October 05, 2008

Who cares?

That’s TEH one phrase I keep saying all the time. It’s like.. “do you want some juice?” and I’ll be like, “Yeah sure, who cares?”

See. I know it sounds VERY retarded, but I Cant help it. IT just comes outta my mouth. I used to say “whatever” RIGHT after K3G released. Heh. Remember, Kareena and her whatevers? =D

Not just when it comes to, well, food. ANYTHING. Like, “have you don’t the homework?” and I’ll be like, “nope. Who cares?”

My friend commented on this “who cares” thingy once. We were talking about my other friends crush and about how HE has a gf and.. it’s a long story. But then, I was lie, “he has a gf, he doesn’t have a gf. Who cares?” and my friend was like “[insert the other friends name] cares!! She wants you to find out!” and I’ll be like, “yawm, who cares?”

Well, okay, no more ‘who cares’ examples, but, like, I’ll go sleep now. Who cares? xD

2 Random Retorts:

praddy said...

who cares eh? pathetic!!
if u wanna pick up some phrases which could fit in anywhere you should probably opt for
"seriously?" or "seriously!" :P
who cares has been cliche'd by people like you
So think of a new phrase urself :P

Anonymous said...

“[insert the other friends name] cares!! She wants you to find out!”


hate the W.E.