September 04, 2008

Amreeka. And American accents.

Gulp. Why am I so sleepy right now?

Oh forget it. Being unwell just addles my brain. Wait, is that word right?
Hmm. That reminds me. Some people are SUCH despos. Honestly.. sigh. There’s this bandi at tuition who’ll go like.. “heyyyy babyyyyy” everytime u say hey hey to her, I mean like, DUH! She talks with SUCH a fake American accent. It makes me wanna laugh. I mean, HEY! It takes hell loads of control to NOT laugh. Believe you me, you’ll probably want to record her .. err, sentences and upload it on the internet - I wanted to. But, er, well. Don’t ask.
LOL.. she thinks she’s the owner of the universe. Now, I’m not really concerned, cos I know she isn’t, anyways.

Psst.. u know what? A few years back, I’d have been like.. “owner’ESS’ of the universe”
Yes people I was never good at languages. :]

You know, if you ever saw that one episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, where Monica and Phoebe have some weirdo friend who went away to England and now she has this HUGE British accent and that’s why they don’t like talking to her.
Well, the only difference here is, that the bandi may not have WATCHED English movies, let alone have lived in Amreeka. XD

You know, Amreeka reminds me of Australia and.. that reminds me of 8th grade. We had this guy called Sameer. He was a NRI.. and he’d been born and brought up in Aus. Aussie, he was! Didn’t know a WORD in Hindi, whoa! He spoke with SUCH an accent. But the guy had THE bestest handwriting ever. I mean, he wrote like one of those professional artists, u know, all curly curly, like in those Cursive Handwriting books? =D
Well, the kids made fun of him. A lot. But not TOO much, ya know, where the kid gets scared and doesn’t come to school at all. They minded him pretty well. Ab, Australia (read: amreeka) se hoga to mind karenge hi na?
So this guy had a nose like a HAWK. Yeah, totally. I used to wonder why MY nose was like a potato. I mean, anything except a potato! Well, I’m HUMAN! I’ll OBVIOIUSLY be envious of things, people, and, er, noses. :/

So.. hmm. I was suddenly reminded of him. The guy wrote his own 2-page autobiography. (Heh, 2 page).. I wrote an autobiography of a dog. NO! Not mine. I sed a dog. As in, the animal. Well, either ways, we never talked to each other. I was just a shy little fat kid. And he was.. err, goonga, I think. I don’t think I heard his voice, except when he had to speak in the morning assembly. Yeah.
Well, that’s it. I told you right in the beginning, didn’t I? These fevers addle my brain.

~ Need to go polish my shoes now. Help, anyone? :]

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