay, chalta hai.
And then it was TWO PM, and the bell rang and all of us went to that one place. THAT one place, yes. =D
Okay so, I’d planned to take my friends to this one place after school, seedha. Umm, there were 6 of us (a few people had to cancel the plans last minute mein, but oh well, that ALWAYS happens, so I acted psychic and pretty much KNEW about it pehle se hi)
And, well, we DID go. IT was FUNNNNN! =)
I cut a cake. Black Forest wala. I LOVE Black Forest cakes! And pastries too! They’re DELICIOUS!! Well, lets see.. I bought a small one cos there were only 6 of us. It was perfect. I’m not posting a picuture of it cos.. I don’t want to (HA! =D)
So, umm.. we ordered pizza too, and noodles too (the Indian in me STILL hasn’t stopped calling it chowmein, srsly. WAIT! Is chowmein supposed to be Indian or Chinese? :\).. and haha! It was TOO good! My friend even got a cake for me but I was selfish and never opened the box. I opened it at home. It was DELICIOUSSSS =)
But, yeah, so.. we had fun. We were, like, the most OBNOXIOUS ppl there. Ofcourse, there was this one corner, which we chose. The only bad thing about the place was that it had plastic chairs instead of the normal fancy ones, but I really didn’t care. As long as we could be loud! =D
So, we ate, and with full-full stomachs, went out. Took some pictures. Here’s one of them:

I’m the one taking the pic, so I’m the one whose foot/leg isn’t THAT visible. :\
I know.

And that’s my friend stomping (or is it stamping?) on my foot. Sigh.

We even made the \m/ waale signs and linked out hands together. My hands the one with the white-ish thread like thingy. My mum hates it. :/
Hmm, so well, I’m not gonna put down random conversations here cos I don’t remember any (my memory isn’t THAT sharp, hmm). B left at around 4 and everyone else left by 5:10 - 5: 15. I said bye to everyone and came back home too. And I attended tuition, but I Was so tired that I fell asleep there. But nobody got mad at me cos it was my birthday. At 7:00 PM, I hurried to my friends place. I mean, I reached by 7:30. I had planned to take A and S to this one other place. But S (ARGH!).. she had tuition and came back at 8. Can you BELIEVE it?! She KNEW ‘twas my buday, STILL!
And then FINALLY, we entered that one place at 8:30.
The rest of evening remains pretty confidential (I SWEAR!). But, we DID have pizzas, we DID play akkad bakkad bambe bo at 10 in the night in some random park, we DID run after each other like drunkards And we DID go to my house and then read out our manifesto’s. I sang Baa Baa Black Sheep too. =)
We did imagine that a cow was a motorbike and we DID imagine that .. well,I don’t remember. All I remember is feeling bloated. Heh. =D
Umm, so, yeah, that’s about it. And LOTS of people called me too! Whoa! Infact, I still have a LOT of people to call back and thank! :P
Plus, lets see.. on the 23rd, my voice was completely GONE! Completely. I was like, trying VERY hard to get words outta my mouth. THAT bad. And I had to read out my manifesto in the assembly too. But, guess what!?
(In the assembly)
Ma’am: Now, for the post of Infrastructural Security, we had two people. The first nominee is [insert my name]. She will nto introduce herself because her voice is gone, she has a very sore throat. The second nominee is [enter his name]. Etc etc.
I mena, you get the point, sdont you?! I was DEAD scared! But still, WOOHOO! =D
Okay, so, the whole day, I kept tryna talk. AND, I gave R the infection thingy!! Now HE has a sore throat (bechaara. Immunity to dekho! =D) and my throat is back to normal. Although I AM sneezing a bit and all. Heh. =D
Okay, so that’s it for today. I have the Open Day thingy tomorrow. My parents ARE going. I guess. Lets see.
~Haffun. Heh. Ab to yeh mera STYLE ho gaya hai. Apparently. :P
1 Random Retorts:
I know what happened later \:D/
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