December 03, 2008

And, so. I hate..

If you like five or more things mentioned below, then get the hell outta this page and set yourself on fire. And if u don't do that, I'll make sure I track you down and stab you. With those hate circles and all, okay? Okay.

So, yeah.

I hate..

Studying. Coffee. Times now (the news channel). MetroNow (the newspaper). That one guy. And this other one. Cold creams (they’re indispensible.. and THAT is why I hate ‘em so much!). Weird Bollywood movies, especially the ones copied from foreign ones. Politics. Cats (I’m sorry, meow). Meow FM. Britney Spears. Some other singers like her. Death metal. TERRORISTS. Punk rock, and stuff of that sort. Customer Care people. Silence. Dictionaries. Actually, having to look up stuff. Smelly people. People that aren’t grammatically correct, like, all the time. People who think they own the world. Abusing unnecessarily. Responsibilty. Sluts/whores. Mousquitoes (damn ‘em all!). The colour grey. And navy blue (it looks ok on uniforms ONLY, though). Bright yellow. Flip flops (cos I’m not used to them). Pretty people (I’m envious of them, sigh). Being too girly. Pseudo-optimism. Waking up early. Not being able to write PROPERLY. My Indian accent. That popular group in my class (they’re so darned fake. No, really). That other girl who thinks she owns the world. My handwriting. Those earrings my brother bought me a few months ago. Clothes that don’t fit me anymore. Analyzing situations. That teacher.. I’m happy she never taught me ^_^. Being fat. Having to wear spectacles. Being dark. Having that extra ‘h’ in my name. Bush? Non vegetarians cos they eat innocent animals that are killed mercilessly by bastards, and machines. Bitter-gourd. Making spelling mistakes. Making grammatical errors :. Emo stuff. People who’re TOO loud. People that tend to make an issue out of every little thing. Being short. Reading stuff that don’t have the appropriate vowels and stuff, AND too many punctuation marks.. like this:
“cooooooooool!!!!! i’d lov 2 go 4 tht cmptition! whn r u cmin???????????!!!!!????”

I have a cousin who types like THIS:
“ hieeeeeeeeeeeeee…!!!! wen d u cm online, huh???? i wanna tok! kkkkkk? “
I never replied, btw. It pissed me of too much.

So, continuing.

People who think smoking/doing drugs is COOL (for hells sake, grow UP!). Hypocrites. Over sensitive people. Vilasrao Deshmukh. Jokes that don’t make me laugh. A few self-improvement books. Pointless noob videos on youtube. Shilpa Shetty’s evil eyebrow(s). Bollywood movie songs (except a few). Being sleepy (But I DO love to sleep). Being contradicted. Not getting enough comments (retorts, ie). Not being in a relationship (see, that’s what happens when you live in an UBER-pseudo-cool society). Creepy crawly animals. Injections. Doctors.

I also hate ending this post, but I have to cos I need to polish my shoes, do that bit of homework and prepare for tomorrow.

~I hope you have a Nothing-to-hate-*finally* day tomorrow. HeartTea and you’ll be better off! =D

0 Random Retorts: