September 29, 2008

That one guy called Keyvan Sadigh.. heh.

So, like, on Friday, September 26, this one guy called Keyvan Sadigh came to my school to speak on “Volunteerism”.
But hey, I really liked the guy and the PURPOSE of his visit, so I’m going to be really respectful and call him Mr. Sadigh. =)

Well, before we proceed.. I’d like to say a word or two (or maybe a lot more) about Mr. Sadigh’s physical features (and some other attributes too)…
He was tall. AND he had a goatee (or was it a French beard?), and he was wearing this white t-shirt. His bag was probably the only thing I’ve wanted my entire life, but anyways, I’ll go backpack-shopping soon enough, no worries. Yeah, his bag was REALLY nice. Or is it called a backpack? And heh, I think he was wearing black jeans with it.. or maybe black pants or something. Navy blue.. some dark kind, THAT I know. Well, he was REALLY friendly, and he has a Really nice smile. Heh. INFACT, he looks like a relative of this one classmate (she’s got a REALLY fair face and red, no, pink cheeks too).

Hmm, so basically, the purpose of his visit was to, well, enlighten us? About volunteerism, and about this new programme called TEACHFORINDIA. About how our country needs great teachers who can make a difference in these children’s lives and all. I mean, to tell the truth, I don’t think I actually GOT what he was trying to convey. But well, atleast I was motivated. I’ll get back to, erm, you (the reader, yes?) later about that.
And he had a strong American accent AND hes a GREAT orator. He works at Google (I MUST say.. WOW!). And hey, Mister Google (is there even one?), I mean mister CEO guy or whoever (no, I don’t read newspapers).. yer employee compared Google to an Amusement Park. Isn’t that just AMAZINGLY sweet? I mean, I haven’t seen anyone SO much happy and satisfied with their work. Hats off to you, Mr. Sadigh, and Google probably ROCKS so, well, I’m sad that I didn’t take up science (TILL now xD)
So okay, his speech was about this one programme he’d worked for before joining google…
Umm, u see.. the TOP students from some of the BEST universities.. like Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Radcliffe, etc.. were called upon to be a part of a programme called TEACHFORAMERICA (Teach For America), for 2 years. Now, these students, (graduates, actually) were supposed to spend two years teaching full time at some of the schools (public) in the poorest districts of the state. I mean, whichever state. I think he said Philadelphia, but I have no idea, to tell the truth. OR California, maybe? Jeez. Whats the difference? Which ones a city and which ones a state? :\
So anyways, the kids there were basically African-American, Caucasian, Mexican (erm, whats the term?), etc. And these college-students, they were supposed to stick around and NOT walk out just cos the kids swore at the teacher or maybe threw, like, rotten tomatoes at him/her.
Well, he gave a speech on whatever I mentioned above.. and he compared his privileged lifestyle to that of the poor kids, who have More on their minds than getting good grades, etc.
But okay, lets face his.. his speech was REALLY good. But the response was not as good. I myself was unable to ask any questions, but then I don’t really interact in a large gathering, I guess.
Uhmm.. well, his speech definitely motivated me, as I’d mentioned sometime ago. Can I tell u guys ago it later? Like, I gotta go now. Its bed-time. =D :]

~Nighty night. I’m sleepy as hell. *yawn yawn*

6 Random Retorts:

Unknown said...

I'm Keyvan's roommate (do you guys say "flatmate"). He's a really awesome guy, and I'm really glad that you were inspired by his speech! BTW, California is a state and Philadelphia is a city :0)

cat said...

I work with Keyvan and his volunteerism is such an inspiration! I hope everyone is inspired to volunteer too.

Ghan said...

I work with Keyvan, too. He is pretty awesome and Teach for India may be equally as awesome. Anyone who wants to give India's impoverished children a chance to succeed should think about this program:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for these very kind words. I want to thank you for your great enthusiasm for the Teach for India program. Your response has convinced me that students like you will make this program a huge success, despite the unique challenges that India presents. You can also find some of my photos here:

Please keep in touch via email- you can reach me at I look forward to hearing about all your successes.


Sleepy Wabbit said...

All I can say is.. WOW! I dont really check my comments and all, but hey, thanks for commenting! I couldnt have thought, even in my WILDEST dreams, that people who actually KNOW him would be commenting! And he himself. LOL this is pretty unbelievable! =D

@Ghan, Cat and I'm Changing: Yeah! I guess so too. He might be the awesome-est person I've ever seen. The pink cheeks count. =)

Sleepy Wabbit said...

@I'm changing : flatmate, roomate, well, I guess its the former, but roomate can still be used and IS used. =D

Oh, and about the California and Philadelphia thingy, oops. Geography wasn't one of my strongest points =D

I'm glad you guys commented. And, I'm still inspired by him. Teaching is tough but the kids are such nice-hearts. =)