Biscuits and chocolate syrup. For brunch. And they were pretty tasty too.
I’d have taken a picture but I gobbled up the whole thing. And I feel all full and fat now. Uh.
So, I suddenly got around to thinking about Gone With the Wind (yes, the movie too!) and it’s just that I so hate Scarlett O’Hara. No, really. I like Rhett more. I really liked Bonnie, the pretty, spoilt kid but she died. That sucks, man.
And, what kind of a name IS Rhett Butler? Ick.
Oh well, I just came back from the kitchen (it isn’t THAT far away. Good for me.) and turns out there IS a bottle of Coke, a 2-day old burger and this one sandwich that I made yesterday. Oh, and more Chocolate syrup. Yum.
Hmm. It’s the day after Christmas and I feel all weird. I think it’s primarily cos of the cold. I love, love, LOVE winters but STILL. The chill and shit makes me feel all sleepy and stuff. And it makes me wanna pee too. But I’m not gonna tell you more about that, okay? Okay.
Well, yesterday wasn’t really special or anything. I got up pretty early, at around 9 AM, I think. And then my friend called up and asked me if I could come with her to Dilli Haat. Google it if you dunno what it is.
So, anyway, It was boring. Uber boring. Imean, hanging out with my best friend and her kid sister IS fun, but still. Going to Dilli Haat = boring.
There were too many people (Christmas day, remember?) and more specifically, too many couples. At one point, A (my friends kid sister) asked me to hold her hands just like those people there. :/
I did, and that was the biggest mistake of my life because she wouldn’t LET GO! I shouldnnt be cribbing about it now but, poor her. We went to Food Stalls, especially East-Indian cones (noodles and chowmein, mmm), and she started eating stuff. She accidentally spilled vinegar and kept mum after that.
And THEN there was a puppet show and A went all crazy and hysterically pleaded with me to take her away because she was so scared of those puppets. And all the while, my friend kept calling her a chicken cos she was so scared.
So, whatever. By the time we went back to my friends house, I was SO sleepy.. I could barely see. Or hear.
All the three of us snuggled under the covers. And then A kept tickling me and I finally got all mad at her and asked her to LET ME SLEEP!
And sleep, we did.
Heh. I think I woke up after 15 minutes. It was a catnap, basically. And I hurried home after that, I had classes.
The only thing I DIDN’T even imagine was that I’d fall asleep as soon as I reached home and I missed my classes. AGAIN. That’s the fourth time this month, by the way!
Argh. So, that’s what I did yesterday. I met my friends after the (other) math class and we sarted discussing weird stuff. Like condoms and shit. It sucked, believe you me. Me and M kinda ran away from R when she went on and on about it. M was all like, WTF has happened to her? Poor him, haha. I don’t think he has seen R this crazy ever. TeeHee.
So, well, anyways, I kinda lost my train of thought right NOW and I gotta run, so toodle-oo. May the new year bring peace and stuff of that sort. Pray for me, okay?
Psst.. My friend, R, she painted this ULTRA weird shade of nail paint on my nails. It’s PINK! Hear that signal going off on yer head? It’s girly and I hate, hate, HATE it! I still wonder how the hell I let her put it on me in the first place. Double ick. Icky, actually. :|
December 26, 2008
Randomity. And I don't care if it's not an actual word. Boohoo.
0 Random Retorts
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say YAY
December 24, 2008
Had a SMOKIN’ day!
1 Random Retorts
Yesterday. But oh well. It ROCKED.
Our school had organized this one-day camp thing that included activities that were trekking-y. They called it a picnic but I wanna be more, uh, classy and call it a camp. Heh.
We left school by around 8: 30 in the morning. It was a nice and cool. The weather wasn’t too cold and it wasn’t too warm either. We were supposed to wear jeans, sneakers and a sweatshirt or something of that sort. And, I did that. Only that my sweatshirt was an Adidas-fakie. And I had no intention of hiding the fact, so yeah.
Wish I had had a Puma fakie though. I suck. I’m not that brand conscious. I can be, at times. But those times are pretty rare.
The place we were going to, called Anand Van (that’s Hindi, Anand means Joy, and Van means Forest. So, go figure) was more than 20, in fact 25+ kilometers away. We reached the place at around 9: 40. And we had breakfast. It was lip-smacking! I mean, the paranthas.
Note: A parantha is an Indian (Punjabi) dish. It’s basically made of flour, mixed with water, but it has potatoes stuffed into it. And it’s DELICIOUS. <3
And fattening. Ah, let’s not get there.
So, we ate, and about half an hour later, were split into groups of 20. There were around 80 kids, and 4 teachers, so that makes 4 groups in all. I was the leader of my group, and the first thing we did was Rappelling.
The rappelling thing consisted of Rock-climbing TOO. And it was FUN! Totally.
A few people were really scared. I climbed the huge mountain like thing, but then a few girls who were behind me got stuck and one of them even slipped! And, the sad part was that I couldn’t turn back and help them. It’s easy to climb. But it’s REALLY hard to descend, I mean, it’s scary.
So, I reached the place and OH-MY-GAWD! The view was breathtaking. I’ll post the pictures as soon I get them from my friends (I hadn’t taken my camera) or one of the teachers. There was wilderness all around, and there was a huge pit, khaai. I screamed my name out loud and it echoed back! It was.. AMAZING!
Wish time could have stood still, just then. I wish I were a mutant. Now THAT would have been cool. I mean, maybe. Hey, I like X-men, okay? :|
So, I went there and there was a long line of guys waiting there for their turn. And then I argued a bit saying that a girl hadn’t really tried rappelling yet. So, the instructor let me GO! Whee! I got scathing looks from class-mates. I didn’t know any of them. Just one or two, I think. =D
So, I descended the flat, not-rough-edged mountain. It was AMAZING. I faltered right in the end, but it was great nevertheless! And I heard people cheering down under and I was TOTALLY ecstatic!
Sometime later, me and my friends went to the Artificial River-crossing thing. And turns out I was the first girl to try it out too. TeeHEE. =D
I couldn’y do it, though. I could cross only three-fourth of the whole length of the river. It drained me of all energy COMPLETELY. I seriously need to have more stamina! That, and the fact that I’m a bit fat didn’t help too. It proved detrimental, actually, as you may have guessed. I was totally red by the time I got down. I was emabarrassed. Embarrassment doesn’t really show on me cos I don’t sweat more or anything when I’m feeling dumb and flusteree. And the advantage of being brown, I mean, dark, is that you don’t turn red.
But, when I had to cross the artificial-river, I had to totally tilt my head. And THAT made my face go all red and my eyes too! It was weird, my friends said. I’m happy they were there to support me. Man! =)
After me, another person tried and she couldn’t corss as much as I did. :P ^_^
I was feeling all tired and stuff but then it was lunch time so I ate a LOT! There was a lot to eat. And, honestly, I HOGGED. Like you-know-what. :P
And then we DANCED! I mean, we were given a list of nine activities, but were ACTUALLY taken to two places ONLY. So, one of the girls, out of anger and frustration, yelled at the instructor guy that she was gonna sue him. And, Jesus Christ! You should have seen the look on that mans face! He looked SCARED. Whoa! =D
We danced at a LOT of stuff and there were a lot of Punjabi songs too! AWESOMENESS!
There was one song that I REALLY liked. It went like.. "Tenu kaala chasma jachda hai, jachda hai gore mukhde te"
Umm, it means that dark glasses (sunglasses, shades) suit your fair face.
It doesnt make a LOT of sense, but hey, it's nice! One of the best songs to dance on! =D
Oh, I also watched Wall- today. <3
Need I say more? It’s AWESOME!
Uh, Christ, this post is longer than the Bhagavad-Gita!
Toodle-oo, folks. Merry Christmas to you. =)
~ I don’t know a lot about Christmas nor do I have Christian friends, so, HAVE FUN! And temme about it!
Our school had organized this one-day camp thing that included activities that were trekking-y. They called it a picnic but I wanna be more, uh, classy and call it a camp. Heh.
We left school by around 8: 30 in the morning. It was a nice and cool. The weather wasn’t too cold and it wasn’t too warm either. We were supposed to wear jeans, sneakers and a sweatshirt or something of that sort. And, I did that. Only that my sweatshirt was an Adidas-fakie. And I had no intention of hiding the fact, so yeah.
Wish I had had a Puma fakie though. I suck. I’m not that brand conscious. I can be, at times. But those times are pretty rare.
The place we were going to, called Anand Van (that’s Hindi, Anand means Joy, and Van means Forest. So, go figure) was more than 20, in fact 25+ kilometers away. We reached the place at around 9: 40. And we had breakfast. It was lip-smacking! I mean, the paranthas.
Note: A parantha is an Indian (Punjabi) dish. It’s basically made of flour, mixed with water, but it has potatoes stuffed into it. And it’s DELICIOUS. <3
And fattening. Ah, let’s not get there.
So, we ate, and about half an hour later, were split into groups of 20. There were around 80 kids, and 4 teachers, so that makes 4 groups in all. I was the leader of my group, and the first thing we did was Rappelling.
The rappelling thing consisted of Rock-climbing TOO. And it was FUN! Totally.
A few people were really scared. I climbed the huge mountain like thing, but then a few girls who were behind me got stuck and one of them even slipped! And, the sad part was that I couldn’t turn back and help them. It’s easy to climb. But it’s REALLY hard to descend, I mean, it’s scary.
So, I reached the place and OH-MY-GAWD! The view was breathtaking. I’ll post the pictures as soon I get them from my friends (I hadn’t taken my camera) or one of the teachers. There was wilderness all around, and there was a huge pit, khaai. I screamed my name out loud and it echoed back! It was.. AMAZING!
Wish time could have stood still, just then. I wish I were a mutant. Now THAT would have been cool. I mean, maybe. Hey, I like X-men, okay? :|
So, I went there and there was a long line of guys waiting there for their turn. And then I argued a bit saying that a girl hadn’t really tried rappelling yet. So, the instructor let me GO! Whee! I got scathing looks from class-mates. I didn’t know any of them. Just one or two, I think. =D
So, I descended the flat, not-rough-edged mountain. It was AMAZING. I faltered right in the end, but it was great nevertheless! And I heard people cheering down under and I was TOTALLY ecstatic!
Sometime later, me and my friends went to the Artificial River-crossing thing. And turns out I was the first girl to try it out too. TeeHEE. =D
I couldn’y do it, though. I could cross only three-fourth of the whole length of the river. It drained me of all energy COMPLETELY. I seriously need to have more stamina! That, and the fact that I’m a bit fat didn’t help too. It proved detrimental, actually, as you may have guessed. I was totally red by the time I got down. I was emabarrassed. Embarrassment doesn’t really show on me cos I don’t sweat more or anything when I’m feeling dumb and flusteree. And the advantage of being brown, I mean, dark, is that you don’t turn red.
But, when I had to cross the artificial-river, I had to totally tilt my head. And THAT made my face go all red and my eyes too! It was weird, my friends said. I’m happy they were there to support me. Man! =)
After me, another person tried and she couldn’t corss as much as I did. :P ^_^
I was feeling all tired and stuff but then it was lunch time so I ate a LOT! There was a lot to eat. And, honestly, I HOGGED. Like you-know-what. :P
And then we DANCED! I mean, we were given a list of nine activities, but were ACTUALLY taken to two places ONLY. So, one of the girls, out of anger and frustration, yelled at the instructor guy that she was gonna sue him. And, Jesus Christ! You should have seen the look on that mans face! He looked SCARED. Whoa! =D
We danced at a LOT of stuff and there were a lot of Punjabi songs too! AWESOMENESS!
There was one song that I REALLY liked. It went like.. "Tenu kaala chasma jachda hai, jachda hai gore mukhde te"
Umm, it means that dark glasses (sunglasses, shades) suit your fair face.
It doesnt make a LOT of sense, but hey, it's nice! One of the best songs to dance on! =D
Oh, I also watched Wall- today. <3
Need I say more? It’s AWESOME!
Uh, Christ, this post is longer than the Bhagavad-Gita!
Toodle-oo, folks. Merry Christmas to you. =)
~ I don’t know a lot about Christmas nor do I have Christian friends, so, HAVE FUN! And temme about it!
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say YAY
December 21, 2008
I’m gonna shine my shoes..
0 Random Retorts
...for the fat lady. For my fat lady.
I just finished reading Franny and Zooey for the 100th time and it made a lot more sense this time. It always makes a bit more sense, every time I read it.
So, from now all, all my readers are going to be MY fat ladies. Yup. And I’m writing just for them.
*Imagines a very Seymour-y look*
IHeartErichSegal. <3
I just finished reading Franny and Zooey for the 100th time and it made a lot more sense this time. It always makes a bit more sense, every time I read it.
So, from now all, all my readers are going to be MY fat ladies. Yup. And I’m writing just for them.
*Imagines a very Seymour-y look*
IHeartErichSegal. <3
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my resolutions,
say YAY,
The best day ever.
0 Random Retorts
=> A bike.
=> Daddy.
=> 15 degrees Celsius.
=> A wide, empty road.
=> And of course, a flyover.
And when you come back home to the nicest, warmest and yummiest mug of tea, YOU know what life is like. =)
It's good.
=> Daddy.
=> 15 degrees Celsius.
=> A wide, empty road.
=> And of course, a flyover.
And when you come back home to the nicest, warmest and yummiest mug of tea, YOU know what life is like. =)
It's good.
December 15, 2008
Everybody has their fair share of shitty days..
0 Random Retorts
Yeah. I had a shitty day today. So shitty, that I might have to cry myself to sleep. It was a really, REALLY sad day. Depressing, actually. :|
Sigh. So, for a change, I started to do some math, and voila! Turns out I can’t do even one sum! When did math turn THIS tough? :|
So, I left it and went on to economics. There you go, I wasn’t able to do that too. Then I turned to ENGLISH and I couldn’t even do the given homework! I mean, SIGH!
Then I started listening to some songs. Apparently, I don’t feel like doing ANYTHING today.. just because it’s a Monday, maybe? Monday blues, yeah.
I ALSO found that EVERYONE, I mean, EVERYONE (including the invisible ones) at school has a boyfriend. It’s not like I WANT one, but shit! I’m the only one who can’t seem to have one. Sigh.
Well, the thing is, the depressing stuff started out early. I got up in the morning and this is how frizzy my hair was before going to school:

Frizziness Unleashed, seriously.
Everybody at school asked me if I’d gotten my hair curled. I was REALLY surprised. And the other half told me that my hair had suffered some disease (VERY tragic) or something on those lines. It was terrible. My hair, I mean.
BTW, is hair singular or plural? That’s one thing that has always, ALWAYS confused me.
I’m still confused.
Oh, and I spoke at the morning assembly today. It was a disaster, frankly. See. Assemblies on shitty days suck ass. Totally. My voice came out all deep, like a foghorn. Ugh.
That’s it for today. See the frizzy hair, and Happy Tuesday, people! =)
Sigh. So, for a change, I started to do some math, and voila! Turns out I can’t do even one sum! When did math turn THIS tough? :|
So, I left it and went on to economics. There you go, I wasn’t able to do that too. Then I turned to ENGLISH and I couldn’t even do the given homework! I mean, SIGH!
Then I started listening to some songs. Apparently, I don’t feel like doing ANYTHING today.. just because it’s a Monday, maybe? Monday blues, yeah.
I ALSO found that EVERYONE, I mean, EVERYONE (including the invisible ones) at school has a boyfriend. It’s not like I WANT one, but shit! I’m the only one who can’t seem to have one. Sigh.
Well, the thing is, the depressing stuff started out early. I got up in the morning and this is how frizzy my hair was before going to school:

Frizziness Unleashed, seriously.
Everybody at school asked me if I’d gotten my hair curled. I was REALLY surprised. And the other half told me that my hair had suffered some disease (VERY tragic) or something on those lines. It was terrible. My hair, I mean.
BTW, is hair singular or plural? That’s one thing that has always, ALWAYS confused me.
I’m still confused.
Oh, and I spoke at the morning assembly today. It was a disaster, frankly. See. Assemblies on shitty days suck ass. Totally. My voice came out all deep, like a foghorn. Ugh.
That’s it for today. See the frizzy hair, and Happy Tuesday, people! =)
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random rants,
December 14, 2008
(Fashion) Senseless.
0 Random Retorts
What else can I say? I think its de rigueur to have a mom with loads of fashion-sense otherwise you’re drowned in the pool of faddism and inanity. No, really. My mood has been shitty since morning cos I opened my closet (in the morning :/) to find hell loads of PJs and night dresses. That too, pink and flowery. I’m sick of pink. Totally, ugh.
Whenever me and my mum go shopping (which is always), my mum manages to get me loads of flowery, pink pajamas. They could be more expensive that that nice dress there, but hell no, she always goes for the pajamas. ONLY.
It used to be fun before, when you didn’t have to be so fashion conscious. When you could go out the house, till, maybe the shop nearby wearing yer pajamas. When you were a little kid. But now, it’s dumb when people openly laugh at you when you go to the SAME shop wearing pajamas. And it’s not like I’m imagining it. They laughed at me OUTRIGHT. Like, it was a group of maybe 4 girls and they collapsed in a fit of giggles as soon as they saw me. They were dressed in the worst possible Churidaars EVER. Their AUDACITY was.. mind-numbing! I gave them a cold stare and went about my business, but hey, people DO laugh. It’s no joke. :|
My mum has a technique. She’ll give me negative vibes when I adamantly refuse to listen to her and BUY those clothes on display, THERE.
Or, there’s this other thing that does the trick.
For example.
Scene: At a shop.. I like some shirt. My mum doesn’t like it (cos its not bright and flowery :|)
So, this is what she does.
Me: Mom, I want that shirt.
Her: Nanditha.. you won’t wear it.
Me: Why would I want to buy it if I won’t wear it? :|
Her: Because I’m your mom and I know. [uh, yeah, right]
Me: Sick. I wanna buy it, and that’s it.
Her: [in a serious tone] Your dad wonn’t like it.
THAT does the trick. Yes it does. It not only brings the conversation to an end, but it ALSO makes me walk out of the shop in anger, and my mum.. pleased with herself. :|
I really consider stuff like that, BTW. I mean, if dad doesn’t like something, I’ll probably argue about it but in the end, I’m going to listen to him.
BUT. I came to know how big a farce that line really was when I went shopping with both mom and dad. Mom uttered the trademark line again, and my dad goes.. “But.. I think it’ll look good on her. Moreover, she likes it”
That did it. My mum started communicating with her eyes, u know, her eyes conveying DEEPLY, the message – “no, tell her that you won’t like it! Dammit, why can’t you just nod along?”
Goodie. So now I had an ANSWER. =D
Everytime she said the “dad wont like it” line, I’d say that I don’t really care cos I knew that mum turned out to be wrong that everytime.
It's true. I AM Fashion sense LESS. :P
Well. BTW, if you think being 16 and still shopping with yer mom is dumb, then HEY! I don’t really shop by myself, and moreover, I don’t have a cousin/anybody who lives nearby with whom I can go shopping AND I don’t go shopping with friends.. I dunno why, though.
Plus, this is India. Real shopping with friends isn’t time pass. Window-shopping is. =D
~ I need to find out a bit about Christmas.. it’s for a morning assembly. Damn!
Psst.. Half the people out there don’t like my template. I don’t LOVE the orange colour, but I do like everything else. Call me conceited, but I’m gonna stick to liking it. And I don’t care. AND, I can be kiddish -> *sticks out tongue*
Whenever me and my mum go shopping (which is always), my mum manages to get me loads of flowery, pink pajamas. They could be more expensive that that nice dress there, but hell no, she always goes for the pajamas. ONLY.
It used to be fun before, when you didn’t have to be so fashion conscious. When you could go out the house, till, maybe the shop nearby wearing yer pajamas. When you were a little kid. But now, it’s dumb when people openly laugh at you when you go to the SAME shop wearing pajamas. And it’s not like I’m imagining it. They laughed at me OUTRIGHT. Like, it was a group of maybe 4 girls and they collapsed in a fit of giggles as soon as they saw me. They were dressed in the worst possible Churidaars EVER. Their AUDACITY was.. mind-numbing! I gave them a cold stare and went about my business, but hey, people DO laugh. It’s no joke. :|
My mum has a technique. She’ll give me negative vibes when I adamantly refuse to listen to her and BUY those clothes on display, THERE.
Or, there’s this other thing that does the trick.
For example.
Scene: At a shop.. I like some shirt. My mum doesn’t like it (cos its not bright and flowery :|)
So, this is what she does.
Me: Mom, I want that shirt.
Her: Nanditha.. you won’t wear it.
Me: Why would I want to buy it if I won’t wear it? :|
Her: Because I’m your mom and I know. [uh, yeah, right]
Me: Sick. I wanna buy it, and that’s it.
Her: [in a serious tone] Your dad wonn’t like it.
THAT does the trick. Yes it does. It not only brings the conversation to an end, but it ALSO makes me walk out of the shop in anger, and my mum.. pleased with herself. :|
I really consider stuff like that, BTW. I mean, if dad doesn’t like something, I’ll probably argue about it but in the end, I’m going to listen to him.
BUT. I came to know how big a farce that line really was when I went shopping with both mom and dad. Mom uttered the trademark line again, and my dad goes.. “But.. I think it’ll look good on her. Moreover, she likes it”
That did it. My mum started communicating with her eyes, u know, her eyes conveying DEEPLY, the message – “no, tell her that you won’t like it! Dammit, why can’t you just nod along?”
Goodie. So now I had an ANSWER. =D
Everytime she said the “dad wont like it” line, I’d say that I don’t really care cos I knew that mum turned out to be wrong that everytime.
It's true. I AM Fashion sense LESS. :P
Well. BTW, if you think being 16 and still shopping with yer mom is dumb, then HEY! I don’t really shop by myself, and moreover, I don’t have a cousin/anybody who lives nearby with whom I can go shopping AND I don’t go shopping with friends.. I dunno why, though.
Plus, this is India. Real shopping with friends isn’t time pass. Window-shopping is. =D
~ I need to find out a bit about Christmas.. it’s for a morning assembly. Damn!
Psst.. Half the people out there don’t like my template. I don’t LOVE the orange colour, but I do like everything else. Call me conceited, but I’m gonna stick to liking it. And I don’t care. AND, I can be kiddish -> *sticks out tongue*
Labels (Clichéd)..
random conversations,
December 10, 2008
Monotonous, thats what it is.
0 Random Retorts
So, I got down to thinking about my daily life. And, you know what? It’s mundane as hell. SO mundane, that I can put it down for ya.
* I get up at 7:10. EXACTLY at that time. It’s.. mechanical. Maybe it’ll be 7:11 sometimes, but, well, you get the point, don’t you?
*Take a bath and all that jazz. I get ready by 7:40.
* Gobble my breakfasy up and rush out. My bus stop is right outside my house. And then I wait there for 3 or maybe 4 cold minutes.
* I look at dumb people going to school by foot till then. And no, they’re dumb cos they don’t get outta the way when they see the dumb bus coming! I mean, what the hell do they think they are? Superman? Ironman? [insert some random name]-man? Look out, there’s a bus coming!
* I get into the bus, say hey hey to a few kids and then go to the back. And I sit down. I generally stand up 2 minutes before we’re about to reach school.
* If I’m sleepy, I just sleep. If I’m all wide-eyed and awake, I simply start jabbering away. Jesus, I need to control that tongue of mine.
* So, I reach school ay around 8:00 or maybe 8:05. Pretty late, cos school starts at 8:00. They let us in JUST because it’s the school bus that is responsible for us being late and all that.
* I rush out to the field. We have assembly everyday.
* Then comes the hard part. I’m a council-member, like, I’m supposed to be above an average Prefect and all. Sigh. So, I stand where I’ve been posted and repeat the same dumb line every other minute: “Please walk in a civilized manner” or maybe “Please walk in a LINE!” or even “Stop talking and MOVE!”
I mean, it might differ. And, sometimes, when I’m kinda low on that thing called patience, I can just be REAL mean and ask kids to shutup.
Yesterday, I pulled a couple of jerks out because they get loads of pleasure from hiding their diary in their pants. I mean, who the hell hides a SCHOOL DIARY in their pants? Ugh. I don’t even wanna get into that, but I dissed all those kids and they positively hate me by now.
Then comes the hardER part. The guy who was supposed to be on duty with me has been absent for, like, 2 weeks. And it’s getting tough, being something like a bouncer + nice council member + whatever-kids-think-we-seniors-are.
Nevertheless, I return to class with my fellow council-member-friends.
The classes are pretty random and, well, the same thing happens everyday. A brief, erm, overview?
Math: Padho. Aur bhi padho. Padhte raho.
For all those who don’t know Hindi, it just means study. Keep studying, folks! =/
English: My teacher reads out something. And then asks me to stand up and tell the class what I understood. And I stand there, thinking about it in my brain. Somehow, I understand everything but nothing comes out. I stutter something and some other kid, THANKFULLY, stands up to explain his/her point of view. English classes are torturous not because I dislike the language or something.. I don’t, really, but. Well, because the teacher frightens the hell outta me.
Accountancy: BORING! It’s the same everyday. You take that pencil of yours and draw lines until you start seeing optical illusions.
Economics: Erm. Notes. More notes. It’s fun, though! I like the subject.
Business Studies: More notes. And I don’t like it at ALL. It’s just like history. Except that it’s just COMPELLINGLY boring. History is a fascinating subject. Business Studies is just.. well, faltoo. Useless, incase you didn’t get that.
Oh, so, continuing. Erm.
* I meet my friends, say hey hey, have fun and all that. But, okay, school gets over.
* I gotta go to the Rare Staircase 5 minutes before the bell rings. I’m on duty there, and believe you me, its not an easy task, asking kids to go by the other way. Today, a kid just PUSHED past me. And this other group of stupid wannabe’s pushed past me, yet again.
* I get into the bus. Umm, and then the bus takes me home.
I come back, have my lunch, sleep or a few hours, get up again, go to tuition, come back, sit on the internet.
That’s my purposeless life for now, ratheads. I’ll be back with more. Just don’t smirk gleefully, okay? I have more fun that YOU do. HA. YOU just need to go back and have a look at what YER day was like.
Note to self: Gotta write about the kids tomorrow. It’s been so long since I dedicated a post just for them! Okay, just remind me tomorrow, brain.
That’s it. Uh. Now that I actually have my routine in front of my eyes, I mean, right here.. I don’t want it taking place anther time!
~ I’m getting ALL my exam/test papers tomorrow. All bad things happen at once, don’t they?
* I get up at 7:10. EXACTLY at that time. It’s.. mechanical. Maybe it’ll be 7:11 sometimes, but, well, you get the point, don’t you?
*Take a bath and all that jazz. I get ready by 7:40.
* Gobble my breakfasy up and rush out. My bus stop is right outside my house. And then I wait there for 3 or maybe 4 cold minutes.
* I look at dumb people going to school by foot till then. And no, they’re dumb cos they don’t get outta the way when they see the dumb bus coming! I mean, what the hell do they think they are? Superman? Ironman? [insert some random name]-man? Look out, there’s a bus coming!
* I get into the bus, say hey hey to a few kids and then go to the back. And I sit down. I generally stand up 2 minutes before we’re about to reach school.
* If I’m sleepy, I just sleep. If I’m all wide-eyed and awake, I simply start jabbering away. Jesus, I need to control that tongue of mine.
* So, I reach school ay around 8:00 or maybe 8:05. Pretty late, cos school starts at 8:00. They let us in JUST because it’s the school bus that is responsible for us being late and all that.
* I rush out to the field. We have assembly everyday.
* Then comes the hard part. I’m a council-member, like, I’m supposed to be above an average Prefect and all. Sigh. So, I stand where I’ve been posted and repeat the same dumb line every other minute: “Please walk in a civilized manner” or maybe “Please walk in a LINE!” or even “Stop talking and MOVE!”
I mean, it might differ. And, sometimes, when I’m kinda low on that thing called patience, I can just be REAL mean and ask kids to shutup.
Yesterday, I pulled a couple of jerks out because they get loads of pleasure from hiding their diary in their pants. I mean, who the hell hides a SCHOOL DIARY in their pants? Ugh. I don’t even wanna get into that, but I dissed all those kids and they positively hate me by now.
Then comes the hardER part. The guy who was supposed to be on duty with me has been absent for, like, 2 weeks. And it’s getting tough, being something like a bouncer + nice council member + whatever-kids-think-we-seniors-are.
Nevertheless, I return to class with my fellow council-member-friends.
The classes are pretty random and, well, the same thing happens everyday. A brief, erm, overview?
Math: Padho. Aur bhi padho. Padhte raho.
For all those who don’t know Hindi, it just means study. Keep studying, folks! =/
English: My teacher reads out something. And then asks me to stand up and tell the class what I understood. And I stand there, thinking about it in my brain. Somehow, I understand everything but nothing comes out. I stutter something and some other kid, THANKFULLY, stands up to explain his/her point of view. English classes are torturous not because I dislike the language or something.. I don’t, really, but. Well, because the teacher frightens the hell outta me.
Accountancy: BORING! It’s the same everyday. You take that pencil of yours and draw lines until you start seeing optical illusions.
Economics: Erm. Notes. More notes. It’s fun, though! I like the subject.
Business Studies: More notes. And I don’t like it at ALL. It’s just like history. Except that it’s just COMPELLINGLY boring. History is a fascinating subject. Business Studies is just.. well, faltoo. Useless, incase you didn’t get that.
Oh, so, continuing. Erm.
* I meet my friends, say hey hey, have fun and all that. But, okay, school gets over.
* I gotta go to the Rare Staircase 5 minutes before the bell rings. I’m on duty there, and believe you me, its not an easy task, asking kids to go by the other way. Today, a kid just PUSHED past me. And this other group of stupid wannabe’s pushed past me, yet again.
* I get into the bus. Umm, and then the bus takes me home.
I come back, have my lunch, sleep or a few hours, get up again, go to tuition, come back, sit on the internet.
That’s my purposeless life for now, ratheads. I’ll be back with more. Just don’t smirk gleefully, okay? I have more fun that YOU do. HA. YOU just need to go back and have a look at what YER day was like.
Note to self: Gotta write about the kids tomorrow. It’s been so long since I dedicated a post just for them! Okay, just remind me tomorrow, brain.
That’s it. Uh. Now that I actually have my routine in front of my eyes, I mean, right here.. I don’t want it taking place anther time!
~ I’m getting ALL my exam/test papers tomorrow. All bad things happen at once, don’t they?
Labels (Clichéd)..
normal day,
December 07, 2008
What else do you expect at one in the morning?
4 Random Retorts
It's 1 am. And it's been TWO hours since I've been searching for a blogger template. But, the ones that I liked (at least!) are not getting downloaded. And even if the ARE, there's something wrong with them. SO wrong, that I've started to feel pretty worthless. => I cant even CHANGE my template! ARGH!
I was so looking forward to changing my blogger template. Sigh. This one's so darned mundane. :/
Uh. Anybody out there who can help me change my blogger template? An earnest request. I don't like my current template, honest. Thank you.
P.S.: I talked to this one class-mate online, and I'm convinced that he's a fat toeless rat.
And there's another crazy girl in my class and I'm UBER-convinced that she's THE geisha. Because:
A] She's half Japanese (Yes. It’s there in her blood.)
B] She's got this bewitching smile that kinda kills all guys around. Except the ones that don't look at ‘outer beauty’ and all that shit. Oh, hell, who am I tryna kid? All the guys like her. Oh wait, there ARE exceptions: the gay ones.
C] She's got a weird way of talking.
D] And typing, considering the fact that she has been on the internet even before I Knew about it.
E] She’s got all the qualities that a geisha does. I told you; its IN her blood. Even if she IS half-jap!
Btw, just a random piece of info: The fat rat and the geisha are dating.
~ More about The CornyCouple later. =)
I was so looking forward to changing my blogger template. Sigh. This one's so darned mundane. :/
Uh. Anybody out there who can help me change my blogger template? An earnest request. I don't like my current template, honest. Thank you.
P.S.: I talked to this one class-mate online, and I'm convinced that he's a fat toeless rat.
And there's another crazy girl in my class and I'm UBER-convinced that she's THE geisha. Because:
A] She's half Japanese (Yes. It’s there in her blood.)
B] She's got this bewitching smile that kinda kills all guys around. Except the ones that don't look at ‘outer beauty’ and all that shit. Oh, hell, who am I tryna kid? All the guys like her. Oh wait, there ARE exceptions: the gay ones.
C] She's got a weird way of talking.
D] And typing, considering the fact that she has been on the internet even before I Knew about it.
E] She’s got all the qualities that a geisha does. I told you; its IN her blood. Even if she IS half-jap!
Btw, just a random piece of info: The fat rat and the geisha are dating.
~ More about The CornyCouple later. =)
Labels (Clichéd)..
December 03, 2008
Because its MY Curriculum Vitae.. HA! *sniggers!*
5 Random Retorts
I made my Resume! WOOT!
To tell the truth, it's pretty pointless. I'm not really old enough to get a resume, but STILL!
Also, forgive me for not putting that accent on 'e' in resume. I was too lazy to open Microsoft Word or even Character Map, for that matter.
Now, if you are a miser and don't want to upload 25 KBs, then it's okay. Save that precious bandwidth, you puny squirrel!
P.S.: Hyperlinks are fun! See.. like THIS!
The second one: Please, PLEASE don't gimme dumb suggestions. Okay? Okay. I made it I just cos wanted to. No constructive critisicm TOO, people!
To tell the truth, it's pretty pointless. I'm not really old enough to get a resume, but STILL!
Also, forgive me for not putting that accent on 'e' in resume. I was too lazy to open Microsoft Word or even Character Map, for that matter.
Now, if you are a miser and don't want to upload 25 KBs, then it's okay. Save that precious bandwidth, you puny squirrel!
P.S.: Hyperlinks are fun! See.. like THIS!
The second one: Please, PLEASE don't gimme dumb suggestions. Okay? Okay. I made it I just cos wanted to. No constructive critisicm TOO, people!
Labels (Clichéd)..
simply random,
who cares?
And, so. I hate..
0 Random Retorts
If you like five or more things mentioned below, then get the hell outta this page and set yourself on fire. And if u don't do that, I'll make sure I track you down and stab you. With those hate circles and all, okay? Okay.
So, yeah.
I hate..
Studying. Coffee. Times now (the news channel). MetroNow (the newspaper). That one guy. And this other one. Cold creams (they’re indispensible.. and THAT is why I hate ‘em so much!). Weird Bollywood movies, especially the ones copied from foreign ones. Politics. Cats (I’m sorry, meow). Meow FM. Britney Spears. Some other singers like her. Death metal. TERRORISTS. Punk rock, and stuff of that sort. Customer Care people. Silence. Dictionaries. Actually, having to look up stuff. Smelly people. People that aren’t grammatically correct, like, all the time. People who think they own the world. Abusing unnecessarily. Responsibilty. Sluts/whores. Mousquitoes (damn ‘em all!). The colour grey. And navy blue (it looks ok on uniforms ONLY, though). Bright yellow. Flip flops (cos I’m not used to them). Pretty people (I’m envious of them, sigh). Being too girly. Pseudo-optimism. Waking up early. Not being able to write PROPERLY. My Indian accent. That popular group in my class (they’re so darned fake. No, really). That other girl who thinks she owns the world. My handwriting. Those earrings my brother bought me a few months ago. Clothes that don’t fit me anymore. Analyzing situations. That teacher.. I’m happy she never taught me ^_^. Being fat. Having to wear spectacles. Being dark. Having that extra ‘h’ in my name. Bush? Non vegetarians cos they eat innocent animals that are killed mercilessly by bastards, and machines. Bitter-gourd. Making spelling mistakes. Making grammatical errors :. Emo stuff. People who’re TOO loud. People that tend to make an issue out of every little thing. Being short. Reading stuff that don’t have the appropriate vowels and stuff, AND too many punctuation marks.. like this:
“cooooooooool!!!!! i’d lov 2 go 4 tht cmptition! whn r u cmin???????????!!!!!????”
I have a cousin who types like THIS:
“ hieeeeeeeeeeeeee…!!!! wen d u cm online, huh???? i wanna tok! kkkkkk? “
I never replied, btw. It pissed me of too much.
So, continuing.
People who think smoking/doing drugs is COOL (for hells sake, grow UP!). Hypocrites. Over sensitive people. Vilasrao Deshmukh. Jokes that don’t make me laugh. A few self-improvement books. Pointless noob videos on youtube. Shilpa Shetty’s evil eyebrow(s). Bollywood movie songs (except a few). Being sleepy (But I DO love to sleep). Being contradicted. Not getting enough comments (retorts, ie). Not being in a relationship (see, that’s what happens when you live in an UBER-pseudo-cool society). Creepy crawly animals. Injections. Doctors.
I also hate ending this post, but I have to cos I need to polish my shoes, do that bit of homework and prepare for tomorrow.
~I hope you have a Nothing-to-hate-*finally* day tomorrow. HeartTea and you’ll be better off! =D
So, yeah.
I hate..
Studying. Coffee. Times now (the news channel). MetroNow (the newspaper). That one guy. And this other one. Cold creams (they’re indispensible.. and THAT is why I hate ‘em so much!). Weird Bollywood movies, especially the ones copied from foreign ones. Politics. Cats (I’m sorry, meow). Meow FM. Britney Spears. Some other singers like her. Death metal. TERRORISTS. Punk rock, and stuff of that sort. Customer Care people. Silence. Dictionaries. Actually, having to look up stuff. Smelly people. People that aren’t grammatically correct, like, all the time. People who think they own the world. Abusing unnecessarily. Responsibilty. Sluts/whores. Mousquitoes (damn ‘em all!). The colour grey. And navy blue (it looks ok on uniforms ONLY, though). Bright yellow. Flip flops (cos I’m not used to them). Pretty people (I’m envious of them, sigh). Being too girly. Pseudo-optimism. Waking up early. Not being able to write PROPERLY. My Indian accent. That popular group in my class (they’re so darned fake. No, really). That other girl who thinks she owns the world. My handwriting. Those earrings my brother bought me a few months ago. Clothes that don’t fit me anymore. Analyzing situations. That teacher.. I’m happy she never taught me ^_^. Being fat. Having to wear spectacles. Being dark. Having that extra ‘h’ in my name. Bush? Non vegetarians cos they eat innocent animals that are killed mercilessly by bastards, and machines. Bitter-gourd. Making spelling mistakes. Making grammatical errors :. Emo stuff. People who’re TOO loud. People that tend to make an issue out of every little thing. Being short. Reading stuff that don’t have the appropriate vowels and stuff, AND too many punctuation marks.. like this:
“cooooooooool!!!!! i’d lov 2 go 4 tht cmptition! whn r u cmin???????????!!!!!????”
I have a cousin who types like THIS:
“ hieeeeeeeeeeeeee…!!!! wen d u cm online, huh???? i wanna tok! kkkkkk? “
I never replied, btw. It pissed me of too much.
So, continuing.
People who think smoking/doing drugs is COOL (for hells sake, grow UP!). Hypocrites. Over sensitive people. Vilasrao Deshmukh. Jokes that don’t make me laugh. A few self-improvement books. Pointless noob videos on youtube. Shilpa Shetty’s evil eyebrow(s). Bollywood movie songs (except a few). Being sleepy (But I DO love to sleep). Being contradicted. Not getting enough comments (retorts, ie). Not being in a relationship (see, that’s what happens when you live in an UBER-pseudo-cool society). Creepy crawly animals. Injections. Doctors.
I also hate ending this post, but I have to cos I need to polish my shoes, do that bit of homework and prepare for tomorrow.
~I hope you have a Nothing-to-hate-*finally* day tomorrow. HeartTea and you’ll be better off! =D
Labels (Clichéd)..
random rants,
simply random,
December 02, 2008
All kinds of people. And stuff.
0 Random Retorts
You know, there are civilized people and uncivilized ones too. You know, in the thesaurus, the synonym for the word ‘uncivilized’ MUST be given as ‘ a terrorist’. Because it actually makes sense. Ruthless, insensitive, merciless.. that’s what these terrorists are.
I absolutely hate terrorists. After those blasts in Mumbai, I’m convinced that if I ever get to meet a terrorist in my life, I’ll stab him, make little hate circles on his face, and laugh while he screams in agony. I’ll also make him watch Amateur Golf. AND listen to Rihanna.
So apparently, because of these rat headed terrorists, INDIA is a dangerous place to live in! How dumb is THAT? I’ll agree that living in Kashmir can be quite dangerous. But nowhere else. These terrorists.. ARGH! Damn them all. >_<
Well, I hope the 2 terrorists who’re probably roaming around free, get hit by a truck or something.
Well, so, apart from that, school sucks. Shall I tell you why? Cos my accountancy teacher hates me EVEN more, now. Moreover, I haven’t mailed Mr. Keyvan Sadigh YET (about the kids. Hey, if you’re reading this.. now I’m teaching TWO groups! Isn’t that greattt? And I promise that I’ll mail you as soon as my exams get over)
Well, so, I wanted to change my blog template but sadly, I cant seem to get it changed properly. I need to visit a few sites to get a nice background and all that. Get me a nice blogger template if you can, please?
Also, I found out that I’m getting fatter. I’m working on that, though. ‘Nuff said.
I like that song from Fashion – Kuchh Khaas hai (Sung by Mohit Chauhan.. its AMAZING.. u need to listen to it even if you don’t know hindi and all. =])
And hey, its Aids day! And two of my friends birthday! =D
I had the red ribbon thing pinned to my coat in the morning. Also, three kids fainted in the assembly, in the morning. The assembly was GREAT (‘twas about AIDS and all), but they sang Numb (Linkin Park), and ROFL! It was honestly funny. But their effort are commendable, still. =)
It was more like a hymn, though. =D
I got mad at A today cos she REMINDED the teacher about our homework. I mean, she could have just forgotten about it!
Hey, that reminds me, I still have to do that. And study. Jesus, what is this? I don’t like this at all.
Uh. I need to go make my tea now. Yes, I’m an eighty year old granny. :/
Btw, I think you guys might have listened to that song by Billy Joel – We didn’t Start the Fire.
We didn’t start the fire.. it was always burning since the worlds been turning.. we didn’t start the fire.. no we didn’t light it but we’ve tried to fight it…
I really like it! It makes a lot of sense, to tell the truth. =D
~So, haffun. And, welcome back, Abhimanyu! =)
I absolutely hate terrorists. After those blasts in Mumbai, I’m convinced that if I ever get to meet a terrorist in my life, I’ll stab him, make little hate circles on his face, and laugh while he screams in agony. I’ll also make him watch Amateur Golf. AND listen to Rihanna.
So apparently, because of these rat headed terrorists, INDIA is a dangerous place to live in! How dumb is THAT? I’ll agree that living in Kashmir can be quite dangerous. But nowhere else. These terrorists.. ARGH! Damn them all. >_<
Well, I hope the 2 terrorists who’re probably roaming around free, get hit by a truck or something.
Well, so, apart from that, school sucks. Shall I tell you why? Cos my accountancy teacher hates me EVEN more, now. Moreover, I haven’t mailed Mr. Keyvan Sadigh YET (about the kids. Hey, if you’re reading this.. now I’m teaching TWO groups! Isn’t that greattt? And I promise that I’ll mail you as soon as my exams get over)
Well, so, I wanted to change my blog template but sadly, I cant seem to get it changed properly. I need to visit a few sites to get a nice background and all that. Get me a nice blogger template if you can, please?
Also, I found out that I’m getting fatter. I’m working on that, though. ‘Nuff said.
I like that song from Fashion – Kuchh Khaas hai (Sung by Mohit Chauhan.. its AMAZING.. u need to listen to it even if you don’t know hindi and all. =])
And hey, its Aids day! And two of my friends birthday! =D
I had the red ribbon thing pinned to my coat in the morning. Also, three kids fainted in the assembly, in the morning. The assembly was GREAT (‘twas about AIDS and all), but they sang Numb (Linkin Park), and ROFL! It was honestly funny. But their effort are commendable, still. =)
It was more like a hymn, though. =D
I got mad at A today cos she REMINDED the teacher about our homework. I mean, she could have just forgotten about it!
Hey, that reminds me, I still have to do that. And study. Jesus, what is this? I don’t like this at all.
Uh. I need to go make my tea now. Yes, I’m an eighty year old granny. :/
Btw, I think you guys might have listened to that song by Billy Joel – We didn’t Start the Fire.
We didn’t start the fire.. it was always burning since the worlds been turning.. we didn’t start the fire.. no we didn’t light it but we’ve tried to fight it…
I really like it! It makes a lot of sense, to tell the truth. =D
~So, haffun. And, welcome back, Abhimanyu! =)
Labels (Clichéd)..
random rants,
November 24, 2008
I love..
0 Random Retorts
Right. So,
* I love talking. Listening to music. More music. Loving winters. Sleeping. Reading books that aren't prescribed in the school sylabbus. Being lazy (see,thats why I post after so many days). Reading blogs. Being introverted at times. Acting crazy. Eating junk food. Drinking sodas and all that stuff. Forgetting to drink water. Being nice. Being mean to people I dont like. Hating those uber-popular people in my class cos they think they're GAWDS.
* I love recharging my phone. Keeping my room messy. Loving cuddles. Russell Peters. India. Pretending to be a 49 year old divorcee. Trying not to lose my temper. Getting mad at people once in a while. Posing for pictures. Getting mad when the pictures dont come out the way I Want them to. Staying up till 2 am in the morning. Not doing my homework. Getting testimonials from epals. Sticking to a few principles, though it irritates the hell outta some people. Not studying. Talking in class. Sleeping in class (I HONESTLY cant help it :|).
* I love tea. <3 <3
* I love bragging. Eating roadside food. Buying posters and putting them up in my room. Making those box-like things out of paper. Pretending to a WHOLE lot of French even though I know only the basics. Talking to people I like. Typing out mails. Tea. Tea. Tea. Tea. And, of course, my tea mug. =D
* I love shoeboxes.. cos I can so easily decorate them, and then use them as boxes. Pencils. Cartoons. Calvin and Hobbes <3.
* I love my school tie. That thing on the floor, there. MY PJs.. Pajamas, dumdum! The pen drive. My PC. My watch. My parents. My friends. My closet (just the closet, not my clothes inside it). Being dumb. This table. The woofer. David Blaine, even though he’s gay. Watching movies. Paper. Registers. Newspapers. That one guy.. Mayank Austen Soofi. And, Indrajit Hazra. Hindustan Times, actually.
*I love animals (even though monkeys and cats freak me out). Taking random pics of anything and everything. Binge-eating, sometimes. That guy called Vir Sanghvi who wrote this one terrific book called Men of Steel.
* I love forgetting things. And posting a lot of random, useless stuff – count this post as one of those.. heh. =D
~ I love being what I am. Even with all those flaws, yes. =)
* I love talking. Listening to music. More music. Loving winters. Sleeping. Reading books that aren't prescribed in the school sylabbus. Being lazy (see,thats why I post after so many days). Reading blogs. Being introverted at times. Acting crazy. Eating junk food. Drinking sodas and all that stuff. Forgetting to drink water. Being nice. Being mean to people I dont like. Hating those uber-popular people in my class cos they think they're GAWDS.
* I love recharging my phone. Keeping my room messy. Loving cuddles. Russell Peters. India. Pretending to be a 49 year old divorcee. Trying not to lose my temper. Getting mad at people once in a while. Posing for pictures. Getting mad when the pictures dont come out the way I Want them to. Staying up till 2 am in the morning. Not doing my homework. Getting testimonials from epals. Sticking to a few principles, though it irritates the hell outta some people. Not studying. Talking in class. Sleeping in class (I HONESTLY cant help it :|).
* I love tea. <3 <3
* I love bragging. Eating roadside food. Buying posters and putting them up in my room. Making those box-like things out of paper. Pretending to a WHOLE lot of French even though I know only the basics. Talking to people I like. Typing out mails. Tea. Tea. Tea. Tea. And, of course, my tea mug. =D
* I love shoeboxes.. cos I can so easily decorate them, and then use them as boxes. Pencils. Cartoons. Calvin and Hobbes <3.
* I love my school tie. That thing on the floor, there. MY PJs.. Pajamas, dumdum! The pen drive. My PC. My watch. My parents. My friends. My closet (just the closet, not my clothes inside it). Being dumb. This table. The woofer. David Blaine, even though he’s gay. Watching movies. Paper. Registers. Newspapers. That one guy.. Mayank Austen Soofi. And, Indrajit Hazra. Hindustan Times, actually.
*I love animals (even though monkeys and cats freak me out). Taking random pics of anything and everything. Binge-eating, sometimes. That guy called Vir Sanghvi who wrote this one terrific book called Men of Steel.
* I love forgetting things. And posting a lot of random, useless stuff – count this post as one of those.. heh. =D
~ I love being what I am. Even with all those flaws, yes. =)
Labels (Clichéd)..
say YAY,
simply random
November 14, 2008
Confession(s). xD
2 Random Retorts
To everyone who has commented on some blog post and never gotten a reply,
Hello. I’m The Bunny Rabbit. And I’m glad you liked my blog/post/whatever. Do forgive me for not having replied to yer comment, because:
A] I got to know about it late.
B] I’m too lazy a bum, yes, I’ll freely admit it.
C] I had no idea what to reply. :s
Hmm. For all those who’ve commented, thankYOU. I’m pretty much grateful.
Psst.. I didn’t know until a few days ago that grateful is spelled the way it is and not as ‘greatful’. You don’t know how ASTOUNDED I was, when my English teacher told me that I’ve been making the same mistake since 6th grade and I SO firmly believed that the spelling was right that I never noticed the red makrs in my notebook. Under the word ‘greatful’, I mean. ! =D
Heh! =D
Apart fromt hat, I had a little tiff with a classmate+friend. I don’t care a lot, except that now I feel pretty dumb.
Oh, so the main point of this post was to thank everyone who has commented. Please DO keep on commenting. I really lurve comments! =)
Thank you,
Smiles and giggles and a lore more blog posts, I swear,
Teh BR. =)
Hello. I’m The Bunny Rabbit. And I’m glad you liked my blog/post/whatever. Do forgive me for not having replied to yer comment, because:
A] I got to know about it late.
B] I’m too lazy a bum, yes, I’ll freely admit it.
C] I had no idea what to reply. :s
Hmm. For all those who’ve commented, thankYOU. I’m pretty much grateful.
Psst.. I didn’t know until a few days ago that grateful is spelled the way it is and not as ‘greatful’. You don’t know how ASTOUNDED I was, when my English teacher told me that I’ve been making the same mistake since 6th grade and I SO firmly believed that the spelling was right that I never noticed the red makrs in my notebook. Under the word ‘greatful’, I mean. ! =D
Heh! =D
Apart fromt hat, I had a little tiff with a classmate+friend. I don’t care a lot, except that now I feel pretty dumb.
Oh, so the main point of this post was to thank everyone who has commented. Please DO keep on commenting. I really lurve comments! =)
Thank you,
Smiles and giggles and a lore more blog posts, I swear,
Teh BR. =)
Children’s Day well celebrated! =D
0 Random Retorts
Children’s day was celebrated in a REALLY grand manner today, at school. It was so, So, SO much fun. It’s hard to express, to tell the truth.
So, I got up feeling all sleepy cos I’d gone to sleep at around 3 30 the previous day (TUITION work, sigh).. but then in the morning, I had my daily bowl of cereal, and there you go. Poof, and I was fresh all over again.
The bus came, heh.
So, hmm. I went to school. My bag was SO honestly light. Feather weight, don’t they say? Yeah, THAT. Usually, I’m like the only one in the bus with the heaviest bag. That’s the result of carrying HEAVY books. Accountancy, for example. =D
So anyways, turns out that [insert her name] didi.. lets call her A for the time being, had brought her mobile phone. Which, btw, was gifted to her on Daughter’s Day. Isnt that just honestly great!? =D.. Well, so yeah. We were taking pics and all and S was tryna duck cos she didn’t wanna have her pic taken but then we asked her not to be a spoilsport and she obliged. =D
And then we reached school. We were given ADORABLE badge-type things. By our class teachers. Sniff, it was just so sweet! =).. Last year, we’d been given bookmarks with very sweet quotes. This time, the whole school got something like a badge, except that there were names on most of them and really cute quotes too! =D
I found out that there was some special assembly planned by the teachers. And I knew it was gonna be great! B-).. so we went to the field by 8: 30 and the aseembly started.
This time, a math teacher sang a GREAT sufi song. It was so good. I wish I had my cam/phone so that I could have recorded it. Believe me, it was sung SO nicely. There was a GREAT round of applause. And then this one play by the teachers followed. It was hilarious. And I’m not even gonna try explaining it. It was just too funny to be put down in words. =)) =D
S, meanwhile, talked about Champu. Champu is her crush. And she was asking me to go sit with her at the back, where he was. And I was refusing. You should sit at the back ONLY in movie theatres. ^_^
So, yes. PG came (she’s the chemistry teacher and Thankfully, doesn’t teach me. Phew. xD)… she sang Kaagaz ki Kashti. Which is a saaad song, and I don’t like it and all. But she sang it in a really nice way. With all the nostalgia and stuff. =)
My teachers SO are the BEST. <3 =D =)
It was one of the BEST assemblies EVERR. By the teachers, for the students. ;-]
And then we sang the school song followed by the national anthem. <3
AND then we were supposed to be in the field. I played a bit of basketball but I hurt the ring finer of my left hand and it’s swollen like a cashew, now. I don’t know how I’m gonna play the guitar now. Sigh.
So, yes. It hurt a lot and I also found out that I;m not that bad at basketball. If I know the rules and if I have a bit more stamina, maybe I can even make it to the school team! =D
LOL, so. Yes, during break time, they gave us cake. Yum! It was delicious. And S had brought cake too (OMG! There’re too many people in the world who’s name starts with an ‘s’!).. and it was souble yum! Mmm. <3
After the break, we had an Origami workshop. The instructor was a Jap lady who was REALLY nice. AND, she knew only Japanese. We have a person who’s half-jap in my class, so she translated for us. Wonder how many classes were as lucky as ours. =D
So, I learned a few things in origami that I really don’t remember, to tell the truth. Like how to make the box. I never get those folds right! Bleh! :|
But, oh well, we went to the Candle-making worshop right after that. The kids were really interactive and we had SO much fun. !!
Totally. Now I know how to make candles too. HA! I’m gonna gift S candles, u know. She lurves them. =)
So, well, that’s how the day ended. Whilst making candles. My hands were full of glitter and all that. It was eww-ish and weird but I didn’t even notice that 2 hours just FLEW PAST and I’d made a lot of candles and I showed it to teachers. The “oh-so-popular” group in my class was discussing something else. Aw. They missed something. =)
Well, I got into the bus and A took pics of me and B. I think she’ll mail them to me; I need to ask her first. Hmm. YAY! The pics were weird, to tell the truth. One or two were kinda okay, but I looked too fat in most of them. NOW I know why one of my friends deletes her pics ALWAYS, even when we say that its nice. Cos she herself cant believe she looks like that! xD
The same happened to me, except that I dint delete anything. =D
Went home, had food. I kinda forgot that I had glitter on my hands so I washed my hands only once. I forgot to wash ‘em twice. So, while I was eating lunch, hehe, you DUNNO! I spat out whatever I was eating on a napkin (sigh) and I washed my hands right away. I’m so-not-nice. =D
Well, then LATER, I remembered that its one of my e-apls bday. I mean, not today, tomorrow. But hes in Australia, so, HEH, just for the record - Happy Birthday, Pulkit! =) =D

Also, I was thinking of writing a blog post and I told the owner of the community that I’m a mod of (nudge nudge. REMEMBER?).. and this is what he said (click on the link):

I was feeling pretty nice, you know. =D
YAY! =)
Well, that's what happened at school today. I slept in the afternoon, like, kinda. And then I went to tuition, came back and have been online ever since.
Fridays... <3
Seriously. I lurve fridays. Cos the next day is a saturday and I can sleep as long as I want to! =)
And, you know, I gotta mail a few people. It's imperative, to tell the truth. but me being me, I decided to be the lazy bum I am. I still have the mail in the 'drafts' folder. Not only that, I havent posted for so long. Sigh. No wonder the hit list stopped incresing so quickly. STILL. A 1000 hits is a nice thing! SAY YAY! =) =')
So, I got up feeling all sleepy cos I’d gone to sleep at around 3 30 the previous day (TUITION work, sigh).. but then in the morning, I had my daily bowl of cereal, and there you go. Poof, and I was fresh all over again.
The bus came, heh.
So, hmm. I went to school. My bag was SO honestly light. Feather weight, don’t they say? Yeah, THAT. Usually, I’m like the only one in the bus with the heaviest bag. That’s the result of carrying HEAVY books. Accountancy, for example. =D
So anyways, turns out that [insert her name] didi.. lets call her A for the time being, had brought her mobile phone. Which, btw, was gifted to her on Daughter’s Day. Isnt that just honestly great!? =D.. Well, so yeah. We were taking pics and all and S was tryna duck cos she didn’t wanna have her pic taken but then we asked her not to be a spoilsport and she obliged. =D
And then we reached school. We were given ADORABLE badge-type things. By our class teachers. Sniff, it was just so sweet! =).. Last year, we’d been given bookmarks with very sweet quotes. This time, the whole school got something like a badge, except that there were names on most of them and really cute quotes too! =D
I found out that there was some special assembly planned by the teachers. And I knew it was gonna be great! B-).. so we went to the field by 8: 30 and the aseembly started.
This time, a math teacher sang a GREAT sufi song. It was so good. I wish I had my cam/phone so that I could have recorded it. Believe me, it was sung SO nicely. There was a GREAT round of applause. And then this one play by the teachers followed. It was hilarious. And I’m not even gonna try explaining it. It was just too funny to be put down in words. =)) =D
S, meanwhile, talked about Champu. Champu is her crush. And she was asking me to go sit with her at the back, where he was. And I was refusing. You should sit at the back ONLY in movie theatres. ^_^
So, yes. PG came (she’s the chemistry teacher and Thankfully, doesn’t teach me. Phew. xD)… she sang Kaagaz ki Kashti. Which is a saaad song, and I don’t like it and all. But she sang it in a really nice way. With all the nostalgia and stuff. =)
My teachers SO are the BEST. <3 =D =)
It was one of the BEST assemblies EVERR. By the teachers, for the students. ;-]
And then we sang the school song followed by the national anthem. <3
AND then we were supposed to be in the field. I played a bit of basketball but I hurt the ring finer of my left hand and it’s swollen like a cashew, now. I don’t know how I’m gonna play the guitar now. Sigh.
So, yes. It hurt a lot and I also found out that I;m not that bad at basketball. If I know the rules and if I have a bit more stamina, maybe I can even make it to the school team! =D
LOL, so. Yes, during break time, they gave us cake. Yum! It was delicious. And S had brought cake too (OMG! There’re too many people in the world who’s name starts with an ‘s’!).. and it was souble yum! Mmm. <3
After the break, we had an Origami workshop. The instructor was a Jap lady who was REALLY nice. AND, she knew only Japanese. We have a person who’s half-jap in my class, so she translated for us. Wonder how many classes were as lucky as ours. =D
So, I learned a few things in origami that I really don’t remember, to tell the truth. Like how to make the box. I never get those folds right! Bleh! :|
But, oh well, we went to the Candle-making worshop right after that. The kids were really interactive and we had SO much fun. !!
Totally. Now I know how to make candles too. HA! I’m gonna gift S candles, u know. She lurves them. =)
So, well, that’s how the day ended. Whilst making candles. My hands were full of glitter and all that. It was eww-ish and weird but I didn’t even notice that 2 hours just FLEW PAST and I’d made a lot of candles and I showed it to teachers. The “oh-so-popular” group in my class was discussing something else. Aw. They missed something. =)
Well, I got into the bus and A took pics of me and B. I think she’ll mail them to me; I need to ask her first. Hmm. YAY! The pics were weird, to tell the truth. One or two were kinda okay, but I looked too fat in most of them. NOW I know why one of my friends deletes her pics ALWAYS, even when we say that its nice. Cos she herself cant believe she looks like that! xD
The same happened to me, except that I dint delete anything. =D
Went home, had food. I kinda forgot that I had glitter on my hands so I washed my hands only once. I forgot to wash ‘em twice. So, while I was eating lunch, hehe, you DUNNO! I spat out whatever I was eating on a napkin (sigh) and I washed my hands right away. I’m so-not-nice. =D
Well, then LATER, I remembered that its one of my e-apls bday. I mean, not today, tomorrow. But hes in Australia, so, HEH, just for the record - Happy Birthday, Pulkit! =) =D
Also, I was thinking of writing a blog post and I told the owner of the community that I’m a mod of (nudge nudge. REMEMBER?).. and this is what he said (click on the link):
I was feeling pretty nice, you know. =D
YAY! =)
Well, that's what happened at school today. I slept in the afternoon, like, kinda. And then I went to tuition, came back and have been online ever since.
Fridays... <3
Seriously. I lurve fridays. Cos the next day is a saturday and I can sleep as long as I want to! =)
And, you know, I gotta mail a few people. It's imperative, to tell the truth. but me being me, I decided to be the lazy bum I am. I still have the mail in the 'drafts' folder. Not only that, I havent posted for so long. Sigh. No wonder the hit list stopped incresing so quickly. STILL. A 1000 hits is a nice thing! SAY YAY! =) =')
Labels (Clichéd)..
11th grade,
say YAY,
November 11, 2008
Powerless with a sore throat.
2 Random Retorts
Having a nice day? I'm not. I have a sore throat, that's TEH kig of sore throats. So yeah, that explains not having posted for almost a fortnight. =D
~Just pray that I get well soon. =)
~Just pray that I get well soon. =)
Labels (Clichéd)..
being unwell
November 01, 2008
Big Boss OR Big Baas? :\
5 Random Retorts
I'm NOT in a good mood. After watching Big Boss today, I've started wondering whether its Big Boss or Big Baas. :|.. I'm serious as hell, man. Big boss is getting weirder day by day. And, Shilpa can't fake her laugh anymore. She's past that stage now. And that weird accent.. GAWD HELP HER!
Well right, I used to like watching Big Boss. But now its all stupid. And corny and romantic. I mean, I'm going to MURDER shilpa shetty if she gets her eyebrows shaped like this one more time!

It's like she pasted some wannabe actors wanna-moustache. ARGH! :|
Okay, so. Currently, there are 6 members left.
1. Rahul
(S)he's a woman. And, hey, if you've awatched Bechaare Zameen Par, he looks SO much like Pareshaan Aswasthi. Uncanny resemblance, ya know. He should get outta big boss. As for the public saving him everytime.. think again! Hes a rich baap ka bigda pilla, so yeah. His own friends and servants (there might be hundreds of them) vote for him. Bleh. Wannabe woman.
2. Monica
Shes NOT pretty, okay? Okay. She's just genetically fair AND slim. Bleh. AND shes just so fickle minded.. she was ignoring Rahul at first and now its all RahulRahulRahul. I hate her.
I hope she gets out. As for the way she speaks, its like a toad being choked. Honest.
3. Zulfi
Darned big guy. He looks like one of those science experiments gone wrong. Bleh. As for his quiet nature.. well, I dont like it. I used to like him but now, after so many weeks, its pretty obvious that hes a dark-minded dingbat.
4. Ashutosh
He's pretending to like Diana for increasing TRP. Sheesh! :|
Well, otherwise, hes the only guy I like from the entire troupe, the whole cast thingy of Big Boss.
I saw his roadies wala form. It;s illegible. They should get it typed out, you know. :|
Sonel IS nice. Right. I like her too.
5. Diana
She's witty, actually. And she thinks. Well, she hid some food so that the house-mates could eat it later on. Achhai ka zamaana nahi raha!
I like her, nevertheless. She's nice enough
6. Raja
Heh. You know, apart from the fact that he has a VERY bad bad BAD temper, worse than the Satan himself, he has this REALLY bad thing for changing sides every two weeks. Well. No comments. This guy is really lucky, you know.
Biss Baas stinks now. Get the point? HA! xD
~ Is this Big Baas thing a fish? No, really. :\
Well right, I used to like watching Big Boss. But now its all stupid. And corny and romantic. I mean, I'm going to MURDER shilpa shetty if she gets her eyebrows shaped like this one more time!

It's like she pasted some wannabe actors wanna-moustache. ARGH! :|
Okay, so. Currently, there are 6 members left.
1. Rahul
(S)he's a woman. And, hey, if you've awatched Bechaare Zameen Par, he looks SO much like Pareshaan Aswasthi. Uncanny resemblance, ya know. He should get outta big boss. As for the public saving him everytime.. think again! Hes a rich baap ka bigda pilla, so yeah. His own friends and servants (there might be hundreds of them) vote for him. Bleh. Wannabe woman.
2. Monica
Shes NOT pretty, okay? Okay. She's just genetically fair AND slim. Bleh. AND shes just so fickle minded.. she was ignoring Rahul at first and now its all RahulRahulRahul. I hate her.
I hope she gets out. As for the way she speaks, its like a toad being choked. Honest.
3. Zulfi
Darned big guy. He looks like one of those science experiments gone wrong. Bleh. As for his quiet nature.. well, I dont like it. I used to like him but now, after so many weeks, its pretty obvious that hes a dark-minded dingbat.
4. Ashutosh
He's pretending to like Diana for increasing TRP. Sheesh! :|
Well, otherwise, hes the only guy I like from the entire troupe, the whole cast thingy of Big Boss.
I saw his roadies wala form. It;s illegible. They should get it typed out, you know. :|
Sonel IS nice. Right. I like her too.
5. Diana
She's witty, actually. And she thinks. Well, she hid some food so that the house-mates could eat it later on. Achhai ka zamaana nahi raha!
I like her, nevertheless. She's nice enough
6. Raja
Heh. You know, apart from the fact that he has a VERY bad bad BAD temper, worse than the Satan himself, he has this REALLY bad thing for changing sides every two weeks. Well. No comments. This guy is really lucky, you know.
Biss Baas stinks now. Get the point? HA! xD
~ Is this Big Baas thing a fish? No, really. :\
Labels (Clichéd)..
Bigg Boss,
random rants
October 31, 2008
So, FINALLY! School re-opened! Yay!
3 Random Retorts
Yeah! How desperate can I be? I wanted school to reopen cos I was indulging in VERY unhealthy practices while school was closed. Like, I ate full-full tubs of ice cream; I slept late and woke up later; I ate too much junk food; I started working on the internet more because, OBVIOUSLY, I wasn’t going to do my homework; I was in my PJs all day, which makes me EVEN more lethargic.
Yeah. So, well, today, there weren’t many people in the bus. HA! I got a window seatbut MAN! Was it COLD or what?! I was getting goose bumps and all. It was a VERY winday day today.
The bus reached school late, at around 7: 57 or something. And I had around 3 minutes to actually get outta the bus, go to my classroom, say hey hey to friends, take out my diary and go to the field for the assembly. :/
Well, I made it, anyways. In the assembly, I got called, for.. ahem, something nice. But well, it’s stupid to bask in yer past glories; that’s one thing you gotta learn after the 10th grade. So, yeah, I wasn’t ecstatic but my friends sure were. Haha. :P
And then we went back to class and it was economics. Sigh. Economics isn’t THAT bad, but accountancy and math are. :|
Studied, laughed, joked, studied a bit more, laughed a LOT, and.. yeah, had fun.
And THENNN.. Break time! =D
I love food. I can eat anything vegetarian, as long as it isn’t green, leafy and healthy. Yeah. So, I ate some kinda cheese-cheese-more cheese wala sandwich today. It was DELICIOUS!
And then we were randomly roaming around. Phir, we came back to class and we were claeed for a house meeting. It was awesomeeeee!
I’d like to add a VERY serious note here. Ya know, they had selected 4 people for the post of vice captain. Noiw, only 3 had to go forward, so a short survey types thing was conducted to see who was the least populkar. So, therer were 2 irls, 2 boys. Both the girls are very popular, but I liked only one of ‘em (for the post); the other one was (is) [I feel] pretty much irresponsible. You know, the carefree types. I mean, considering the post, I guess nominee no.2 was a better option. So, when ma’am was like, “Who all want [insert her name] to be nominated?”, I didn’t raise my ahnd. Like, you know the routine, don’t you. Her closest friends raised their hands. Then the guys, copying the girls, raised their hands. It was funny, really. But my hands were down, and the bandi, she was like, looking at me. Probably grinding her teeth and getting mad at me, I’m sure. SO, well, the headboy was like, “Haath ni utha re kya?” And I was like, nope.
Then came the second girls name and my hand went up.
Then the third and the fourth name. I kept my hands down. It’s stupid to follow people for just like everything. I mean, have a mind of yer own, jeez! :|
Okay, so, this was the serious bit. Umm, so, yeah, we came back, and it was Business Studies period. OMIGAWD! That teacher HATES me, I tell ya. Completely. She’s the adult literacy club teacher too, and MAN! She gets pissed off at me, like, THIS soon. (chutki wala soon)
And then school ended and I got into my bus and came back home and logged on to the internet, chatted for a bit. Then I went to sleep, went to tuition and all, came back, got mad at mom and yelled at her, drank tea, and Ive been typing this ever since. Okay, I’m done. This was my day was like. =D
And hey, I’m a moderator at this community. Do me a HUGE favour, and join, please. =)
Uncool is Cool
~So, the bottom line is, school reopened. Say yay! YAY! =D
Yeah. So, well, today, there weren’t many people in the bus. HA! I got a window seatbut MAN! Was it COLD or what?! I was getting goose bumps and all. It was a VERY winday day today.
The bus reached school late, at around 7: 57 or something. And I had around 3 minutes to actually get outta the bus, go to my classroom, say hey hey to friends, take out my diary and go to the field for the assembly. :/
Well, I made it, anyways. In the assembly, I got called, for.. ahem, something nice. But well, it’s stupid to bask in yer past glories; that’s one thing you gotta learn after the 10th grade. So, yeah, I wasn’t ecstatic but my friends sure were. Haha. :P
And then we went back to class and it was economics. Sigh. Economics isn’t THAT bad, but accountancy and math are. :|
Studied, laughed, joked, studied a bit more, laughed a LOT, and.. yeah, had fun.
And THENNN.. Break time! =D
I love food. I can eat anything vegetarian, as long as it isn’t green, leafy and healthy. Yeah. So, I ate some kinda cheese-cheese-more cheese wala sandwich today. It was DELICIOUS!
And then we were randomly roaming around. Phir, we came back to class and we were claeed for a house meeting. It was awesomeeeee!
I’d like to add a VERY serious note here. Ya know, they had selected 4 people for the post of vice captain. Noiw, only 3 had to go forward, so a short survey types thing was conducted to see who was the least populkar. So, therer were 2 irls, 2 boys. Both the girls are very popular, but I liked only one of ‘em (for the post); the other one was (is) [I feel] pretty much irresponsible. You know, the carefree types. I mean, considering the post, I guess nominee no.2 was a better option. So, when ma’am was like, “Who all want [insert her name] to be nominated?”, I didn’t raise my ahnd. Like, you know the routine, don’t you. Her closest friends raised their hands. Then the guys, copying the girls, raised their hands. It was funny, really. But my hands were down, and the bandi, she was like, looking at me. Probably grinding her teeth and getting mad at me, I’m sure. SO, well, the headboy was like, “Haath ni utha re kya?” And I was like, nope.
Then came the second girls name and my hand went up.
Then the third and the fourth name. I kept my hands down. It’s stupid to follow people for just like everything. I mean, have a mind of yer own, jeez! :|
Okay, so, this was the serious bit. Umm, so, yeah, we came back, and it was Business Studies period. OMIGAWD! That teacher HATES me, I tell ya. Completely. She’s the adult literacy club teacher too, and MAN! She gets pissed off at me, like, THIS soon. (chutki wala soon)
And then school ended and I got into my bus and came back home and logged on to the internet, chatted for a bit. Then I went to sleep, went to tuition and all, came back, got mad at mom and yelled at her, drank tea, and Ive been typing this ever since. Okay, I’m done. This was my day was like. =D
And hey, I’m a moderator at this community. Do me a HUGE favour, and join, please. =)
Uncool is Cool
~So, the bottom line is, school reopened. Say yay! YAY! =D
Labels (Clichéd)..
11th grade,
normal day,
say YAY,
October 29, 2008
Diwali =)
2 Random Retorts
Note: This post was written on Oct 28, that is, on Diwali wala din. But I didn’t post it. So, imagine ki it’s October the 28th. =D
Diwali ke iss paavan avsar par mai aap sabhi ko diwali ki hardik shubkaamnayein dena chahungi. Aur, iske saath ek blog post bhi =) =D
Well, I’d like to wish you ALL a VERY Happy Diwali! Hope you guys have a great time, AND I hope you say no to crackers, okay? Okay.
So, ‘twas diwali for me, yesterday! =D
This was cos I’m a South Indian and Diwali was celebrated yesterday in south India. So, I’m having, like, double diwali here! It’s nice. Iroanically, this double diwali consists of eating, more eating, sleeping, and a bit of reading. Yeah, that’s about it. Oh wait, the diyas! I like lighting Diyas too! They’re the nicest things in the world. The way they light up when you try to light them up and all. Aw. I think I’ll post a pic of one of the Diyas I light this time. =)
Its nice, isnt it? =D
Okay, so. Hmm. Yesterday, I went to the Temple. It was nice. I was mainly supporting my Grandpa climb the stairs and stuff. =)
And then dad came back and started burning crackers and all.
And today, in the morning.. well, nothing happened. Dad was enthusiastically bursting crackers, but that was about it.
Even though I say n to crakckers, dad doesn’t. Nor does granddad. They were enjoying themselves immesenly.. today, in the evening too, bursting anars, chakri’s, phooljadi’s and so on. I just didn’t have the heart to tell them that it causes pollution. I DID tell dad that ONCE, though. He didn’t really pay attention is MY guess. :/
Well, I had a GREAT diwali, even if it WAS sleeping and lighting diyas and stuff. I talked to a lot of people. Had loads of fun! ^_^
~YAY! I want school to re-open fast. I found out that I’m TOTALLY outta stuff to write about when I don’t go to school. Sigh. My day is as boring as a baseball. :/
So, anyways, pray that it’s Friday soon, okay!? =D
Haffun. =)
Diwali ke iss paavan avsar par mai aap sabhi ko diwali ki hardik shubkaamnayein dena chahungi. Aur, iske saath ek blog post bhi =) =D
Well, I’d like to wish you ALL a VERY Happy Diwali! Hope you guys have a great time, AND I hope you say no to crackers, okay? Okay.
So, ‘twas diwali for me, yesterday! =D
This was cos I’m a South Indian and Diwali was celebrated yesterday in south India. So, I’m having, like, double diwali here! It’s nice. Iroanically, this double diwali consists of eating, more eating, sleeping, and a bit of reading. Yeah, that’s about it. Oh wait, the diyas! I like lighting Diyas too! They’re the nicest things in the world. The way they light up when you try to light them up and all. Aw. I think I’ll post a pic of one of the Diyas I light this time. =)
Its nice, isnt it? =D
Okay, so. Hmm. Yesterday, I went to the Temple. It was nice. I was mainly supporting my Grandpa climb the stairs and stuff. =)
And then dad came back and started burning crackers and all.
And today, in the morning.. well, nothing happened. Dad was enthusiastically bursting crackers, but that was about it.
Even though I say n to crakckers, dad doesn’t. Nor does granddad. They were enjoying themselves immesenly.. today, in the evening too, bursting anars, chakri’s, phooljadi’s and so on. I just didn’t have the heart to tell them that it causes pollution. I DID tell dad that ONCE, though. He didn’t really pay attention is MY guess. :/
Well, I had a GREAT diwali, even if it WAS sleeping and lighting diyas and stuff. I talked to a lot of people. Had loads of fun! ^_^
~YAY! I want school to re-open fast. I found out that I’m TOTALLY outta stuff to write about when I don’t go to school. Sigh. My day is as boring as a baseball. :/
So, anyways, pray that it’s Friday soon, okay!? =D
Haffun. =)
Labels (Clichéd)..
say YAY,
simply random
October 27, 2008
Karo Zyaada ka Iraada =)
3 Random Retorts
Well, this is one of the BEST commercials I’ve EVERR seen!!
It’s a jingle, actually. It’s really.. understandable.
Well, basically, one guy wants the other guys lifestyle. The second guy wants the 3rd guys (couple’s, actually) lifestyle. The 3rd person, she wants to be like the 4th person. The 4th one.. she wants to be rich like the 5th guy. And the 5th man, who’s bald, btw, wants to have loads of hair like the 1st guy.
See, its like, a cycle. And its so cute! Check out the video at YouTube! =)
Heres the link. Watch it; its worth all that bandwidth! =)
Karo Zyaada Ka Iraada
Karo Zyaada Ka Iraada =)
Nazar ko kya chahiye.. khwaab thode zyaada..
Arre khwaab ko kya chahiye.. rang thode zyaada..
Karle dil zyaada ka iraada…
[tunes and stuff]
Karle dil zyaada ka iraada
[some more tunes]
Chand mere paas hai.. suraj toh la tu zaraa..
Arre zindagi mei kya chahiye.. khwaab thode zyaada.
Karo, zyaada ka iraada. =)
I LOVE this jingle. Completely. Its been borrowed from some old song. Kishore Kumar, no less. It’s a Max New York Life Insurance ad.. It’s so touching AND easy to understand.
The latest one is the Czechoslovakia one. Just youtube it. You can even google it. It’s lovely. I completely adore it! =)
~Smiles. =)
It’s a jingle, actually. It’s really.. understandable.
Well, basically, one guy wants the other guys lifestyle. The second guy wants the 3rd guys (couple’s, actually) lifestyle. The 3rd person, she wants to be like the 4th person. The 4th one.. she wants to be rich like the 5th guy. And the 5th man, who’s bald, btw, wants to have loads of hair like the 1st guy.
See, its like, a cycle. And its so cute! Check out the video at YouTube! =)
Heres the link. Watch it; its worth all that bandwidth! =)
Karo Zyaada Ka Iraada
Karo Zyaada Ka Iraada =)
Nazar ko kya chahiye.. khwaab thode zyaada..
Arre khwaab ko kya chahiye.. rang thode zyaada..
Karle dil zyaada ka iraada…
[tunes and stuff]
Karle dil zyaada ka iraada
[some more tunes]
Chand mere paas hai.. suraj toh la tu zaraa..
Arre zindagi mei kya chahiye.. khwaab thode zyaada.
Karo, zyaada ka iraada. =)
I LOVE this jingle. Completely. Its been borrowed from some old song. Kishore Kumar, no less. It’s a Max New York Life Insurance ad.. It’s so touching AND easy to understand.
The latest one is the Czechoslovakia one. Just youtube it. You can even google it. It’s lovely. I completely adore it! =)
~Smiles. =)
Labels (Clichéd)..
say YAY,
simply random,
October 24, 2008
Oct 22: Happy Birthday to me! =)
1 Random Retorts
Well, happy birthday to me! I know I’m late by two days, but DUH! I was busy, don’t you see? No, really. I was busy on the 22nd, I was busy on the 23rd, and then I suddenly fell sick on the 24th, i.e, today. Heh. Okay, so, well, I’ll tell ya what I did on my bday and on the day after.
Lets start from 12:00 AM! The day I turned SIXXTEEN! Woohoo! Can you BELIEVE it?! I’m 16 now! That’s like, one-six, sixteen! =D
So, I got calls from people. A few, I’d say. It was TOO good. AND, my mum gave me this card, in which she’d written some REALLY touvhing stuff. I started crying and my mum was like, shush. Co incidentally, this one friend called me then and I was like,s obbing and saying, “thank you”.. =D
Hmm, so I went to sleep at around 1 AM =D..
And got up the next day at 6: 50 AM! =D :P.. I got gifts and stuff! The White Tiger (the BOOK, okay? NOT some random stuffed toy).. money (the treat, sigh) and lots of other stuff I cant really think of now! I need to tell you about SCHOOL!
School was ENTIRELY awesome. They sang the Bday song for me in class. YAYYY! =D
But, apparently, everyong laughed pretty hard when they sang it for me cos I was, like, almost dancing (I was standing right in front)
Well, and then I had LOTS of fun! I’d done my homework and all and stuff, so yeah, I was pretty much happy.
THEN comes the BAD part. Well, in my school canteen, we get Dosas (the Sagar Ratna ones =/).. and this one kid dropped sambar all over my shir t and skirt (SNIFF! The ONE day I want my shirt and skirt to stay white as hell! My (un)LUCK!)
Okay, I gotta tell ya, I DON’T get my shirt dirty, like, ever. But on THAT particular day, I dunno why, My shirt and skirt were just completely ORANGE-ish. Sigh.
Well, I washed off as much as I could, and in the end, a few weird orange stains were there on my shirt. The skirt was pretty much okay, chalta hai.
And then it was TWO PM, and the bell rang and all of us went to that one place. THAT one place, yes. =D
Okay so, I’d planned to take my friends to this one place after school, seedha. Umm, there were 6 of us (a few people had to cancel the plans last minute mein, but oh well, that ALWAYS happens, so I acted psychic and pretty much KNEW about it pehle se hi)
And, well, we DID go. IT was FUNNNNN! =)
I cut a cake. Black Forest wala. I LOVE Black Forest cakes! And pastries too! They’re DELICIOUS!! Well, lets see.. I bought a small one cos there were only 6 of us. It was perfect. I’m not posting a picuture of it cos.. I don’t want to (HA! =D)
So, umm.. we ordered pizza too, and noodles too (the Indian in me STILL hasn’t stopped calling it chowmein, srsly. WAIT! Is chowmein supposed to be Indian or Chinese? :\).. and haha! It was TOO good! My friend even got a cake for me but I was selfish and never opened the box. I opened it at home. It was DELICIOUSSSS =)
But, yeah, so.. we had fun. We were, like, the most OBNOXIOUS ppl there. Ofcourse, there was this one corner, which we chose. The only bad thing about the place was that it had plastic chairs instead of the normal fancy ones, but I really didn’t care. As long as we could be loud! =D
So, we ate, and with full-full stomachs, went out. Took some pictures. Here’s one of them:

I’m the one taking the pic, so I’m the one whose foot/leg isn’t THAT visible. :\
I know.

And that’s my friend stomping (or is it stamping?) on my foot. Sigh.

We even made the \m/ waale signs and linked out hands together. My hands the one with the white-ish thread like thingy. My mum hates it. :/
Hmm, so well, I’m not gonna put down random conversations here cos I don’t remember any (my memory isn’t THAT sharp, hmm). B left at around 4 and everyone else left by 5:10 - 5: 15. I said bye to everyone and came back home too. And I attended tuition, but I Was so tired that I fell asleep there. But nobody got mad at me cos it was my birthday. At 7:00 PM, I hurried to my friends place. I mean, I reached by 7:30. I had planned to take A and S to this one other place. But S (ARGH!).. she had tuition and came back at 8. Can you BELIEVE it?! She KNEW ‘twas my buday, STILL!
And then FINALLY, we entered that one place at 8:30.
The rest of evening remains pretty confidential (I SWEAR!). But, we DID have pizzas, we DID play akkad bakkad bambe bo at 10 in the night in some random park, we DID run after each other like drunkards And we DID go to my house and then read out our manifesto’s. I sang Baa Baa Black Sheep too. =)
We did imagine that a cow was a motorbike and we DID imagine that .. well,I don’t remember. All I remember is feeling bloated. Heh. =D
Umm, so, yeah, that’s about it. And LOTS of people called me too! Whoa! Infact, I still have a LOT of people to call back and thank! :P
Plus, lets see.. on the 23rd, my voice was completely GONE! Completely. I was like, trying VERY hard to get words outta my mouth. THAT bad. And I had to read out my manifesto in the assembly too. But, guess what!?
(In the assembly)
Ma’am: Now, for the post of Infrastructural Security, we had two people. The first nominee is [insert my name]. She will nto introduce herself because her voice is gone, she has a very sore throat. The second nominee is [enter his name]. Etc etc.
I mena, you get the point, sdont you?! I was DEAD scared! But still, WOOHOO! =D
Okay, so, the whole day, I kept tryna talk. AND, I gave R the infection thingy!! Now HE has a sore throat (bechaara. Immunity to dekho! =D) and my throat is back to normal. Although I AM sneezing a bit and all. Heh. =D
Okay, so that’s it for today. I have the Open Day thingy tomorrow. My parents ARE going. I guess. Lets see.
~Haffun. Heh. Ab to yeh mera STYLE ho gaya hai. Apparently. :P
Lets start from 12:00 AM! The day I turned SIXXTEEN! Woohoo! Can you BELIEVE it?! I’m 16 now! That’s like, one-six, sixteen! =D
So, I got calls from people. A few, I’d say. It was TOO good. AND, my mum gave me this card, in which she’d written some REALLY touvhing stuff. I started crying and my mum was like, shush. Co incidentally, this one friend called me then and I was like,s obbing and saying, “thank you”.. =D
Hmm, so I went to sleep at around 1 AM =D..
And got up the next day at 6: 50 AM! =D :P.. I got gifts and stuff! The White Tiger (the BOOK, okay? NOT some random stuffed toy).. money (the treat, sigh) and lots of other stuff I cant really think of now! I need to tell you about SCHOOL!
School was ENTIRELY awesome. They sang the Bday song for me in class. YAYYY! =D
But, apparently, everyong laughed pretty hard when they sang it for me cos I was, like, almost dancing (I was standing right in front)
Well, and then I had LOTS of fun! I’d done my homework and all and stuff, so yeah, I was pretty much happy.
THEN comes the BAD part. Well, in my school canteen, we get Dosas (the Sagar Ratna ones =/).. and this one kid dropped sambar all over my shir t and skirt (SNIFF! The ONE day I want my shirt and skirt to stay white as hell! My (un)LUCK!)
Okay, I gotta tell ya, I DON’T get my shirt dirty, like, ever. But on THAT particular day, I dunno why, My shirt and skirt were just completely ORANGE-ish. Sigh.
Well, I washed off as much as I could, and in the end, a few weird orange stains were there on my shirt. The skirt was pretty much okay, chalta hai.
And then it was TWO PM, and the bell rang and all of us went to that one place. THAT one place, yes. =D
Okay so, I’d planned to take my friends to this one place after school, seedha. Umm, there were 6 of us (a few people had to cancel the plans last minute mein, but oh well, that ALWAYS happens, so I acted psychic and pretty much KNEW about it pehle se hi)
And, well, we DID go. IT was FUNNNNN! =)
I cut a cake. Black Forest wala. I LOVE Black Forest cakes! And pastries too! They’re DELICIOUS!! Well, lets see.. I bought a small one cos there were only 6 of us. It was perfect. I’m not posting a picuture of it cos.. I don’t want to (HA! =D)
So, umm.. we ordered pizza too, and noodles too (the Indian in me STILL hasn’t stopped calling it chowmein, srsly. WAIT! Is chowmein supposed to be Indian or Chinese? :\).. and haha! It was TOO good! My friend even got a cake for me but I was selfish and never opened the box. I opened it at home. It was DELICIOUSSSS =)
But, yeah, so.. we had fun. We were, like, the most OBNOXIOUS ppl there. Ofcourse, there was this one corner, which we chose. The only bad thing about the place was that it had plastic chairs instead of the normal fancy ones, but I really didn’t care. As long as we could be loud! =D
So, we ate, and with full-full stomachs, went out. Took some pictures. Here’s one of them:

I’m the one taking the pic, so I’m the one whose foot/leg isn’t THAT visible. :\
I know.

And that’s my friend stomping (or is it stamping?) on my foot. Sigh.

We even made the \m/ waale signs and linked out hands together. My hands the one with the white-ish thread like thingy. My mum hates it. :/
Hmm, so well, I’m not gonna put down random conversations here cos I don’t remember any (my memory isn’t THAT sharp, hmm). B left at around 4 and everyone else left by 5:10 - 5: 15. I said bye to everyone and came back home too. And I attended tuition, but I Was so tired that I fell asleep there. But nobody got mad at me cos it was my birthday. At 7:00 PM, I hurried to my friends place. I mean, I reached by 7:30. I had planned to take A and S to this one other place. But S (ARGH!).. she had tuition and came back at 8. Can you BELIEVE it?! She KNEW ‘twas my buday, STILL!
And then FINALLY, we entered that one place at 8:30.
The rest of evening remains pretty confidential (I SWEAR!). But, we DID have pizzas, we DID play akkad bakkad bambe bo at 10 in the night in some random park, we DID run after each other like drunkards And we DID go to my house and then read out our manifesto’s. I sang Baa Baa Black Sheep too. =)
We did imagine that a cow was a motorbike and we DID imagine that .. well,I don’t remember. All I remember is feeling bloated. Heh. =D
Umm, so, yeah, that’s about it. And LOTS of people called me too! Whoa! Infact, I still have a LOT of people to call back and thank! :P
Plus, lets see.. on the 23rd, my voice was completely GONE! Completely. I was like, trying VERY hard to get words outta my mouth. THAT bad. And I had to read out my manifesto in the assembly too. But, guess what!?
(In the assembly)
Ma’am: Now, for the post of Infrastructural Security, we had two people. The first nominee is [insert my name]. She will nto introduce herself because her voice is gone, she has a very sore throat. The second nominee is [enter his name]. Etc etc.
I mena, you get the point, sdont you?! I was DEAD scared! But still, WOOHOO! =D
Okay, so, the whole day, I kept tryna talk. AND, I gave R the infection thingy!! Now HE has a sore throat (bechaara. Immunity to dekho! =D) and my throat is back to normal. Although I AM sneezing a bit and all. Heh. =D
Okay, so that’s it for today. I have the Open Day thingy tomorrow. My parents ARE going. I guess. Lets see.
~Haffun. Heh. Ab to yeh mera STYLE ho gaya hai. Apparently. :P
Labels (Clichéd)..
11th grade,
hail me,
random conversations,
say YAY,
simply random
Tons of days… =)
0 Random Retorts
Wow! Feels like TONS of days have passed. Yes, tons. Have you ever heard of that phrase before? I haven’t. So I’m going to imagine that I invented it =D
Yeah, well, first of all, I need to confess.. even though I’ve had LOADS of time (excluding the past 2 days.. well, make it three), I haven’t been blogging as regularly as I once did! And I’m not even a lot of posts old! Jeez!
So, well, lets start from.. hmm, random stuff. This one e-pal told me that I write TOO much about my life, which isn’t good. And that came as a surprise (not a GOOD one, definitely), cos.. well, I dunno. Hmm. I’ll get back to that later. Right now, I remembered something VAIRY important. I read The White Tiger. By Aravind Adiga. If you’ve read even the HEADLINES, you’ll know that he won the Man Booker Prize this year. And WOW! Is the dude cool or WHAT?! He writes SO awesomely well!! I started the book today and finished it today too! It’s a small book, around 320 pages. And its just as expensive (Ha! Whaddya expect? Money does NOT grow on trees, okay?). IHeartIt! The book i.e. =)
Well, I wanna write MORE about my birthday that random stuff, or today. SO yeah, I’m going to write about my bday first.
~Lemme get all that outta my HEAD, first! :P =D
Yeah, well, first of all, I need to confess.. even though I’ve had LOADS of time (excluding the past 2 days.. well, make it three), I haven’t been blogging as regularly as I once did! And I’m not even a lot of posts old! Jeez!
So, well, lets start from.. hmm, random stuff. This one e-pal told me that I write TOO much about my life, which isn’t good. And that came as a surprise (not a GOOD one, definitely), cos.. well, I dunno. Hmm. I’ll get back to that later. Right now, I remembered something VAIRY important. I read The White Tiger. By Aravind Adiga. If you’ve read even the HEADLINES, you’ll know that he won the Man Booker Prize this year. And WOW! Is the dude cool or WHAT?! He writes SO awesomely well!! I started the book today and finished it today too! It’s a small book, around 320 pages. And its just as expensive (Ha! Whaddya expect? Money does NOT grow on trees, okay?). IHeartIt! The book i.e. =)
Well, I wanna write MORE about my birthday that random stuff, or today. SO yeah, I’m going to write about my bday first.
~Lemme get all that outta my HEAD, first! :P =D
October 16, 2008
Another kid. :/
2 Random Retorts
Theres this one kid. In my bus, sigh. I dunno why, but the kids that piss me off the most travel by bus and they travel in the SAME route I travel by. Jeez!
So, this kid, lets call her A.. I’ll tell ya what happened today.
I got into the bus, morning mei.
I went to the back and sat down with the rest of my friends. But, apparently, they were talking about some movie, so I wasn’t really taking an interest and all.
So, this kids sitting in the second last seat. And this is the conversation that followed:
Her: didi… aapka naam kya hai? (Didi, whats your name?)
Me: [insert my name]. (I was bored)
Her: Toh.. aapke first term mei kaise marks aaye? (So.. how much did you get in yer first term?)
Me: Kyun? Achhe ni the, utne. Math mei 60. (Why? And, Ididnt good marks. A 60 in math :|)
Her: KYA!?? Maths mei SIXTY? Hawwwww. :o (WHAT?! :O.. a SICTY? OMG!)
Me: Tumhare? =) (Yours?)
Her: Mere to TWENTY FOUR aaye, 25 mei se! (Me..! I got 24 outta 25!!)
Me: Wow, nice! Tab bhi mere satra-athaara hi aate the. =D (wow.. nice! Even then, I used to get around 17-18 only)
Her: Mereko dekho, itni chhoti hoke bhi itne ache marks le aati hun. Aap bhi na! (Look at me! I’m so young, still I get such good marks! And you..!)
I was starting to get irritated by then
Me: Yeah, whatever.
And thankfully, we reached school by then.
So, the kid hadn’t finished the conversation, apparently, cos in the afternoon, she finds a seat right opposite mine and shes like..
Her: didi!
Me: Hey =)
Her: toh.. aap kahan ke ho? (so.. where are you from?)
Me: [I told her]
Her: Ohh. Aapke papa kya karte hain? (Oh. So, what does yer dad do?)
Me: Pata nahi. Jaan-ne ki koshish bhi ni ki hai. :/ (I don’t know. I never tried to know, u know)
Her: Ohh. Aapki mummy bhi kaam karti hain kya? (Ohh. Does yer mum work too?)
Me: Uhh.. kya?? :| (Umm.. WHAT?)
Her: aapke papa ghar kab aate hain? (When does yer dad come back home?)
Me:*laughs*.. KYUN? (WHY?)
Her: [she was deaf, I SWEAR!] Aapke marks achhe hi nahi aate kya kabhi? (Don’t you good marks, like, ever?)
Me: Umm. Aap yeh sab pooch hi kyun rahe ho? (umm.. why ARE are you asking me all this?)
Her: Bas, aise hi. Bore ho rahi thi!! (Just like that! I was getting bored!!)
Me: uhh.
Me (aside) Aajkal ke bachhe saare nerds hain. Weird. :/ (Todays kids are all nerds. Weird)
And then, THANKFULLY, it was her stop and I hurriedly said bye. My friends had been watching and they were like, why do you even RESPOND? Just ignore her and she’ll get the point. And I’m like.. but.. that’s not fair. xD
Haha. Some kids sure are weird as hell. =D
I just hope she doesn’t bug me TOMORROW! :O
So, this kid, lets call her A.. I’ll tell ya what happened today.
I got into the bus, morning mei.
I went to the back and sat down with the rest of my friends. But, apparently, they were talking about some movie, so I wasn’t really taking an interest and all.
So, this kids sitting in the second last seat. And this is the conversation that followed:
Her: didi… aapka naam kya hai? (Didi, whats your name?)
Me: [insert my name]. (I was bored)
Her: Toh.. aapke first term mei kaise marks aaye? (So.. how much did you get in yer first term?)
Me: Kyun? Achhe ni the, utne. Math mei 60. (Why? And, Ididnt good marks. A 60 in math :|)
Her: KYA!?? Maths mei SIXTY? Hawwwww. :o (WHAT?! :O.. a SICTY? OMG!)
Me: Tumhare? =) (Yours?)
Her: Mere to TWENTY FOUR aaye, 25 mei se! (Me..! I got 24 outta 25!!)
Me: Wow, nice! Tab bhi mere satra-athaara hi aate the. =D (wow.. nice! Even then, I used to get around 17-18 only)
Her: Mereko dekho, itni chhoti hoke bhi itne ache marks le aati hun. Aap bhi na! (Look at me! I’m so young, still I get such good marks! And you..!)
I was starting to get irritated by then
Me: Yeah, whatever.
And thankfully, we reached school by then.
So, the kid hadn’t finished the conversation, apparently, cos in the afternoon, she finds a seat right opposite mine and shes like..
Her: didi!
Me: Hey =)
Her: toh.. aap kahan ke ho? (so.. where are you from?)
Me: [I told her]
Her: Ohh. Aapke papa kya karte hain? (Oh. So, what does yer dad do?)
Me: Pata nahi. Jaan-ne ki koshish bhi ni ki hai. :/ (I don’t know. I never tried to know, u know)
Her: Ohh. Aapki mummy bhi kaam karti hain kya? (Ohh. Does yer mum work too?)
Me: Uhh.. kya?? :| (Umm.. WHAT?)
Her: aapke papa ghar kab aate hain? (When does yer dad come back home?)
Me:*laughs*.. KYUN? (WHY?)
Her: [she was deaf, I SWEAR!] Aapke marks achhe hi nahi aate kya kabhi? (Don’t you good marks, like, ever?)
Me: Umm. Aap yeh sab pooch hi kyun rahe ho? (umm.. why ARE are you asking me all this?)
Her: Bas, aise hi. Bore ho rahi thi!! (Just like that! I was getting bored!!)
Me: uhh.
Me (aside) Aajkal ke bachhe saare nerds hain. Weird. :/ (Todays kids are all nerds. Weird)
And then, THANKFULLY, it was her stop and I hurriedly said bye. My friends had been watching and they were like, why do you even RESPOND? Just ignore her and she’ll get the point. And I’m like.. but.. that’s not fair. xD
Haha. Some kids sure are weird as hell. =D
I just hope she doesn’t bug me TOMORROW! :O
Labels (Clichéd)..
random conversations,
October 14, 2008
A frog or an alien?
3 Random Retorts
You know, long ago, my mum got me rubber bands. Yes, rubber bands. And I never wore them cos there were two frogs made on each one of them, which wasn’t something I really liked.
So, one fine day, I ran outta rubber bands and I HAD to wear the frog-rubber band. So, I just made a normal pony tail and went to my friend’s house. And my friend immediately notices my rubber band and this is the conversation that takes place.. =D
Her: Whats that alien-like thing yer wearing?
Me: I ran outta rubberbands. I HAD to wear this one.
Her: But.. what IS it?
Me: It’s a frog, apparently. There were 5 different colours, though!
Her: Nahi. It looks like an alien to me.. with those EYES. :o
Me: Nahi NA! It’s a frog, believe you me, I have around a zillion rubber bands of the same type at home.
Her: No way. It IS an alien.
And we were arguing whether it was an alien or a frog... :\
So, YOU tell me. Is this an alien or a frog? =D
So, one fine day, I ran outta rubber bands and I HAD to wear the frog-rubber band. So, I just made a normal pony tail and went to my friend’s house. And my friend immediately notices my rubber band and this is the conversation that takes place.. =D
Her: Whats that alien-like thing yer wearing?
Me: I ran outta rubberbands. I HAD to wear this one.
Her: But.. what IS it?
Me: It’s a frog, apparently. There were 5 different colours, though!
Her: Nahi. It looks like an alien to me.. with those EYES. :o
Me: Nahi NA! It’s a frog, believe you me, I have around a zillion rubber bands of the same type at home.
Her: No way. It IS an alien.
And we were arguing whether it was an alien or a frog... :\
So, YOU tell me. Is this an alien or a frog? =D

Labels (Clichéd)..
normal day,
random conversations,
simply random,
who cares?
Dal ke Pakode. =D
1 Random Retorts
Yes, the title explains it all. And the pic (you'll see it). Heh. This was on one of the Durga Puja days. There were four of us and we were pretty hungry. So, we all pooled in our money and guess how much we got? TEN rupees? I mean, we were COMPLETELY kangaal.. sigh. =D
I’m not really sad about that, I mean, who cares? We still got a plate full of dal ke pakode (or is it pakoRe?) with those ten rupees. =D
So, this was the plate of Dal ke Pakode we got.

Infact, we had to take a token for giving the order thing and I was like.. “wo jo cheez hai na udhar, I want that, please” and the guy started laughing, and he was like, dal ke pakode? =) And I’m like, yes, THAT!
Heh. So, yeah, that’s about it, but isn’t it funny? There were 6 pieces. Two each. I still love the small things in life. =)
~ Mmm. They were DELICIOUS. =)
I’m not really sad about that, I mean, who cares? We still got a plate full of dal ke pakode (or is it pakoRe?) with those ten rupees. =D
So, this was the plate of Dal ke Pakode we got.

Infact, we had to take a token for giving the order thing and I was like.. “wo jo cheez hai na udhar, I want that, please” and the guy started laughing, and he was like, dal ke pakode? =) And I’m like, yes, THAT!
Heh. So, yeah, that’s about it, but isn’t it funny? There were 6 pieces. Two each. I still love the small things in life. =)
~ Mmm. They were DELICIOUS. =)
The SurdKid.
1 Random Retorts
So, while coming back from school, we normally stand in the bus, remember? And apparently, the bus monitors change every week, so this week, instead of that weird little kid, there was a SurdKid. And hey, I don’t mean ANY offence by SurdKid, I mean, I call him that cos he’s so cute with that pagri thing! =)
So, the kid was talking to the teacher, and the teacher, being a nice soul, tells him to ask us politely to sit down. So the kid comes to us and he says so. He’s like.. “deeeedeeee.. please baith jao”
And the kid had to TOTLALY crane his neck, and, er, head upwards cos he was RALLY short. So, there were 4 of us and 2 of us sat down just to be nice to the little kid. I mean, he was nicer to us than that other stupid little kid who was just plain rude AND mean.
So, afterward, the kid goes back because there’re still two people standing and he goes to the teacher again and he comes again, looking more confident. He’s like, please baith jao.. and I’m like, mera to stop aane hi waala hai. But then, hesSUCH a cute kid (aww) that I couldn’t help myself. I was like, chhod na, this kid is so nice, lets just sit down and I sat down. SO did the other person who had been standing with me. Aww. =)
I wonder why I’m aww-ing at this myself. So well, I came back home all happy happy. Yay.
~Aren’t some kids nice? And some kids are just plain mean, but still. The SurdKid is sucha niceheart. I hope he gets loads of candies. =)
psst.. Payal got outta BigBoss!! YAYYY! =)
I'm just SO happy. Such a fake-ster, she is! :|
So, the kid was talking to the teacher, and the teacher, being a nice soul, tells him to ask us politely to sit down. So the kid comes to us and he says so. He’s like.. “deeeedeeee.. please baith jao”
And the kid had to TOTLALY crane his neck, and, er, head upwards cos he was RALLY short. So, there were 4 of us and 2 of us sat down just to be nice to the little kid. I mean, he was nicer to us than that other stupid little kid who was just plain rude AND mean.
So, afterward, the kid goes back because there’re still two people standing and he goes to the teacher again and he comes again, looking more confident. He’s like, please baith jao.. and I’m like, mera to stop aane hi waala hai. But then, hesSUCH a cute kid (aww) that I couldn’t help myself. I was like, chhod na, this kid is so nice, lets just sit down and I sat down. SO did the other person who had been standing with me. Aww. =)
I wonder why I’m aww-ing at this myself. So well, I came back home all happy happy. Yay.
~Aren’t some kids nice? And some kids are just plain mean, but still. The SurdKid is sucha niceheart. I hope he gets loads of candies. =)
psst.. Payal got outta BigBoss!! YAYYY! =)
I'm just SO happy. Such a fake-ster, she is! :|
'bout school: 11th grade makes one helluva difference! =D
0 Random Retorts
Haha. So, school started on Friday. I got a shock first thing in the morning when I got into the bus! Just about half the bus was full, and there wasn’t ONE senior in view! Gosh! So, well, I was pretty quiet about this and just sat down. Went to school. And a BIGGER shock was waiting me there. Or wait, a bigger shock awaited me there. Oh hell, whatever. So, like, only TWLEVE children were present! Can you BELIEVE it? TWLEVE? Gosh! :|
But still, the stupid dumb ‘in’ group in class didn’t come today so I was pretty relived. All of us were.
Infact, right in the morning, I kept thinking that I was gonna get bored as hell, but well, I DIDN’T. Turned out to be a not-s-bad day after all, cos almost all the classes were substitution pds, so yeah, we were playing Dumb Charades and all. That’s what its called, I think. It was a LOT of fun! I really liked it! Infact, I didn’t want school to end, cos we were having SO much fun. Btw, I realized that I can enact stuff pretty much decently. The only bad thing is that I laugh a lot, actually, giggle. I wonder why I SOUND serious, then. =D
So, hmm, in the bus, all the kids kept coming upto me and saying “Namaste, hame daan do” or something like that. I ignored them. Ha. What else was I supposed to do?
Well, if Friday shocked me, then Saturday shocked AND stabbed me. There were only 9 children present. SIGH! Well, I think my class was better off cos the other class had pnly 4 children! Jeez!
So, well, since there were only 9 children, we were all seated in a group.. I mean, all of us, regardless of what group we were in and all. So, I got to talk to this one girl, lets call her R. Both of us have been enemies since 6th grade.. lets say silent enemies cos we were always courteous to each other but never really liked each other. Well, personally, I didn’t like her cos she had been ULTRA-mean to me when I was in 6th grade and the new-student. It was a bit depressing, 6th grade. So anyways, I talked to her and .. well, she was changed! Completely. Infact, we had SO much in common and SO much to talk about that I myself was surprised. So, like, the whole day went on like this. Id otn think I got bored for even a MINUTE. We discussed stuff from the stupid in-group, to books! It was GREAT! =)
And, well, at the end of the day, shes like, hey, uve changed, and I’m like, yeah, u too! And she was like.. yeah, you were so different in 6th grade and I’m like, oh, hey, I Was a new student.. I just didn’t know what to do and how to proceed.. and she was like, no no, I was really mean to you! And you didn’t even get mad at me, you were just nice to me. And I’m like, yeah you too. =)
So, I guess school ended on a happy note. I went home feeling ultra nice. You know, its nice when something like happens. Haina?
~Uh oh. The SurdKid. Next Post. =D
But still, the stupid dumb ‘in’ group in class didn’t come today so I was pretty relived. All of us were.
Infact, right in the morning, I kept thinking that I was gonna get bored as hell, but well, I DIDN’T. Turned out to be a not-s-bad day after all, cos almost all the classes were substitution pds, so yeah, we were playing Dumb Charades and all. That’s what its called, I think. It was a LOT of fun! I really liked it! Infact, I didn’t want school to end, cos we were having SO much fun. Btw, I realized that I can enact stuff pretty much decently. The only bad thing is that I laugh a lot, actually, giggle. I wonder why I SOUND serious, then. =D
So, hmm, in the bus, all the kids kept coming upto me and saying “Namaste, hame daan do” or something like that. I ignored them. Ha. What else was I supposed to do?
Well, if Friday shocked me, then Saturday shocked AND stabbed me. There were only 9 children present. SIGH! Well, I think my class was better off cos the other class had pnly 4 children! Jeez!
So, well, since there were only 9 children, we were all seated in a group.. I mean, all of us, regardless of what group we were in and all. So, I got to talk to this one girl, lets call her R. Both of us have been enemies since 6th grade.. lets say silent enemies cos we were always courteous to each other but never really liked each other. Well, personally, I didn’t like her cos she had been ULTRA-mean to me when I was in 6th grade and the new-student. It was a bit depressing, 6th grade. So anyways, I talked to her and .. well, she was changed! Completely. Infact, we had SO much in common and SO much to talk about that I myself was surprised. So, like, the whole day went on like this. Id otn think I got bored for even a MINUTE. We discussed stuff from the stupid in-group, to books! It was GREAT! =)
And, well, at the end of the day, shes like, hey, uve changed, and I’m like, yeah, u too! And she was like.. yeah, you were so different in 6th grade and I’m like, oh, hey, I Was a new student.. I just didn’t know what to do and how to proceed.. and she was like, no no, I was really mean to you! And you didn’t even get mad at me, you were just nice to me. And I’m like, yeah you too. =)
So, I guess school ended on a happy note. I went home feeling ultra nice. You know, its nice when something like happens. Haina?
~Uh oh. The SurdKid. Next Post. =D
The Durga Puja, the Dance Competition, and friends. In short, loads of FUN! =)
0 Random Retorts
So, I don’t know where to START. The past few days, weeks, actually, have been SO much hectic AND fun filled, that I’m at a loss of words! I mean.. I’ve had SO much to write about but so little time! Well. Happens. =D
Well, lets start with the Durga Puja thing. My friend, S, she learned Kathak for four years. So suddenly, on Saturday, she decides that she wants to take part in a Dance Competition that’s being organized by the people that sponsored the Durga Puja festival.
So, she starts the practice thing. And since her parents are busy too, she wanted me to come, to be the photographer. I mean, the camera-woman. No, wait, whatever. =D
She called me up.
Her: Yaar, aa ja na. Ive been practicing for an hour and my bro keeps telling me that I’m gonna make a fool of myself there.
Me: Hmm. Don’t listen to him, yaar. He’s a born pessimist. He’s TEH pessimist. Jeez. Worse than ME, of all the people.
Her: Abbey, to aa rahi hai ki nahi?
Me: I feel bloated. :/
Her: Bah. I’m sending someone to pick u up.
Me: Wait -
And then she kept the phone down.
I kept thinking that she HAD to be kidding, when suddenly, at around 10.. her parents come to my house to pick me up. Now, my mums like, Go beta, go. It’ll be fun! And I’m like.. but.. but.. but. =D
So, well, originally, I didn’t wanna go cos.. well, I’m plain lazy. But.. I changed my mind. So, when I reached her house, S was getting ready. She was wearing a saree, something close to it, I guess and she was looking PERFECTLY pretty! =)
Me: *hugs* Looking NICE! =)
Her: Thanks yaar. I’m scared. Having second thoughts and all. :s
Me: Nahi na, don’t be confused and all. You can do it. Remember, you can, you will? Aise hi soch na. =)
Her: Haan… pata nahi.
Me: Tu bass darr mat. Pehle lets GO there na!
So, we went to the Durga Puja thingy. I had the camera with me. I mean, to take pictures. But then I remembered ki I could take videos too! I mean, had I known earlier, I’d have taken the HandyCam only. Sigh. :/
So, I was trying to kid around cos I didn’t wanna see S all tensed up and stuff. So we took the most BHOOTNI-ish pics ever. With S’s Kajal (Kohl) and my teeth, haha. Even BhootUncle will get scared. xD
So, It was FINALLY her turn! YAY!
So, she went up the stage and I strated recording the video. S danced REALLY well. SO well, that there was a HUGE round of applause when the song stopped. Btw, she danced for ‘Mere Dholna’ from the movie – Bhool Bhulaiyya. One helluva song, and I had the whole thing recorded. So, we went to the green-room-like place again and I was like.. WOW that was GREAT! And S was smiling all modestly and stuff. It was a happy moment after all.
And so, at around 11 30, we started for S’s house. We walked! At ELEVEN THIRTY in the NIGHT! =D
It was TOO good. Awesome, seriously. We even made a video we call ‘wo pagalpanti wala video’ just cos we recorded the whole thing while walking at 11 30 in the night! Like, I wanted to upload it to YouTube cos it was pretty dark and anybody who watches the video can only hear our voices and maybe see my teeth (they’re pearly white), but cant see our faces. But S was like, nope no way. So anyways.
HAha. That’s about it – the durga puja part. Theres more coming tomorrow. Stay tuned (*gulp* what did I JUST say? :o)
Ive been watching too much TV. GAWD.
~ ‘Bout school and the new SurdKid in the bus, tomorrow! =)
psst.. S won the FIRST prize in the Dance Competition btw!! YAY! =) =)
Well, lets start with the Durga Puja thing. My friend, S, she learned Kathak for four years. So suddenly, on Saturday, she decides that she wants to take part in a Dance Competition that’s being organized by the people that sponsored the Durga Puja festival.
So, she starts the practice thing. And since her parents are busy too, she wanted me to come, to be the photographer. I mean, the camera-woman. No, wait, whatever. =D
She called me up.
Her: Yaar, aa ja na. Ive been practicing for an hour and my bro keeps telling me that I’m gonna make a fool of myself there.
Me: Hmm. Don’t listen to him, yaar. He’s a born pessimist. He’s TEH pessimist. Jeez. Worse than ME, of all the people.
Her: Abbey, to aa rahi hai ki nahi?
Me: I feel bloated. :/
Her: Bah. I’m sending someone to pick u up.
Me: Wait -
And then she kept the phone down.
I kept thinking that she HAD to be kidding, when suddenly, at around 10.. her parents come to my house to pick me up. Now, my mums like, Go beta, go. It’ll be fun! And I’m like.. but.. but.. but. =D
So, well, originally, I didn’t wanna go cos.. well, I’m plain lazy. But.. I changed my mind. So, when I reached her house, S was getting ready. She was wearing a saree, something close to it, I guess and she was looking PERFECTLY pretty! =)
Me: *hugs* Looking NICE! =)
Her: Thanks yaar. I’m scared. Having second thoughts and all. :s
Me: Nahi na, don’t be confused and all. You can do it. Remember, you can, you will? Aise hi soch na. =)
Her: Haan… pata nahi.
Me: Tu bass darr mat. Pehle lets GO there na!
So, we went to the Durga Puja thingy. I had the camera with me. I mean, to take pictures. But then I remembered ki I could take videos too! I mean, had I known earlier, I’d have taken the HandyCam only. Sigh. :/
So, I was trying to kid around cos I didn’t wanna see S all tensed up and stuff. So we took the most BHOOTNI-ish pics ever. With S’s Kajal (Kohl) and my teeth, haha. Even BhootUncle will get scared. xD
So, It was FINALLY her turn! YAY!
So, she went up the stage and I strated recording the video. S danced REALLY well. SO well, that there was a HUGE round of applause when the song stopped. Btw, she danced for ‘Mere Dholna’ from the movie – Bhool Bhulaiyya. One helluva song, and I had the whole thing recorded. So, we went to the green-room-like place again and I was like.. WOW that was GREAT! And S was smiling all modestly and stuff. It was a happy moment after all.
And so, at around 11 30, we started for S’s house. We walked! At ELEVEN THIRTY in the NIGHT! =D
It was TOO good. Awesome, seriously. We even made a video we call ‘wo pagalpanti wala video’ just cos we recorded the whole thing while walking at 11 30 in the night! Like, I wanted to upload it to YouTube cos it was pretty dark and anybody who watches the video can only hear our voices and maybe see my teeth (they’re pearly white), but cant see our faces. But S was like, nope no way. So anyways.
HAha. That’s about it – the durga puja part. Theres more coming tomorrow. Stay tuned (*gulp* what did I JUST say? :o)
Ive been watching too much TV. GAWD.
~ ‘Bout school and the new SurdKid in the bus, tomorrow! =)
psst.. S won the FIRST prize in the Dance Competition btw!! YAY! =) =)
October 05, 2008
Who cares?
2 Random Retorts
That’s TEH one phrase I keep saying all the time. It’s like.. “do you want some juice?” and I’ll be like, “Yeah sure, who cares?”
See. I know it sounds VERY retarded, but I Cant help it. IT just comes outta my mouth. I used to say “whatever” RIGHT after K3G released. Heh. Remember, Kareena and her whatevers? =D
Not just when it comes to, well, food. ANYTHING. Like, “have you don’t the homework?” and I’ll be like, “nope. Who cares?”
My friend commented on this “who cares” thingy once. We were talking about my other friends crush and about how HE has a gf and.. it’s a long story. But then, I was lie, “he has a gf, he doesn’t have a gf. Who cares?” and my friend was like “[insert the other friends name] cares!! She wants you to find out!” and I’ll be like, “yawm, who cares?”
Well, okay, no more ‘who cares’ examples, but, like, I’ll go sleep now. Who cares? xD
See. I know it sounds VERY retarded, but I Cant help it. IT just comes outta my mouth. I used to say “whatever” RIGHT after K3G released. Heh. Remember, Kareena and her whatevers? =D
Not just when it comes to, well, food. ANYTHING. Like, “have you don’t the homework?” and I’ll be like, “nope. Who cares?”
My friend commented on this “who cares” thingy once. We were talking about my other friends crush and about how HE has a gf and.. it’s a long story. But then, I was lie, “he has a gf, he doesn’t have a gf. Who cares?” and my friend was like “[insert the other friends name] cares!! She wants you to find out!” and I’ll be like, “yawm, who cares?”
Well, okay, no more ‘who cares’ examples, but, like, I’ll go sleep now. Who cares? xD
Labels (Clichéd)..
simply random,
who cares?
A Lot more teaching.
0 Random Retorts
So, when the kids came on Friday (or was it a Saturday?), they asked me If I Could teach them math too. I agreed, except that their math book is in HINDI. I mean, I can read hindi but I Don’t know what Linear Equations or Ratios would be called in Hindi. So I had to decline and well, I continued with the English thing.
So, our next lesson was that of this one miser and all his gold. I read the chapter, para by para and made thm repeat after me. They need to correct their pronunciations. I don’t know if I’ll be able to actually improve their English, but I DO know that they’ll atleast develop a habit of, hmm, studying English.
So, I told them that I’d take the dictation thingy the next day, from fourteen words that were given at the end of the chapter.
The next day, they REMINDED me (how cute!) that I had to take a dictation. They fared pretty poorly, even thought they’d tried hard.
Ater that, we read a poem whose name I don’t remember and it was by Sarojini Naidu. It was basically about “O ye Merchants, you sell silverware” and all. It was nice. I had a hard time explaining the whole thingy. :s
And, well, lets see.. I made them underline words like ‘dagger’ and ‘azure’ and then I asked them to practice all those by writing cos I was going to take another dictation the next time. AND, guess what? The next time is a LOT of days away – the kids are bengali’s, so they asked if they could come after the 10th. So now, they’re coming on 9th morning or 10th evening. Which suits me pretty fine. I’m happy as long as they get their lessons. =)
Anyway, okay, there was this one funny convo with a vodafone customer care guy but more about that in the next post… :)
(Oh, wait, actually, I think I posted that one by cutting and pasting so, yeah, its the post BELOW this one xD)
~Haffun. And hey, thanks to all those who commented on the last post. I really loved it, you guys. :)
So, our next lesson was that of this one miser and all his gold. I read the chapter, para by para and made thm repeat after me. They need to correct their pronunciations. I don’t know if I’ll be able to actually improve their English, but I DO know that they’ll atleast develop a habit of, hmm, studying English.
So, I told them that I’d take the dictation thingy the next day, from fourteen words that were given at the end of the chapter.
The next day, they REMINDED me (how cute!) that I had to take a dictation. They fared pretty poorly, even thought they’d tried hard.
Ater that, we read a poem whose name I don’t remember and it was by Sarojini Naidu. It was basically about “O ye Merchants, you sell silverware” and all. It was nice. I had a hard time explaining the whole thingy. :s
And, well, lets see.. I made them underline words like ‘dagger’ and ‘azure’ and then I asked them to practice all those by writing cos I was going to take another dictation the next time. AND, guess what? The next time is a LOT of days away – the kids are bengali’s, so they asked if they could come after the 10th. So now, they’re coming on 9th morning or 10th evening. Which suits me pretty fine. I’m happy as long as they get their lessons. =)
Anyway, okay, there was this one funny convo with a vodafone customer care guy but more about that in the next post… :)
(Oh, wait, actually, I think I posted that one by cutting and pasting so, yeah, its the post BELOW this one xD)
~Haffun. And hey, thanks to all those who commented on the last post. I really loved it, you guys. :)
I irritate customer care people. Convict me?
4 Random Retorts
So, I called the helpline number thingy cos I didn’t know what e-topup was. So, I dialed 111 (that’s the customer care number) and asked him that. Now, even though I’ve changed the language the customer care guys should talk in from Hindi to English, the one that was on line was TOTALLY hindi-ish.
So, this is the conversation that followed.
Him: Namashkaar ma’am. Aapka poora naam aur number de dijiye zara, please.
(Goodmorning ma’am. Could I please have yer full name and number, please?)
Me: [insert full name here], [insert mob. number here]
Okay, for the time being, lets assume that my name is XYZ. Then,
Him: Hanji. Hum aapki sahayta kaise kar sakte hain, XYZ jee?
(Yes. So, how can I help you, XYZ jee)
Me: Umm, I’d like to know what e-top up is.
Him: XYZ jee, aap nischint rahiye, hum aapki poori tareeke se sahayta karenge. E-top up?
(Please, don’t be worried. (Or anxious).. I’ll try and help you fully. E-top up?)
Me: haan. E-top up HOTA kya hai?
(Yes. What IS e-topup?)
Him: XYZ jee, aap nishchint rahiye, hum aapki poore tareeke se sahayata karenge.
[Yes, XYZ jee, please remain unworried, I’ll try andhelp you as much as I can. )
[And then he explains what e-topup is]
After that, he is like:
Him: XYZ jee, aap nishchint rahiye, aapki hum aur koi sahayata kar sakte hain?
(XYZ jee, please remain unworried, do you have any other query?)
Me: umm.. haan. Nishchint ka matlab kya hota hai?
(Er, yes. What does ‘nishchint’ mean?)
Him: *silence* kya?
Me: Haan.. ummm.. nishchint ka matlab kya hota hai? :]
(er, yes. What does ‘nishchint’ mean?)
Him: nishchint maane… tension-free.
(Nishchint means.. tension free)
Me: ohh. Right. Bina kisi chinta ke. Right. ThnakYOU! :]
(Oh, right. Without any worried. Right, thankYOU! =))
Him: Jee haan, zarur. Aur koi sawal hai?
(Yes, ofcourse. Do you have any other queries?)
Me: Nahi,t hank you so much.
(Nope. Thank you so much. =) )
Him: Thankyou for calling Vodafone service.. etc.
Well, I wont say this was a FUNNY convo, but it killed me. I laughed for a full five minutes after having kept the phone down, LOL! =D
It’s just that, right THEN, my friend called. And I told her about this whole thing and she was like, bechaara, the guy must be thinking yer a complete idot , now. And I’m like, laughing and saying yeah, who cares?
I don’t think I Was too nice, having asked a question he isn’t paid to answer, but anyways. I laughed a lot cos of it. I wonder if he was pissed or not.
~ And oh, coincidentally, the guys name was Deepak Sharma. Dee-duck, u listening?
So, this is the conversation that followed.
Him: Namashkaar ma’am. Aapka poora naam aur number de dijiye zara, please.
(Goodmorning ma’am. Could I please have yer full name and number, please?)
Me: [insert full name here], [insert mob. number here]
Okay, for the time being, lets assume that my name is XYZ. Then,
Him: Hanji. Hum aapki sahayta kaise kar sakte hain, XYZ jee?
(Yes. So, how can I help you, XYZ jee)
Me: Umm, I’d like to know what e-top up is.
Him: XYZ jee, aap nischint rahiye, hum aapki poori tareeke se sahayta karenge. E-top up?
(Please, don’t be worried. (Or anxious).. I’ll try and help you fully. E-top up?)
Me: haan. E-top up HOTA kya hai?
(Yes. What IS e-topup?)
Him: XYZ jee, aap nishchint rahiye, hum aapki poore tareeke se sahayata karenge.
[Yes, XYZ jee, please remain unworried, I’ll try andhelp you as much as I can. )
[And then he explains what e-topup is]
After that, he is like:
Him: XYZ jee, aap nishchint rahiye, aapki hum aur koi sahayata kar sakte hain?
(XYZ jee, please remain unworried, do you have any other query?)
Me: umm.. haan. Nishchint ka matlab kya hota hai?
(Er, yes. What does ‘nishchint’ mean?)
Him: *silence* kya?
Me: Haan.. ummm.. nishchint ka matlab kya hota hai? :]
(er, yes. What does ‘nishchint’ mean?)
Him: nishchint maane… tension-free.
(Nishchint means.. tension free)
Me: ohh. Right. Bina kisi chinta ke. Right. ThnakYOU! :]
(Oh, right. Without any worried. Right, thankYOU! =))
Him: Jee haan, zarur. Aur koi sawal hai?
(Yes, ofcourse. Do you have any other queries?)
Me: Nahi,t hank you so much.
(Nope. Thank you so much. =) )
Him: Thankyou for calling Vodafone service.. etc.
Well, I wont say this was a FUNNY convo, but it killed me. I laughed for a full five minutes after having kept the phone down, LOL! =D
It’s just that, right THEN, my friend called. And I told her about this whole thing and she was like, bechaara, the guy must be thinking yer a complete idot , now. And I’m like, laughing and saying yeah, who cares?
I don’t think I Was too nice, having asked a question he isn’t paid to answer, but anyways. I laughed a lot cos of it. I wonder if he was pissed or not.
~ And oh, coincidentally, the guys name was Deepak Sharma. Dee-duck, u listening?
Labels (Clichéd)..
customer care,
random conversations
September 30, 2008
How Mr. Sadigh’s speech ‘inspired’ me :)
4 Random Retorts
So, I guess this is like, contd. =D
So, well, later, the same day (friday, d’uh!), we had our literacy club discussion. So, over there, we decided that we’d try and teach a poor kid in our locality, like, once or twice every week. I REALLY liked the idea, plus, I waqs enthusiastic as hell cos I knew Ic ouldnt volunteer for TEACHFORAMERICA.. cos they take only college (top) graduates. :[
So, I started wondering as to where I’d find a poor kid. No, wait, correction: A lesser privileged kid.
So, I didn’t find one, I found TWO of them! :]
Umm, you see, whenever I wait for my bus in the mornings, I see these two kids on the cycle with their dad, in their school uniforms and all. So I found out where they live and approached their parents. They agreed. I mean, I asked them if I could teach their kids angrezi and all and I talked a bit about how I just wanted to help, etc etc.
Well, so the kids came to my house on Sunday. At 9 in the morning. And, well, I taught them English.
And that’s when I realized something too..
Teaching is friggin’ hard!
Jeez. They came on Monday too, but I think the class on Monday was WAY better than that of Sunday.. I mean, I had to explain every line in hindi.. which is a pretty tough task..
Nevertheless, I enjoyed it. And they’re coming again on the 3rd.. which is Friday, or Saturday, I think.
Well, this is ONE post I really want comments on.. I mean, just normal feedback. =)
Thank you.
P.S.: I spoke in the morning assembly today about Ramadan. Isnt that just great? I wish my mum and dad were present in the assembly. I think they’d have gotten their basic lessons on respecting and tolerating other religions, etc. :]
So, well, later, the same day (friday, d’uh!), we had our literacy club discussion. So, over there, we decided that we’d try and teach a poor kid in our locality, like, once or twice every week. I REALLY liked the idea, plus, I waqs enthusiastic as hell cos I knew Ic ouldnt volunteer for TEACHFORAMERICA.. cos they take only college (top) graduates. :[
So, I started wondering as to where I’d find a poor kid. No, wait, correction: A lesser privileged kid.
So, I didn’t find one, I found TWO of them! :]
Umm, you see, whenever I wait for my bus in the mornings, I see these two kids on the cycle with their dad, in their school uniforms and all. So I found out where they live and approached their parents. They agreed. I mean, I asked them if I could teach their kids angrezi and all and I talked a bit about how I just wanted to help, etc etc.
Well, so the kids came to my house on Sunday. At 9 in the morning. And, well, I taught them English.
And that’s when I realized something too..
Teaching is friggin’ hard!
Jeez. They came on Monday too, but I think the class on Monday was WAY better than that of Sunday.. I mean, I had to explain every line in hindi.. which is a pretty tough task..
Nevertheless, I enjoyed it. And they’re coming again on the 3rd.. which is Friday, or Saturday, I think.
Well, this is ONE post I really want comments on.. I mean, just normal feedback. =)
Thank you.
P.S.: I spoke in the morning assembly today about Ramadan. Isnt that just great? I wish my mum and dad were present in the assembly. I think they’d have gotten their basic lessons on respecting and tolerating other religions, etc. :]
September 29, 2008
That one guy called Keyvan Sadigh.. heh.
6 Random Retorts
So, like, on Friday, September 26, this one guy called Keyvan Sadigh came to my school to speak on “Volunteerism”.
But hey, I really liked the guy and the PURPOSE of his visit, so I’m going to be really respectful and call him Mr. Sadigh. =)
Well, before we proceed.. I’d like to say a word or two (or maybe a lot more) about Mr. Sadigh’s physical features (and some other attributes too)…
He was tall. AND he had a goatee (or was it a French beard?), and he was wearing this white t-shirt. His bag was probably the only thing I’ve wanted my entire life, but anyways, I’ll go backpack-shopping soon enough, no worries. Yeah, his bag was REALLY nice. Or is it called a backpack? And heh, I think he was wearing black jeans with it.. or maybe black pants or something. Navy blue.. some dark kind, THAT I know. Well, he was REALLY friendly, and he has a Really nice smile. Heh. INFACT, he looks like a relative of this one classmate (she’s got a REALLY fair face and red, no, pink cheeks too).
Hmm, so basically, the purpose of his visit was to, well, enlighten us? About volunteerism, and about this new programme called TEACHFORINDIA. About how our country needs great teachers who can make a difference in these children’s lives and all. I mean, to tell the truth, I don’t think I actually GOT what he was trying to convey. But well, atleast I was motivated. I’ll get back to, erm, you (the reader, yes?) later about that.
And he had a strong American accent AND hes a GREAT orator. He works at Google (I MUST say.. WOW!). And hey, Mister Google (is there even one?), I mean mister CEO guy or whoever (no, I don’t read newspapers).. yer employee compared Google to an Amusement Park. Isn’t that just AMAZINGLY sweet? I mean, I haven’t seen anyone SO much happy and satisfied with their work. Hats off to you, Mr. Sadigh, and Google probably ROCKS so, well, I’m sad that I didn’t take up science (TILL now xD)
So okay, his speech was about this one programme he’d worked for before joining google…
Umm, u see.. the TOP students from some of the BEST universities.. like Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Radcliffe, etc.. were called upon to be a part of a programme called TEACHFORAMERICA (Teach For America), for 2 years. Now, these students, (graduates, actually) were supposed to spend two years teaching full time at some of the schools (public) in the poorest districts of the state. I mean, whichever state. I think he said Philadelphia, but I have no idea, to tell the truth. OR California, maybe? Jeez. Whats the difference? Which ones a city and which ones a state? :\
So anyways, the kids there were basically African-American, Caucasian, Mexican (erm, whats the term?), etc. And these college-students, they were supposed to stick around and NOT walk out just cos the kids swore at the teacher or maybe threw, like, rotten tomatoes at him/her.
Well, he gave a speech on whatever I mentioned above.. and he compared his privileged lifestyle to that of the poor kids, who have More on their minds than getting good grades, etc.
But okay, lets face his.. his speech was REALLY good. But the response was not as good. I myself was unable to ask any questions, but then I don’t really interact in a large gathering, I guess.
Uhmm.. well, his speech definitely motivated me, as I’d mentioned sometime ago. Can I tell u guys ago it later? Like, I gotta go now. Its bed-time. =D :]
~Nighty night. I’m sleepy as hell. *yawn yawn*
But hey, I really liked the guy and the PURPOSE of his visit, so I’m going to be really respectful and call him Mr. Sadigh. =)
Well, before we proceed.. I’d like to say a word or two (or maybe a lot more) about Mr. Sadigh’s physical features (and some other attributes too)…
He was tall. AND he had a goatee (or was it a French beard?), and he was wearing this white t-shirt. His bag was probably the only thing I’ve wanted my entire life, but anyways, I’ll go backpack-shopping soon enough, no worries. Yeah, his bag was REALLY nice. Or is it called a backpack? And heh, I think he was wearing black jeans with it.. or maybe black pants or something. Navy blue.. some dark kind, THAT I know. Well, he was REALLY friendly, and he has a Really nice smile. Heh. INFACT, he looks like a relative of this one classmate (she’s got a REALLY fair face and red, no, pink cheeks too).
Hmm, so basically, the purpose of his visit was to, well, enlighten us? About volunteerism, and about this new programme called TEACHFORINDIA. About how our country needs great teachers who can make a difference in these children’s lives and all. I mean, to tell the truth, I don’t think I actually GOT what he was trying to convey. But well, atleast I was motivated. I’ll get back to, erm, you (the reader, yes?) later about that.
And he had a strong American accent AND hes a GREAT orator. He works at Google (I MUST say.. WOW!). And hey, Mister Google (is there even one?), I mean mister CEO guy or whoever (no, I don’t read newspapers).. yer employee compared Google to an Amusement Park. Isn’t that just AMAZINGLY sweet? I mean, I haven’t seen anyone SO much happy and satisfied with their work. Hats off to you, Mr. Sadigh, and Google probably ROCKS so, well, I’m sad that I didn’t take up science (TILL now xD)
So okay, his speech was about this one programme he’d worked for before joining google…
Umm, u see.. the TOP students from some of the BEST universities.. like Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Radcliffe, etc.. were called upon to be a part of a programme called TEACHFORAMERICA (Teach For America), for 2 years. Now, these students, (graduates, actually) were supposed to spend two years teaching full time at some of the schools (public) in the poorest districts of the state. I mean, whichever state. I think he said Philadelphia, but I have no idea, to tell the truth. OR California, maybe? Jeez. Whats the difference? Which ones a city and which ones a state? :\
So anyways, the kids there were basically African-American, Caucasian, Mexican (erm, whats the term?), etc. And these college-students, they were supposed to stick around and NOT walk out just cos the kids swore at the teacher or maybe threw, like, rotten tomatoes at him/her.
Well, he gave a speech on whatever I mentioned above.. and he compared his privileged lifestyle to that of the poor kids, who have More on their minds than getting good grades, etc.
But okay, lets face his.. his speech was REALLY good. But the response was not as good. I myself was unable to ask any questions, but then I don’t really interact in a large gathering, I guess.
Uhmm.. well, his speech definitely motivated me, as I’d mentioned sometime ago. Can I tell u guys ago it later? Like, I gotta go now. Its bed-time. =D :]
~Nighty night. I’m sleepy as hell. *yawn yawn*
Labels (Clichéd)..
Stuff, and movies AND friends and projects.. get the point - I just give lame titles
0 Random Retorts
I stepped on a gooey-amoeba-like thing today. Which is like the eew-est thing ever. Ew.
I was like, walking (sigh) towards the fridge, and it was like, totally dark and I stepped on something and I jumped up (so high that I'd have prolly touched the ceiling had I been a LOT more tall), and then I scrambled over to one side and quickly switched on the lights. WHOA! And there it was.. an alien-ish creature. It was like stepping on a banana peel, no, really. And yes, I HAVE stepped on a banana peel, just so you know that I don’t compare two things just like that.
And well, I took out a bottle of water as I had originally intended to, and ran back as soon as I could, which was totally not expected.
Which reminds me, we have something called the ACE Day tomorrow. ACE stands for Accountancy-Commerce-Economics. I’ll tell you what we’re doing tomorrow. Heres, like, a synopsis (is that even a WORD?):
Right after break-time (around 11 45 am): We have a poster making competition on CONSUMER AWARENESS (ugh)
After an hour (around 12 45 pm): We go for this Symposium. Our topic is something related to credit cards, about how people misuse them SO easily.
[Whenever the symposium gets over]: We go back to class exhausted thinking about how SO worse it COULDN’T have been.
Btw, I made the ppt (Power Point Presentation, dimwit! :|)
And oh, the ppt makes me think about HOW much fun I had today!! I’d gone over to a friends house today to, like, show her the presentation and change anything. Turns out ki the WHOLE thing was wrong, cos I didn’t even know what the hell the topic ACTUALLY was.
Nevertheless, everyone was pretty okay with it. And then we played Blind-Man (aankh mei choli, yes), or whatever its called in English and we had SUCH a great time. There were 5 of us, and the guy who was playing the blind guy, I mean, my friend, he almost tripped. It KILLED all of us. We were laughing like hyenas, literally. Yeah, figuratively, whatever. And then, later, this other person n me were stuck in a position where one of us WOULD be caught no matter what. So HE was pushing me and I was pushing him but he got caught in the end cos I kept punching him in the stomach .. heh. everyone was throwing pillows on one another and all and it was so damned funny! AND before I knew it, it was time for me to go. And this other friend too. So we said our bbyes and stuff and left. HE then caught me an auto and we sed our bbyes too and went home. I didn’t go home, though.. I went to ANOTHER friends house (my best friend).. and it was like, 8 30 pm. And my friend had been like, if you’ve come to HER house, u can come to mine TOO, its just 10 mins away, and I couldn’t even say no :[)
So I stayed there for hardly 15 minutes, cos I realized how totally weird it was to go to a friends house jlt without any reason at 8 30 in the night! So I said my bbye there TOO and I left for home. Except that I couldn’t find a stupid Auto. I searched and searched and searched and I finally found one (at 9 05-ish) and FINALLY reached home at around 9 30 or maybe 9 35 :\
And hey, mum wasn’t pissed! Woohoo! =D
So I had my dinner and then went to work on the ppt. Except that I didn’t add the custom animation thingy; I was too busy watching Bachna Hasino (HEY! That’s what was written; I double-checked, which is a PRETTY cute movie. Yeah. I loved it. Infact, I liked it so much that I gave up watching BigBoss for it. Altho, yes, I didn’t know what the movie would be like (I started wtahcing it at 10)
~ Well, I could write a LOT more, but uh oh, Ive got school tomorrow, I need to pack my bag and polish my shoes. I know that its gonna be a hectic day tomorrow. Ciao
I was like, walking (sigh) towards the fridge, and it was like, totally dark and I stepped on something and I jumped up (so high that I'd have prolly touched the ceiling had I been a LOT more tall), and then I scrambled over to one side and quickly switched on the lights. WHOA! And there it was.. an alien-ish creature. It was like stepping on a banana peel, no, really. And yes, I HAVE stepped on a banana peel, just so you know that I don’t compare two things just like that.
And well, I took out a bottle of water as I had originally intended to, and ran back as soon as I could, which was totally not expected.
Which reminds me, we have something called the ACE Day tomorrow. ACE stands for Accountancy-Commerce-Economics. I’ll tell you what we’re doing tomorrow. Heres, like, a synopsis (is that even a WORD?):
Right after break-time (around 11 45 am): We have a poster making competition on CONSUMER AWARENESS (ugh)
After an hour (around 12 45 pm): We go for this Symposium. Our topic is something related to credit cards, about how people misuse them SO easily.
[Whenever the symposium gets over]: We go back to class exhausted thinking about how SO worse it COULDN’T have been.
Btw, I made the ppt (Power Point Presentation, dimwit! :|)
And oh, the ppt makes me think about HOW much fun I had today!! I’d gone over to a friends house today to, like, show her the presentation and change anything. Turns out ki the WHOLE thing was wrong, cos I didn’t even know what the hell the topic ACTUALLY was.
Nevertheless, everyone was pretty okay with it. And then we played Blind-Man (aankh mei choli, yes), or whatever its called in English and we had SUCH a great time. There were 5 of us, and the guy who was playing the blind guy, I mean, my friend, he almost tripped. It KILLED all of us. We were laughing like hyenas, literally. Yeah, figuratively, whatever. And then, later, this other person n me were stuck in a position where one of us WOULD be caught no matter what. So HE was pushing me and I was pushing him but he got caught in the end cos I kept punching him in the stomach .. heh. everyone was throwing pillows on one another and all and it was so damned funny! AND before I knew it, it was time for me to go. And this other friend too. So we said our bbyes and stuff and left. HE then caught me an auto and we sed our bbyes too and went home. I didn’t go home, though.. I went to ANOTHER friends house (my best friend).. and it was like, 8 30 pm. And my friend had been like, if you’ve come to HER house, u can come to mine TOO, its just 10 mins away, and I couldn’t even say no :[)
So I stayed there for hardly 15 minutes, cos I realized how totally weird it was to go to a friends house jlt without any reason at 8 30 in the night! So I said my bbye there TOO and I left for home. Except that I couldn’t find a stupid Auto. I searched and searched and searched and I finally found one (at 9 05-ish) and FINALLY reached home at around 9 30 or maybe 9 35 :\
And hey, mum wasn’t pissed! Woohoo! =D
So I had my dinner and then went to work on the ppt. Except that I didn’t add the custom animation thingy; I was too busy watching Bachna Hasino (HEY! That’s what was written; I double-checked, which is a PRETTY cute movie. Yeah. I loved it. Infact, I liked it so much that I gave up watching BigBoss for it. Altho, yes, I didn’t know what the movie would be like (I started wtahcing it at 10)
~ Well, I could write a LOT more, but uh oh, Ive got school tomorrow, I need to pack my bag and polish my shoes. I know that its gonna be a hectic day tomorrow. Ciao
September 23, 2008
Me and mum. Fight number 55,105. (and still counting)
3 Random Retorts
Wait, just before u begin reading, this thing is about 2 or maybe 3 weeks old. Maybe even a month old. I just forgot to POST it. I mean, I hadnt even saved it as a draft, it was saved in MS Word. :]
Okay, so LOL, check out this conversation between me and mum.
Scene: I’d just switched on the computer and co-incidentally, mum came in to gimme my tea then. So yeah.
Mum: Why is the internet on?
Me: Cos I have some work.
Mum: *rolls eyes* yeah, orkut work.
Me: NO! Its school work. The project thing. I have to submit it tomorrow.
Mum: Uh-huh. I don’t want to see you working on the internet, give me the ADSL wire right now.
(The ADSL wire is this wire without which the internet won’t function, and I have stu[pid MTNL connection so I get a model WITH the ADSL wire instead of just one permanent wire, like in Sify)
Me: No way! I need to do the work .
(I think mum was in a REALLY violent mood, cos, guess what?)
She pushed my chair away (it’s got wheels.. u know, w/e, damn that thing!). AND she grabbed the ADSL wire (superfast, I must say) and rushed outta the room.
So, I started yellin about how I badly needed the internet and all. =D
But then, my mum being my mum, she decided not to give the stupid wire to me.
The only thing that comforted me was the fact that the internet hadn’t been working, so there was a teeny weeny possibility of the internet not working at that time too.
So I got all mad and left the house, NO, I didn’t leave the house, I just said I had some work. IT was 8 pm.
8: 15 pm: I call up Sheru and Ashima to find out who the hell isn’t busy. Ashima isn’t, so shes okay with me coming over, like, at that time. SO I went to her house, scrapped a bit, and then we realized ow we never evn meet just cos we’re in different classes now, and all. And then we forgot all about it and It was 9 30 when I actually looked up at the ghadi and I Was like OMG they’re gonna KILL me and well, I left. Immediately.
It was sunsaan, a bit scary. NO big deal, nobodys looking. :]
So, I reached home and this was what happened
Granny: What’ll you have for dinner? :]
Me: Nothing.
(My brother suddenly started laughing.. like a maniac)
Bro: OMG mum said that you’d say the EXACT same lines and well, she was right! HA!
Me: w/e.
So whatever,
My internet bandwidth is 1.5 gb again. YAY! =D
Thats great, but I hope I just have enough time to actually use the internet, again. =D =D
Youtube, and SOUTHPARK, here I come! XD
Okay, so LOL, check out this conversation between me and mum.
Scene: I’d just switched on the computer and co-incidentally, mum came in to gimme my tea then. So yeah.
Mum: Why is the internet on?
Me: Cos I have some work.
Mum: *rolls eyes* yeah, orkut work.
Me: NO! Its school work. The project thing. I have to submit it tomorrow.
Mum: Uh-huh. I don’t want to see you working on the internet, give me the ADSL wire right now.
(The ADSL wire is this wire without which the internet won’t function, and I have stu[pid MTNL connection so I get a model WITH the ADSL wire instead of just one permanent wire, like in Sify)
Me: No way! I need to do the work .
(I think mum was in a REALLY violent mood, cos, guess what?)
She pushed my chair away (it’s got wheels.. u know, w/e, damn that thing!). AND she grabbed the ADSL wire (superfast, I must say) and rushed outta the room.
So, I started yellin about how I badly needed the internet and all. =D
But then, my mum being my mum, she decided not to give the stupid wire to me.
The only thing that comforted me was the fact that the internet hadn’t been working, so there was a teeny weeny possibility of the internet not working at that time too.
So I got all mad and left the house, NO, I didn’t leave the house, I just said I had some work. IT was 8 pm.
8: 15 pm: I call up Sheru and Ashima to find out who the hell isn’t busy. Ashima isn’t, so shes okay with me coming over, like, at that time. SO I went to her house, scrapped a bit, and then we realized ow we never evn meet just cos we’re in different classes now, and all. And then we forgot all about it and It was 9 30 when I actually looked up at the ghadi and I Was like OMG they’re gonna KILL me and well, I left. Immediately.
It was sunsaan, a bit scary. NO big deal, nobodys looking. :]
So, I reached home and this was what happened
Granny: What’ll you have for dinner? :]
Me: Nothing.
(My brother suddenly started laughing.. like a maniac)
Bro: OMG mum said that you’d say the EXACT same lines and well, she was right! HA!
Me: w/e.
So whatever,
My internet bandwidth is 1.5 gb again. YAY! =D
Thats great, but I hope I just have enough time to actually use the internet, again. =D =D
Youtube, and SOUTHPARK, here I come! XD
September 22, 2008
Dee-duck. Happy Bday. :)
2 Random Retorts
I’m writing this JUST cos Deepak asked me to give him a blog post as a present. Ofcourse, an actual present would have been stupid.
So I’m going to make this post short because I suddenly have a feeling that writing posts about epals isn’t exactly what I’d like to read, myself. It’s pretty boring. Still, a promise is a promise so yeah.
Deepak is a guy. Pretty obvious. AND he isn’t gay. Yeah. And he has quite a few THICK friends (LOL). And apparently, mallu people have this thing for saying chumma (me, to me: Shame on you, [insert my name here]! You DO know what ‘chumma’ means in tamil. Same in malayalam).. and they keep saying that frequently to him. Which makews us think that hes gay, but no, hes just likes to horse around and stuff.
And he lives in tvm and is one of the corniest (and horniest, err) bastards I’ve met – ever. Hes got a face like a cucumber with a face arse, although I shouldn’t be making fun of it (fun? Huh? Who?) cos I think I have one meself. That sucks. Yeah. Still, I think hes pretty cute (and tall). Heh.
Oh and hes just 19. JUST. OMIGAWD the age thingy is JUST like hero’s. Aww. :]
Well he CAN be quite irritating at times. He likes corny weird adult jokes AND he can cook. Yeah. He even knows French. Aw. And hes ICSE educated, so I’m, like, REALLY jealous of him.
And he likes hindi songs. He googles the names and gets the lyrics. (get the point? Since he doesn’t know hindi, like ACTUALLY, so he has to read the lyrics first. HAH.) So after he gets the lyrics, he likes typing them out and scrapping it to people or posting it in communities. Its pretty nice. :]
And hes got an awesome sis who’ll pay his phone bill. Isnt that just AWESOME?!
Well, that’s all I can recall about him, right now. So anyway, Happy B’day, Deepak!
Oh this Unholy day, I’d like to vow that I’ll never again even think of writing blog posts about e-pals. Promise. And a promise is a promise. Okay? Okay.
Great. Have a nice nice day. =)
psst. GAH! I had to edit this! I cant believe I mentioned my name in the first one! ARGH. :\
I dont like clicking on 'edit'. Sucks. :|
So I’m going to make this post short because I suddenly have a feeling that writing posts about epals isn’t exactly what I’d like to read, myself. It’s pretty boring. Still, a promise is a promise so yeah.
Deepak is a guy. Pretty obvious. AND he isn’t gay. Yeah. And he has quite a few THICK friends (LOL). And apparently, mallu people have this thing for saying chumma (me, to me: Shame on you, [insert my name here]! You DO know what ‘chumma’ means in tamil. Same in malayalam).. and they keep saying that frequently to him. Which makews us think that hes gay, but no, hes just likes to horse around and stuff.
And he lives in tvm and is one of the corniest (and horniest, err) bastards I’ve met – ever. Hes got a face like a cucumber with a face arse, although I shouldn’t be making fun of it (fun? Huh? Who?) cos I think I have one meself. That sucks. Yeah. Still, I think hes pretty cute (and tall). Heh.
Oh and hes just 19. JUST. OMIGAWD the age thingy is JUST like hero’s. Aww. :]
Well he CAN be quite irritating at times. He likes corny weird adult jokes AND he can cook. Yeah. He even knows French. Aw. And hes ICSE educated, so I’m, like, REALLY jealous of him.
And he likes hindi songs. He googles the names and gets the lyrics. (get the point? Since he doesn’t know hindi, like ACTUALLY, so he has to read the lyrics first. HAH.) So after he gets the lyrics, he likes typing them out and scrapping it to people or posting it in communities. Its pretty nice. :]
And hes got an awesome sis who’ll pay his phone bill. Isnt that just AWESOME?!
Well, that’s all I can recall about him, right now. So anyway, Happy B’day, Deepak!
Oh this Unholy day, I’d like to vow that I’ll never again even think of writing blog posts about e-pals. Promise. And a promise is a promise. Okay? Okay.
Great. Have a nice nice day. =)
psst. GAH! I had to edit this! I cant believe I mentioned my name in the first one! ARGH. :\
I dont like clicking on 'edit'. Sucks. :|
September 21, 2008
Memory games and getting bored AND Ashutosh (<3 <3)
1 Random Retorts
Psst.. those two hearts were strictly for Ashutosh. <3 <3
So yeah, I was getting bored at school, on Friday. There were only two of us, the third one was giving an exam (sigh, call it a re-exam or whatever) and the fourth one was absent. The fifth, sixth and seventh ones were absent too, oh. :|
So, anyway, it was just the two of us and we were tryna not get bored by playing a memory game. BORING. Except that we were playing a memory game in which we could name all TV celebrities. Nice. We were progressing pretty normally, and then, I suddenly remembered Ashutosh (From Big Boss, and Roadies!!), and I was like, ooh, ashutosh!
So this was the convo that followed.
Me: ….., kusum (ugh), kumud.. and.. my turn, right? Okay, Diana. NO! Ooooh. Ashutosh! :] :]
Her: UGH! I hate him.
I wonder why she hates him! :o
So anyway.
Me: WHAT? C’monn! Whyy?
Her: he used to work in a dhaba. EEEEWWW.
Me: OMIGAWD don’t say THAT! Hes, like, THE best! Sense of humour and all. :]
Her: Still. Hes a dhabewaala.
Me: who rose to fame by working hard (kinda)
Her: I don’t like his way of talking.. :|
Me: LOL and he makes me laugh like hell. I think hes pretty courageous too!
Her: UGH. I don’t like him.
Me: I love him *starry eyed* XD
Heh. So anyway, what wrong with ashu being a dhabewaala? I think that’s pretty awesome. B-)
And I LUUURVE dhaabe ka khaana. Mmm. <3 <3 But, okay. Who DOESNT?
So I was searching for a present for my friend and I was completely stumped cos I wanst able to find one and I was like, hell NOW what do I Do? :|
Eee. Help, anybody! :\
Oh, but that reminds me. I went to watch Rock On yesterday. Had breakfast and lunch at McD. =D
Life savers they are! =D
Heh. SO well, the movie was AWESOME. :]
And then my great mood and joy went downhill in the evening. But then I went to get a 1 gb card for my phone. Yay. :]
And then I watched Big Boss, it was kinda broing. Hey, I’d like it if Diana and Ashutosh became great great friends. Yay.
So anyway, I wanna go eat my pasta now. HA! Chomp chomp. No, just slurp slurp. I dunno. :\
Ciao. Au revoir. Namaste. Wagera wagera. :\
So yeah, I was getting bored at school, on Friday. There were only two of us, the third one was giving an exam (sigh, call it a re-exam or whatever) and the fourth one was absent. The fifth, sixth and seventh ones were absent too, oh. :|
So, anyway, it was just the two of us and we were tryna not get bored by playing a memory game. BORING. Except that we were playing a memory game in which we could name all TV celebrities. Nice. We were progressing pretty normally, and then, I suddenly remembered Ashutosh (From Big Boss, and Roadies!!), and I was like, ooh, ashutosh!
So this was the convo that followed.
Me: ….., kusum (ugh), kumud.. and.. my turn, right? Okay, Diana. NO! Ooooh. Ashutosh! :] :]
Her: UGH! I hate him.
I wonder why she hates him! :o
So anyway.
Me: WHAT? C’monn! Whyy?
Her: he used to work in a dhaba. EEEEWWW.
Me: OMIGAWD don’t say THAT! Hes, like, THE best! Sense of humour and all. :]
Her: Still. Hes a dhabewaala.
Me: who rose to fame by working hard (kinda)
Her: I don’t like his way of talking.. :|
Me: LOL and he makes me laugh like hell. I think hes pretty courageous too!
Her: UGH. I don’t like him.
Me: I love him *starry eyed* XD
Heh. So anyway, what wrong with ashu being a dhabewaala? I think that’s pretty awesome. B-)
And I LUUURVE dhaabe ka khaana. Mmm. <3 <3 But, okay. Who DOESNT?
So I was searching for a present for my friend and I was completely stumped cos I wanst able to find one and I was like, hell NOW what do I Do? :|
Eee. Help, anybody! :\
Oh, but that reminds me. I went to watch Rock On yesterday. Had breakfast and lunch at McD. =D
Life savers they are! =D
Heh. SO well, the movie was AWESOME. :]
And then my great mood and joy went downhill in the evening. But then I went to get a 1 gb card for my phone. Yay. :]
And then I watched Big Boss, it was kinda broing. Hey, I’d like it if Diana and Ashutosh became great great friends. Yay.
So anyway, I wanna go eat my pasta now. HA! Chomp chomp. No, just slurp slurp. I dunno. :\
Ciao. Au revoir. Namaste. Wagera wagera. :\
September 20, 2008
Nail Paint.
0 Random Retorts
So, I dunno why the hell, but I have this sudden thing for nail paint. And its not like I spend a lot on nail paint. I just have like, 3 colours, that’s it. I have Red, Rose Wine, this other shade of red, the transparent one, then this one glittery one, then this one other glittery one. Okay, I don’t know math. No arguing on that
So anyway, I just finished applying this coat of the rose wine thigy. It’s basically a shiny type of pink colour. I really like it but it doesn’t go with my skin colour. That’s sad, but its okay nevertheless.
Now basically, my room isn’t soundproof and it isn’t like I live alone AND my mum sleeps right in the room outside. I mean, the rooms are interconnected, yes? Yes. So anyway, whenever mum hears me typing and all, she goes all crazy and she gets really tensed and suddenly, she’ll be like, “[insert my name], are u working on the internet? Are you chatting?” and I’ll be like, “NO mom, I’m NOT on the internet, I’m NOT orkutting, facebooking or chatting. I’m just tying some stuff. “
You know, my mum gets this fixation thingy cos of reading newspapers in which journalists who have no lives of their own bitch about how bad the internet is and about how HONESTLY bad social networking sites are and about how that poor Arushi kid was influenced by Orkut and by SMSing and all. Bullshit.
Well, I’m not the kind of person that;d go on swearing bouts, but I HAVE to confess, I DO swear at people in my mind. Nowadays. I think its cos of all the influence. You cant listen to someone saying fuck or chootiya or chod again and again and not get used to the word so much that you want to use it in certain situations. I mean, yeah.
So, this really great friend is going out with another really great friend. Lifes gone a bit haywire cos of that. This is cos, well.. since both of them are MY great friends, they’re confused, whether or not they should temme stuff they don’t like about the other person cos they believe that I’ma tell the other person, which is basically not true, but who gets the point?
So anyways, I’m not really bothered. I mean, I cant make a person want to tell me something he/she doesn’t want to. Haina?
Theres this one guy at school. I think hes the biggest male whore and was the worst thing that happened to earth since chin-clefts. Honest. Chin-clefts SUCK! Incase you don’t know what I’m taking about, try picturing this: a face-ass/face-butt. Makes sense, yes? Well. That weird butt like thing you have on yer chin. No, not YOU. Certain people. Like Diana Hayden or Preity Zinta or Aishwarya Rai or people like that. Yeah, basically, those things suck. But going back to the topic, hes the biggest male whore, I firmly believe so. End of the topic. Good night. Shabba Khair. Whatever that means. :/
So anyway, I just finished applying this coat of the rose wine thigy. It’s basically a shiny type of pink colour. I really like it but it doesn’t go with my skin colour. That’s sad, but its okay nevertheless.
Now basically, my room isn’t soundproof and it isn’t like I live alone AND my mum sleeps right in the room outside. I mean, the rooms are interconnected, yes? Yes. So anyway, whenever mum hears me typing and all, she goes all crazy and she gets really tensed and suddenly, she’ll be like, “[insert my name], are u working on the internet? Are you chatting?” and I’ll be like, “NO mom, I’m NOT on the internet, I’m NOT orkutting, facebooking or chatting. I’m just tying some stuff. “
You know, my mum gets this fixation thingy cos of reading newspapers in which journalists who have no lives of their own bitch about how bad the internet is and about how HONESTLY bad social networking sites are and about how that poor Arushi kid was influenced by Orkut and by SMSing and all. Bullshit.
Well, I’m not the kind of person that;d go on swearing bouts, but I HAVE to confess, I DO swear at people in my mind. Nowadays. I think its cos of all the influence. You cant listen to someone saying fuck or chootiya or chod again and again and not get used to the word so much that you want to use it in certain situations. I mean, yeah.
So, this really great friend is going out with another really great friend. Lifes gone a bit haywire cos of that. This is cos, well.. since both of them are MY great friends, they’re confused, whether or not they should temme stuff they don’t like about the other person cos they believe that I’ma tell the other person, which is basically not true, but who gets the point?
So anyways, I’m not really bothered. I mean, I cant make a person want to tell me something he/she doesn’t want to. Haina?
Theres this one guy at school. I think hes the biggest male whore and was the worst thing that happened to earth since chin-clefts. Honest. Chin-clefts SUCK! Incase you don’t know what I’m taking about, try picturing this: a face-ass/face-butt. Makes sense, yes? Well. That weird butt like thing you have on yer chin. No, not YOU. Certain people. Like Diana Hayden or Preity Zinta or Aishwarya Rai or people like that. Yeah, basically, those things suck. But going back to the topic, hes the biggest male whore, I firmly believe so. End of the topic. Good night. Shabba Khair. Whatever that means. :/
September 16, 2008
7 Random Retorts
Note: Hero asked me to write a blog post on him, so I’m being nice. Plus, an exam the next day REALLY improves the situation. Honest.
So, Hero is this guy that was born Indian, in some southern state, I think Andhra Pradesh. I mean, hes a Hyderabadi. And he moved to Houston for higher studies, I think. I remember cos I remember having told him how much flights exhaust me. Just two and a half hours, from Chennai to Delhi and there you go. I wanna go to sleep for the next two days. Plus, its REALLY boring. And he was like, from Hyderabad to Houston.. The flight is for 23 hours and I was OMIGAWD a whole DAY!? And he was like yeah, it was a very memorable experience for me and stuff, which doesn’t really interest me. I mean, I like train rides a LOT more.. you get to have SO much more fun! OfCOURSE planes save a lot of time and I do travel by planes, like, whenever I do, but then in trains, you get to eat so many different things and theres this chai wala that’ll knock on the door of the, erm, berth? Yeah, and, well, stuff. I like those Chair Class Compartment thingies, too. The windows, the long ones like those in Rajdhani Express, have this yellow tinge to them. IT’s really cute. But then the AC Vent is right overhead. And OH! They serve Tea in Dora the Explorer cups, which is REALLY adorable. I’ll put up a picture of a Dora the Explorer cup that I got when I went to Madurai by the Chairclass thingy.
So, going back to the topic. Hero. Hey, just in case you get confused, he’s Hero, not A Hero. =D
Hmm, so this Hero guy knows a LOT about sports. And hes pretty brainy too, but he Can act like a total pervert if he wants to. AND he likes taking pictures of chicks in bikinis. (SO uncool, d’uh!).. and if I tell him THAT, he’ll be like, u r jealous.
Which kills me, btw. ROFL! =D
He also called me a Busy Bug and NOT a Busy Bee.
Are there female bugs too? I never knew. Hey, a bee’s hubby is a drone or a drake or a what? I remember having written THAT wrong in some exam in 6th grade and I STILL don’t remember what the hell a bee’s hubby is called. :|
And you guys must be familiar with Y! Pool? It’s one of those online games. I’ve never played Pool in real life so I have NO idea as to how it is played. Umm, I used to lose pretty bad to Hero. He used to beat me EVERYTIME, PLUS he used to work on a LAPTOP (HEY! I cant use a laptop without hurting MY thumb/finger!) A\and and AND, he used to talk on the phone. Aparently, the phones free after 9 pm or something. Haha. I wish it were like that here too. Hmm.
So during my PreBoards, I joined this one community (by mistake) called This Is a Community. But then, I became an active member and all, even though I Wasn’t able to come online a LOT cos my mum wouldn’t let me (My boards were nearing. ERGH.) And hey, that’s where I met Hero. :]
And a lot more people, but I’m not writing about them cos they didn’t ask me to. =D
Hey, I jus reread my post and the Chair Class thingy reminds me of this FRENCH couple that was travelling with us. They were like, talking RAPIDEMENT in French and my mum was like, go, go talk to them and all and I was like no way, why should I be a chape (it’s a hindi word and I CANT think of The perfect meaning for it)
Hmm, so well. HERO (aw hell I keep deviating from the topic, don’t I? =D)..
So Hero likes to check out the profiles of people who’re cute and all. I remember, he used to hit on this one bandi and she used to completely pwn him and he would still keep hitting on her. Haha. AND heros a terrific programmer AND everyone used to think that he was 23 or something until I asked him what his age was and he was like [censored]. I was like, OMIGAAAWD yer just [censored] years elder to me?!?!? :O
Stuff. Haha. I still cant believe that Hero is JUST [censored] years old. LOL. If you talk to him, you’d prolly think he;s some jerk whos done it a bit too much or something. Yes, I’m kidding. And no, I’m not telling the truth. Sigh.
And he gets bored pretty easily. I think he was learning Portuguese. AND he hates his boss. Aw. Go to Yeah. =D
Well, no matter what, hero rocks. LOL, and I made this -- HeRo(cks)! =D
YAYYY! =D Its COMPLETELY perfect, isn’t it??! :]
~ And I’m a tamil ponnu. Don’t call me something weird in telgu.
Like you always do. XD
psst..this is the THIRD time I'm editing this post for putting in proper line breaks! ARGH!
Note: Hero asked me to write a blog post on him, so I’m being nice. Plus, an exam the next day REALLY improves the situation. Honest.
So, Hero is this guy that was born Indian, in some southern state, I think Andhra Pradesh. I mean, hes a Hyderabadi. And he moved to Houston for higher studies, I think. I remember cos I remember having told him how much flights exhaust me. Just two and a half hours, from Chennai to Delhi and there you go. I wanna go to sleep for the next two days. Plus, its REALLY boring. And he was like, from Hyderabad to Houston.. The flight is for 23 hours and I was OMIGAWD a whole DAY!? And he was like yeah, it was a very memorable experience for me and stuff, which doesn’t really interest me. I mean, I like train rides a LOT more.. you get to have SO much more fun! OfCOURSE planes save a lot of time and I do travel by planes, like, whenever I do, but then in trains, you get to eat so many different things and theres this chai wala that’ll knock on the door of the, erm, berth? Yeah, and, well, stuff. I like those Chair Class Compartment thingies, too. The windows, the long ones like those in Rajdhani Express, have this yellow tinge to them. IT’s really cute. But then the AC Vent is right overhead. And OH! They serve Tea in Dora the Explorer cups, which is REALLY adorable. I’ll put up a picture of a Dora the Explorer cup that I got when I went to Madurai by the Chairclass thingy.
So, going back to the topic. Hero. Hey, just in case you get confused, he’s Hero, not A Hero. =D
Hmm, so this Hero guy knows a LOT about sports. And hes pretty brainy too, but he Can act like a total pervert if he wants to. AND he likes taking pictures of chicks in bikinis. (SO uncool, d’uh!).. and if I tell him THAT, he’ll be like, u r jealous.
Which kills me, btw. ROFL! =D
He also called me a Busy Bug and NOT a Busy Bee.
Are there female bugs too? I never knew. Hey, a bee’s hubby is a drone or a drake or a what? I remember having written THAT wrong in some exam in 6th grade and I STILL don’t remember what the hell a bee’s hubby is called. :|
And you guys must be familiar with Y! Pool? It’s one of those online games. I’ve never played Pool in real life so I have NO idea as to how it is played. Umm, I used to lose pretty bad to Hero. He used to beat me EVERYTIME, PLUS he used to work on a LAPTOP (HEY! I cant use a laptop without hurting MY thumb/finger!) A\and and AND, he used to talk on the phone. Aparently, the phones free after 9 pm or something. Haha. I wish it were like that here too. Hmm.
So during my PreBoards, I joined this one community (by mistake) called This Is a Community. But then, I became an active member and all, even though I Wasn’t able to come online a LOT cos my mum wouldn’t let me (My boards were nearing. ERGH.) And hey, that’s where I met Hero. :]
And a lot more people, but I’m not writing about them cos they didn’t ask me to. =D
Hey, I jus reread my post and the Chair Class thingy reminds me of this FRENCH couple that was travelling with us. They were like, talking RAPIDEMENT in French and my mum was like, go, go talk to them and all and I was like no way, why should I be a chape (it’s a hindi word and I CANT think of The perfect meaning for it)
Hmm, so well. HERO (aw hell I keep deviating from the topic, don’t I? =D)..
So Hero likes to check out the profiles of people who’re cute and all. I remember, he used to hit on this one bandi and she used to completely pwn him and he would still keep hitting on her. Haha. AND heros a terrific programmer AND everyone used to think that he was 23 or something until I asked him what his age was and he was like [censored]. I was like, OMIGAAAWD yer just [censored] years elder to me?!?!? :O
Stuff. Haha. I still cant believe that Hero is JUST [censored] years old. LOL. If you talk to him, you’d prolly think he;s some jerk whos done it a bit too much or something. Yes, I’m kidding. And no, I’m not telling the truth. Sigh.
And he gets bored pretty easily. I think he was learning Portuguese. AND he hates his boss. Aw. Go to Yeah. =D
Well, no matter what, hero rocks. LOL, and I made this -- HeRo(cks)! =D
YAYYY! =D Its COMPLETELY perfect, isn’t it??! :]
~ And I’m a tamil ponnu. Don’t call me something weird in telgu.
Like you always do. XD
psst..this is the THIRD time I'm editing this post for putting in proper line breaks! ARGH!
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