September 29, 2008

Stuff, and movies AND friends and projects.. get the point - I just give lame titles

I stepped on a gooey-amoeba-like thing today. Which is like the eew-est thing ever. Ew.

I was like, walking (sigh) towards the fridge, and it was like, totally dark and I stepped on something and I jumped up (so high that I'd have prolly touched the ceiling had I been a LOT more tall), and then I scrambled over to one side and quickly switched on the lights. WHOA! And there it was.. an alien-ish creature. It was like stepping on a banana peel, no, really. And yes, I HAVE stepped on a banana peel, just so you know that I don’t compare two things just like that.
And well, I took out a bottle of water as I had originally intended to, and ran back as soon as I could, which was totally not expected.

Which reminds me, we have something called the ACE Day tomorrow. ACE stands for Accountancy-Commerce-Economics. I’ll tell you what we’re doing tomorrow. Heres, like, a synopsis (is that even a WORD?):
Right after break-time (around 11 45 am): We have a poster making competition on CONSUMER AWARENESS (ugh)
After an hour (around 12 45 pm): We go for this Symposium. Our topic is something related to credit cards, about how people misuse them SO easily.
[Whenever the symposium gets over]: We go back to class exhausted thinking about how SO worse it COULDN’T have been.

Btw, I made the ppt (Power Point Presentation, dimwit! :|)
And oh, the ppt makes me think about HOW much fun I had today!! I’d gone over to a friends house today to, like, show her the presentation and change anything. Turns out ki the WHOLE thing was wrong, cos I didn’t even know what the hell the topic ACTUALLY was.

Nevertheless, everyone was pretty okay with it. And then we played Blind-Man (aankh mei choli, yes), or whatever its called in English and we had SUCH a great time. There were 5 of us, and the guy who was playing the blind guy, I mean, my friend, he almost tripped. It KILLED all of us. We were laughing like hyenas, literally. Yeah, figuratively, whatever. And then, later, this other person n me were stuck in a position where one of us WOULD be caught no matter what. So HE was pushing me and I was pushing him but he got caught in the end cos I kept punching him in the stomach .. heh. everyone was throwing pillows on one another and all and it was so damned funny! AND before I knew it, it was time for me to go. And this other friend too. So we said our bbyes and stuff and left. HE then caught me an auto and we sed our bbyes too and went home. I didn’t go home, though.. I went to ANOTHER friends house (my best friend).. and it was like, 8 30 pm. And my friend had been like, if you’ve come to HER house, u can come to mine TOO, its just 10 mins away, and I couldn’t even say no :[)
So I stayed there for hardly 15 minutes, cos I realized how totally weird it was to go to a friends house jlt without any reason at 8 30 in the night! So I said my bbye there TOO and I left for home. Except that I couldn’t find a stupid Auto. I searched and searched and searched and I finally found one (at 9 05-ish) and FINALLY reached home at around 9 30 or maybe 9 35 :\
And hey, mum wasn’t pissed! Woohoo! =D

So I had my dinner and then went to work on the ppt. Except that I didn’t add the custom animation thingy; I was too busy watching Bachna Hasino (HEY! That’s what was written; I double-checked, which is a PRETTY cute movie. Yeah. I loved it. Infact, I liked it so much that I gave up watching BigBoss for it. Altho, yes, I didn’t know what the movie would be like (I started wtahcing it at 10)

~ Well, I could write a LOT more, but uh oh, Ive got school tomorrow, I need to pack my bag and polish my shoes. I know that its gonna be a hectic day tomorrow. Ciao

0 Random Retorts: