September 22, 2008

Dee-duck. Happy Bday. :)

I’m writing this JUST cos Deepak asked me to give him a blog post as a present. Ofcourse, an actual present would have been stupid.

So I’m going to make this post short because I suddenly have a feeling that writing posts about epals isn’t exactly what I’d like to read, myself. It’s pretty boring. Still, a promise is a promise so yeah.

Deepak is a guy. Pretty obvious. AND he isn’t gay. Yeah. And he has quite a few THICK friends (LOL). And apparently, mallu people have this thing for saying chumma (me, to me: Shame on you, [insert my name here]! You DO know what ‘chumma’ means in tamil. Same in malayalam).. and they keep saying that frequently to him. Which makews us think that hes gay, but no, hes just likes to horse around and stuff.

And he lives in tvm and is one of the corniest (and horniest, err) bastards I’ve met – ever. Hes got a face like a cucumber with a face arse, although I shouldn’t be making fun of it (fun? Huh? Who?) cos I think I have one meself. That sucks. Yeah. Still, I think hes pretty cute (and tall). Heh.

Oh and hes just 19. JUST. OMIGAWD the age thingy is JUST like hero’s. Aww. :]

Well he CAN be quite irritating at times. He likes corny weird adult jokes AND he can cook. Yeah. He even knows French. Aw. And hes ICSE educated, so I’m, like, REALLY jealous of him.

And he likes hindi songs. He googles the names and gets the lyrics. (get the point? Since he doesn’t know hindi, like ACTUALLY, so he has to read the lyrics first. HAH.) So after he gets the lyrics, he likes typing them out and scrapping it to people or posting it in communities. Its pretty nice. :]

And hes got an awesome sis who’ll pay his phone bill. Isnt that just AWESOME?!

Well, that’s all I can recall about him, right now. So anyway, Happy B’day, Deepak!
Oh this Unholy day, I’d like to vow that I’ll never again even think of writing blog posts about e-pals. Promise. And a promise is a promise. Okay? Okay.

Great. Have a nice nice day. =)

psst. GAH! I had to edit this! I cant believe I mentioned my name in the first one! ARGH. :\
I dont like clicking on 'edit'. Sucks. :|

2 Random Retorts:

Deepak said...

i don't have face-arse :|

Deepak said...

i didn't hate it though :'(